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Everything posted by FiZBaN

  1. Im surprised how much im enjoying this game. The last pokemon game ive played was Blue before this and that was when i was in 5 or 6th grade.Now as an adult its sad to see how addicting these little guys still are. Atm im leveling some of my lower level pokemon on victory road. Being the poke'noob that i am. Im assuming i wont be able to get a squirtle or charmander (Nastaligic purposes) without picking up leaf green or fire red?
  2. i love the high quality mp3's, much easier on the ears....
  3. Hopefully Maze does more Turtle Remixes in the Future........preferably from TMNT 2.....this definitly rocks....
  4. i gotta couple requests Lettherebelight by AmiEvil or Master of Flame by Evilhorde
  5. if you are taken requests if you could play Beej-Zelda 3 Fragments of Gold that would be swell...
  6. i wasnt a big fan of the original song, but this remix is very original and something i wouldnt expect for a ff song....gives me a whole new odd perspective when i play the game now lol
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