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Posts posted by Ajax

  1. I love this thread. One of my earliest posts dates back to 2003, and that was on page 113. Unless I'm mistaken, this is the oldest surviving thread on OCR.


    The super-secret end boss of Cave Story was unbelievably hard, both to fight, and to get to. Not so hard anymore now that I have beat the game multiple times, but still quite difficult.

  2. I think HoN actually has Deathmatch mode. I wouldn't mind trying it sometime.

    HoN only appears to have a Deathmatch mode, it actually isn't implemented yet, and defaults to normal mode if you try to select it.

    If only S2 would realize that one of the best modes is not available and put more priority on implementing it.

  3. Who's up for an in-house DotA Allstars night?

    Yay, then we could play DM! DM is the only thing that gets me pining after DotA.

    Heck, I think I could even dust off my install of Ghost++ without too much effort.

    Of course, I haven't played much DotA since 6.64, so I'm unfamiliar with the new heroes and items.

  4. Wow, this is really good. I really like what you did with the source. It does nothing particularly fancy with the arrangement, which is fine, because the production values are top-notch. I'd say it's actually a marked improvement over the source.

    I don't see any problems with submitting it.

  5. I agree that they went overboard on Zephyr, also, I disapprove of what they did with Chronos, too much buff, not enough nerf if you ask me.

    The biggest pros about Zephyr's ult over Tempest's is that it is unattended, and lasts forever.

    One of these days there will be a patch that doesn't have me immediately hoping for another patch, bwah hah hah.

  6. I'll put in another vote for Super Castlevania IV, as it usually goes for cheap (I'm remember there being a copy at a local retro games store that $5)

    Super Metroid is amazing (~$20, I love this game more sooo much). Because the physics of the game are just spot-on, the exploration element is fantastic, and the re-playability is through the roof.

    Also 7th Saga is really fun (if mind-numbingly difficult), but I don't think I'll be able to play it for another few years because the SRAM battery died on me after I had gotten ~75-80% through the game, and something inside me just died. Also, fun fact, the Japanese version was considerably easier than its north American counterpart (when you fight any of the other 6 characters, they have the same stat-curve as if you had chosen to play them instead always being considerably more powerful than you)

    Kirby Super Star is amazing, (my favorite Kirby game of all time really)

    Legend of Zelda: a Link to the Past is a no brainer (... get it)

    I also heartily recommend Lufia II, because its difficulty curve is med-hard (just the way I like it), and the Puzzles are some of the best that I have ever come across in an RPG. (unfortunately, this one still runs for a collector's price, but i think it would be worth whatever you payed for it, provided it's less than retail).

    Also The Lion King cart is totally worth keeping (fun, but I still havent beaten it yet), and I recommend that you also pick up Aladdin, and Disney's Magical Quest: Starring Mickey, the latter two were made by Capcom, and are surprisingly solid plat-formers. (Not sure about the price on any of these ones though)

    Another lesser-known gem would be Soul Blazer (RPG-ish, somewhat like Zelda) made by Enix (ActRaiser fans may find some of the SoundFX to be quite familiar).

    Also, to answer some lingering questions regarding the super-Gameboy and Link's Awakening DX, it will work on the SGB, but it will play in mono-mode (you do get a really neat SGB border though). As for SGB compatability in general, if it works on Gameboy mono, then it will work on the SGB (it's merely the hardware of a Gameboy stuffed into an snes cart).

    Super Mario All-stars is a great compilation.

    The Donkey Kong Country Trilogy is excellent, and can be obtained for ~$20 a piece if you keep your eyes open.

    All the megaman games (X, X2, X3, 7) are all worth getting too (though if i recall correctly, only X can be found for a decent price)

    Super Mario RPG is great, Earthbound is great, FFIII is great, Chrono Trigger is great, Secret of Mana is great, but all of them usually go for a collector's price, so good luck finding any of them.

    Another viable (though questionably legal) solution would be to go for a flash cart such as this (I've got one of these) or this (I want one of these), which will allow you to play any game which does not use special enhancement chips.

    Oh yeah, Super Mario Kart is fun too, but I suppose Mario Kart 64 was better in just about every way (lots of fond memories though).

    I love my SNES, and I hope you love yours too.

  7. Also a good way to avoid trains is to park yourself on the small part of a T intersection that the evil train can't go. Easy evasion.

    Also, later in the game I think (though i'm not sure) you can go and change the date of your DS by one day, and it changes which regions have trains and which don't.

  8. shot0000.jpg

    (I'm the invisible near-invisible poop spot on the bottom of the screen)

    First game on the new patch. Not sure If I've ever had a better game (stat wise). If things keep up like this, I may make my 1.0:1 KDR goal sooner than I planned. Also, I think my psr has normalized at ~1625.

  9. A pity that you cant be member of multiple clans at once. Maybe I'll suggest that on their forums, some sort of secondary or guest/friend membership for clans would be awesome.

    Of course I've never suggested anything on the HoN forums...

    random thought

    Pebbles: Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. :<

  10. I host my home-made blog for free with byethost. Lots of features (ftp, php, mysql), lenient limits (i've never even gotten close to exceeding my quotas), and the only somewhat annoying restriction they have is that you have to have 5 unique visitors to the site per month, or they send you an email saying that you have to click a link or they'll deactivate your site (however this is a moot issue for me because my blog uses RSS feeds, and I have a few family members who have feed checkers, which insures that I get enough visits per month, even if I haven't updated my blog in months. Also, another con I can think of (that they don't advertise anywhere) is that while they do not restrict file types of uploaded stuff, they do not allow uploads of >10MB.

  11. Right. If I'd spent five more seconds watching the video I would have seen that, then I'd have realised something was wrong and not posted the thread. Or I'd have posted it pretending that it was real when I knew it wasn't. EITHER WAY I'D HAVE SAVED MYSELF A LOT OF EMBARRASSMENT REALLY.

    Still, as far as the first video goes, it's not a bad hoax.

    EDIT: You know, on second thought, this would have been a lot more entertaining if I'd just rolled with it and continued to act like it was genuine.

    Remind me not to make any more threads at five in the morning.

    Huh, I was suspecting BS after seeing the title screen "screenshot" with photo shopped clouds, retarded mismatched fonts, and a sudden collision of 32 and 8-bit color depths.

    ...Just rubbing it in :tomatoface:

  12. I'm also a bit sad that the openness of Mario 64 never made it to galaxy, I kind of liked it where they would give you a little hint about the star's location and then send you off to play. I was also somewhat annoyed at how levels in Galaxy would differ from star to star, where I felt like they were constantly roping off bits and pieces of levels to make them more linear.

    Minor gripes, I still really loved Mario Galaxy, I just hope they bring some of that back in Galaxy 2.

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