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Mr. Bottle Rocket

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Posts posted by Mr. Bottle Rocket

  1. Help me out gais, I've been racking my brain trying to recall the name of a game I used to play way way WAY back in the spectrum era (albeit on the ending part of it), it was a side action platformer set in a horrible future and the main character was a cyborg that could transform into a dragon/dinossaur and a small tank, to restore his enery you had to stand under some machine that would crack open his chrome dome and zap his exposed brains...that's it really, I only recall one other thing and that was that at some point you would fight a giant robot that threw metal killhappy boomerangs or something.

  2. uhh, his review is perfect in that he said something along the lines of:

    if you like smash before, you'll like it now.

    if you haven't heard of smash/never liked it, this isn't really going to change your opinion.

    What more can you say to that? The people interested in the game already own it, and the people uninterested don't really care what you have to say.

    QFT & QFE


  3. Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuust made deadline, and I'm pretty proud of the fact this work only took two weeks instead of the usual two years. I may have mastered it with much low-end and not enough mids, but it sounds pretty good. I really like the result, so I may re-master and submit here.

    I dig it, does sound a bit flat though...maybe a bit empty aswell, but still creating something this funky from that source tune, props for that.

    I think you know what you must do to eventually make it a josé classic...MAD KILLER VOCALS OH YEAEAAAAAAH.

    Edit: Call me a cheap unoriginal fuck, but i think this thing would sound so much better if it was EQ'd exactly like the laptop speakers/headphones EQ preset on winamp.

  4. I acchhhept. I'll lock in on that Rocket Knight joint,

    although any melody's virtually non-existent here,

    making the task somewhat difficult.

    My God, that MIDI... converters are never any good.

    Lucky I can get a .vgz file, and I own the game too.

    For those that don't know, give up on .gym's altogether,

    and get your Genny chippers from Project 2612.

    When this is done, I might even do a GOOD MIDI of the original.


    and then i typed some more.

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