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Mr. Bottle Rocket

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Posts posted by Mr. Bottle Rocket

  1. I don´t want to sound rude or anything, but in the name of love, PLEASE drop the flare (or star or explosion or whatever)!? On the back cover its ok because the text is on it, but in the cover it looks.. well.. silly. Otherwise, nice work.

    i know, but if i take it out the text becomes near invisible and if i change layer styles of the text to make it more visible i lose the textures. so it has to stay.

  2. i'm not in charge of track listings i'm just making optional cover art for the project...even though i really don't like the jumbling up of the level remixes...

    in any case i've added enough for it to be the complete back cover V.3


    all ready for TO to lay down the words of criticism. :D

  3. cool, multi-choice website option...that both lowers my ego AND gives me the opportunity to use Claude's cover art, because it's damn sexy :D

    well i've been trying things for my back cover.

    preview is a lower quality to save some load time.

    i'll work out kinks later.


  4. Doom Font = WIN!

    White background with screeching flesh wall texture = NO!

    really i think that looks dreadfull with the texture like that, but on game textures for large pieces it's hard to find a good one i know...i've got a good collection of them if you want some.

  5. The Orichalcon said:
    I don't like the lowered brightness over the flare and logo.

    in the back cover the artwork must play a weaker part than the front and the text has to atract the attention.

    TCK said:
    Out of the two, I agree. But I think it might go better with the level titles and/or track numbers.

    Actually, now I think about it, I'm not too keen on the crimson at all.

    The Crimson is to give the feel of the Doom menu's color for the lettering and to give the text extra attention points, i apreciate all feedback :)

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