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Posts posted by Ajax

  1. You can get by on a couple of games that have game specific speed hacks, I was able to play soul blazer quite well. Also, changing the sampling of the audio to something like 22khz (or whatever the lower sample rate is) also helps alot, and since the psp speakers are not so great, you probably wont notice the audio quality... much.

    But yeah, i'm surprised that snes emulation is worse than gba emulation on the psp.

    Still searching for a good way to play super metoid on the go...

  2. Any news on the oil-cooled fishtank machine?

    My brother and I recently had a go at making a mineral oil fishtank computer, and the main thing that we learned was that things can quickly become very messy. So if you plan on making one, you have to plan on getting it right the first time, because once a part gets dipped in oil, then it becomes virtually impossible to truely get all the oil off again, so dont even think about being able to switch out parts once you pore the oil in. Upgrades are out of the quiestion too. Also, if you plan on using old parts you have lieing around, then dont be surpised if the mineral oil gets mirky for a while from all the dust that was on them. Additionally, once you fill the tank up with mineral oil, the thing weighs a ton, and while it might sound obvious, it really makes it hard to move, so its probably a good idea to have a place set aside that you want to put it... permanently.

    Another thing we learned while doing this is that it's definitly not a good idea to immerse the hard drive in oil, because even though the drives apparetly have a way of keeping all dust and foreign airborn stuffs away from the drive heads, apparently it doesant do the same thing for mineral oil. It was interesting to note, however, that the drive worked for maybe a day or so before crashing. It was an old twenty gig harddrive however, so maybe the crash was purely coincidental, or maybe the HD had a leak, and a newer HD would work just fine immersed in oil... haha well i'm not really willing to risk it again just to satisfy my curiosity.

    Well, even though most of the above remarks were negative, I must admit that the project was quite fun, if exasperatingly messy at times, and I plan on eventually doing it again.

    So, to sum things up: Only attempt this project if

    1)You dont mind getting mineral oil all over the place. or

    2)You plan on getting everything right the first time.

  3. I recommend Byethost. They host for free with little to no limitations, and your site stays up as long as you get five visitors per month (and i suspect that they dont have to be unique either). Also they have php/mysql with more freedom than most free hosts, but do not support any other server side scripting language (perl, asp, etc).

    I'm currently hosting my blog with their service, and I'm quite happy with their service.

    EDIT: well look at that, 6 years at OCR, and I'm finally a goomba.

  4. After reading this,

    Cel-shaded Link didn't fucking bodyslam a ram in the first few minutes of the game.

    And then this,

    No, instead he fucking does the most EPIC *and im not using the word like every other person, it actually was EPIC* finish to Ganon in Zelda history.

    I had the image of Link ramming Ganondorf with a train in order to finish him off... it was a fun little thought.

    Well anyway, seeing as how these type of threads are for rampant speculation, I bet that the path of the train will be controlled with the touch screen, by drawing the path that the train will take, in an unabashedly similar way to PH. Which correlates with the title of spirit tracks, as it implies that the tracks are somewhat ethereal (maybe not the right word), and can be placed wherever you want.

    And if they had a systen like that in place, it would be cool if you could warp by placing a magic warp tunnel in your path that would warp you from any point a to (hopefully) any point b. though what with the current tradition of Zelda warping mechanisms, I'm thinking that there would be a limited amount of point b's (train stations anyone?).

  5. I noticed they brought in the touch screen boomerang again. Incidentally enough, the only Zelda game boomerang that I have liked is the one in A Link to the Past. I certainly hope you get the bow in this one.

    Additionally, I think that the cell shaded style is best for the DS, because it offers a good looking 3D engine for a system with low resolution, and a relatively weak processor.

    Also, Link on a train seems pretty cool, as long as it isn't hyper-gimmicky (though with what Nintendo has been putting out recently, I get the creeping feeling that I should be bracing myself for disappointment).

    Ho, hum, I'm still a Zelda fanboy, and will follow the franchise to it's prospective grave no matter what they do with it.

  6. JW player will allow you to embed your own mp3's into the page, so you wouldn't have to upload anything to a third party service, also, JW player is free for non-commercial use (I'm assuming you guys are non commercial, though if for some reason you guys are commercial, their license is pretty cheap).

    Also, I haven't read all of the thread, so I have no idea if this has been suggested yet.

    EDIT: I just read DarkeSword's post on page one about wanting to upload things to a third party service for streaming... so scratch that.

  7. Most third party nes consoles cant take advantage of Konami's special sound chip that they used for Castlevania III (and no other games that I can think of).

    My suggestion is just to get a NES1 with a good/new 72 pin connector.

    Also, hooking anything of that old-school-ness up to a computer monitor will require either a capture card or a vga-box, unless your monior happens to support composite in as an additional input (mine does).

  8. You might want to grab a super gameboy if you can find one, there was a place at a mall near where I live which had a few of them foing for about 5$ a piece and I picked one up.

    They're kind of cool to have when you want to play links awakening DX on a big screen with a nifty border. Though not supporting Gameboy color games always made me sad.

    Also, Super Metroid is a good one, a few years ago I went out of my way to buy a copy online for like 12 bucks and i think i got my moneys worth out of it.

  9. Thats the only thing that worries me about the new Prime Wii. Are they going to repair all the sequence-breaking glitches? At least Im pretty sure that the Long Space Jump wont be possible anymore. Was it possible in Prime 3? What about Ghetto Jump?

    We'll just have to wait and see.

    I love getting the plasma beam early... But since they fixed that with the Player's choice version (its not my version of choice), it would not be a stretch to say that it will be fixed in this version too.

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