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Mr. Bottle Rocket

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Posts posted by Mr. Bottle Rocket

  1. Game: Rocket Knight Adventures

    Song: Stage 7

    Composer(s): Masanori Oouchi, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Masanori Adachi, Aki Hata, Michiru Yamane

    Copyright: 1993 Konami



    MIDI: http://www.badongo.com/file/7649309 Sounds pretty bad, but i used an automatic VGM2MIDI converter...as there were no midis of this song anywhere else.

  2. 314 tracks. 150 new rearrangements, 35 songs original to Brawl, 70 straight recorded copies, 30 songs lifted from Melee with few changes, 27 victory/unlocking ditties, and 2 blank files.

    Not sure where you got 6 from.

    "So far i've seen, about 6..."

    "So far i've seen, about..."

    "So far i've seen..."

    "So far i've..."

    "So far..."

    Nice reading skills, assmunch. :<

  3. Sakurai said from the start that some of the music would be original rips, so what's a rip-off about it? Some of the most recent is still pretty high quality. Others actually enjoy the nostalgia aspect (NES Medley).

    If you've only heard six tracks that weren't the originals, you're not listening enough. Hell, over sixty tracks from the initial starting music list are redone if not totally rearranged.

    On the topic of Golden Sun, I'd have preferred the Saturos battle theme, but oh well...

    Nostalgia is good...in their original package, i just don't like direct copy paste of anything.

  4. Dune (not the full RTS versions, the rpg one)

    Sonic Spinball (had some pretty funky tunes if you ask me)

    Vectorman (it's well known but i'd say there's a big lack of mixes on this)

    Hamsterball (errr...yeah, they're catchy yo!)

    Lost Vikings 1 & especially 2

    Raptor Call of the Shadows (damn awesome game and a pretty good soundtrack to boot!)

    Errr, that's all i can think of now...there's more i reckon in the archives of my head.

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