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Mr. Bottle Rocket

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Posts posted by Mr. Bottle Rocket

  1. lost vikings 2: The Future.

    lost vikings 2: Dark Ages.

    x-men 2 - clone wars: the brood queen and her claws

    Every single theme in sparkster (gens), pure gold.

    tiny toon adventures: buster's hidden treasure: inside the caverns

    tiny toon adventures: buster's hidden treasure: inside the volcano

    tiny toon adventures: buster's hidden treasure: pirate ship

    T2 the Arcade game: Mission 1


    T2 the Arcade game: Mission 3


    T2 the Arcade game: Mission 4


    T2 the Arcade game: Mission 5 (can you resist the beat? I think not)


    Gaiares: Mission 1


    Gaiares: Mission 2


    Gaiares: Mission 5


    Gaiares: Mission 8


    Gaiares: Ending (part 1)


    pretty much everything in MDK

  2. Indeed, MOTION DENIED.

    also it seems we won't be able to enter the nether from our server, notch has twatted about having other plans for portals on servers :(

    on the upside this now means we can totally excuse stacks of 64 of nether materials to be given out, hurray!

  3. Crow has the whitelist up at his MC site, but I guess you could like to there in the first post if you haven't already.

    also, crow, we should totally switch our method of map viewing, instead of giant image download we should be using something like this: http://www.coesquest.com/world-map

    Edit: also maybe every new person added to the white list could be put in a special group that only allows them to walk around and see stuff (read: unable to destroy/place blocks) until they can prove that they're trustworthy, with hey0's mod I'm pretty sure we can do this.

  4. I want a dark grey color, a green record (wish I could also get a 64 stack of cloth), I'll need to make the place to warp fancy.

    Also, I'm considering restarting my epic project, the creeper temple, however I'm torn between making it underground like the original or above ground and then build a mountain around it, both options present different challenges given its proportions (100x100x50), I'm more leaning to above ground since clearing that area would be easier, also it'd mean less people would be needed to be employed to help me (or possibly no help needed at all), even though I had always planned to make the whole thing have scaffolding and look ruined, give it the archeological dig site feel to it, then make graves for everyone that helped along with titles near a dig site camp. :D

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