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Everything posted by Bren

  1. The coolest sidekick has to be Biospark(ninja). Or, if we are somehow incorporating him in the story, put Meta Knight in there. I have a suggestion. How about a different sidekick for each page? Maybe instead of having a bunch of mini Kirbys on the left of the screen, it could just be the one big Kirby, and mini sidekicks as link buttons, and when you click a link, the corresponding sidekick takes the top right corner. As for the main page, there could be a first sidekick picture and an added "Main" link with that sidekick.
  2. Will one of the pages have a picture of Kirby defeating Marx? If so, which ability do you plan on having Kirby defeat him? Im thinking perhaps something heroic, like Sword, Beam (charged), or Figher (projectile kick). Or maybe he gathers all the strength he can and unleases a Crash attack, finishing Marx off.
  3. I figured out how to download your song. I had to go to your website then paste the link you posted here. I thought the beginning, though stretched out a bit, was pretty cool. When it gets to the music though, I think it needs some huge rising action going on there. Maybe after that initial phrase repeats twice, replace the electronic chords with something more dramatic (such as an orchestral hit as used in the ost) By the way, for this project you might want to find a different host for the time being, because 2kb/sec will take nearly a half hour to download a full length mix (conidering it took 8 minutes to download this 1:22 version) I would suggest soundclick for now, for temporary hosting.
  4. The link isnt working. Do you have an alternate webspace to upload to?
  5. I could be wrong, but I dont think it was intended for the cover of the movie; rather, a poster or the back of a dvd cover. Am I right?
  6. Oh wow, Im sorry. I was thinking of the overworld theme.
  7. I never said that. I said it sounded too far from the original, but that's just what I think. It's really Arek's call.
  8. Yes, I was working on Death Egg and had a Boss 1 wip that I showed to Snappleman at some point in time. I was kind of disappointed when I found out that my time working on boss 1 was for nothing, then I found out some stuff that made me want to drop from the project, because I didnt think I could make the cut with what I put forward for a Death Egg mix. Hey, I love doing music; Its my hobby. I Just wont be a part of this any longer, but Im still rooting for you guys working on it.
  9. It needs to match this: (style wise) Also, the original is very ambiguous in your mix. Im not saying its bad (because it certainly isnt), but I can barely hear the original in it.
  10. I love the flavor text for Chef Kawasaki edit: actually, Parasol, Fatty Whale and Rocky are even better
  11. Hurray for that \o/ Aye 2nded
  12. Dont worry KWarp, as I said, this is an early WIP mainly covering the foundation of the song. Ill be working on eq and such, and varying the parts to make it more interesting once I finish the song's first cycle.
  13. To me, the chords sound fine until 0:57, where it gets a little jumbled. Maybe the reason they dont sound 'right' is because the song wants something new, something different than the guitar playing the harmony for part 2. Since you have a violen playing the melody, maybe the flute could play the harmony for part 2 *shrug* who knows it might actually work. Experiment and see what you like most. By the way, I really like the way you decided to take yours, it reminds me of green greens when I listen to it.
  14. Here's an early version of my WIP. Battle With Marx (version 1) It took me forever to get the bass right
  15. Ah, Giant Baby Bowser...it wont be anything like that actually. Im probably going to do more of a dramatic symphonic/electronia hybrid, but not quite as dark at that song.
  16. In my opinion, if you can keep the quality of work you have in the second two, you would be a great addition to the team... there are a lot of pictures to draw (I think) so Im sure there are quite a bunch of positions. Anywho, on a site note, the ost for Marx is in some crazy time signature which I cant easily recognize, so Im going to bend it a bit and change it to 3/4 time.
  17. AHA...that makes things much simpler. Good thing I mentioned this now
  18. Hmm...Marx theme in children's style is a bit tough. Im brainstorming and experimenting for the time being. Any suggestions would be superb.
  19. Just letting you know, Im dropping from the project. I just dont have any motivation to continue anymore... if anyone is interested, this was my wip: Link And just for the record, at least 3 people were doing a wip for boss 1, including myself, DJ Notte (I think thats who it was) and Blue Magic.
  20. And guess what, nobody took the offer but him. And I'm so into his track right now that I put faith in him and closed it. *shrug* your call. I was just rather confused about the whole free track scenerio and thought it would be a competition between all people who made a mix for it.
  21. I REALLY like the first colored pencil drawing. That style would be very cool for some pictures involving the star system.
  22. Not that I have anything against Rellik...but since when did boss 1 become closed? I thought it was a free track open to anyone who wanted to mix it...
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