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Mr. Bottle Rocket

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Posts posted by Mr. Bottle Rocket

  1. It's pocahontas in space, I guess there must be something either wrong with the movie or with me, because as soon as the movie ended I couldn't actually remember half of what happened or who was who, like the entire story was one giant roofie.

    It really felt like the story was an afterthought in Avatar, it's still an enjoyable movie but nothing in it is particularly filling or commanding of attention, unless you count the visuals then WOW LOOK AT THOSE FANTASTIC LEAVES, HOLY SHIT.

  2. Well, I just found all 10 posters and survived a trip through the grueling secret sector.

    wish the midis for that place were in the music folder. :C

    also found all ribbons and managed to save the two tasen lesbians and the other truce lesbian tasen (oddly enough it seems all tasen that were mentioned were all female), couldn't stop myself from killing one of the bosses where it's optional to kill them, based on how pacifist you are on the levels...man it's really hard keeping the kill count under 5.

  3. Finished the game in one sitting, 4 hours+, this game is fucking awesome.

    Sure the graphics could have used just a bit more work to achieve that flashback feel and the story made me cringe a bit, that's okay because the gameplay compensates for all that and more, plus it has replay value with the extras.

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