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Everything posted by sgx

  1. Yeah, this summer there haven't been a whole lot of $60 games to buy, but I've spent $60 or so on downloadable games....Pixeljunk Monsters, Eden, Braid, Geometry Wars 2, Castle Crashers. I've been eying Ratchet and Clank Quest for Booty also...
  2. While someone dying is sad....I think life will go on, seeing as how there are at least two other guys in that limo that sound exactly like him.
  3. We tore it up in 35th place!
  4. I'm surprised at the standings for the semis in club/dance....Didn't think I'd win and I didn't go asking for votes in my normal places like I did the last three times I got through semis.
  5. This game is awesome! I played about 3 hours of 3 player last night and it was a blast. The leveling up is cool and keeps multiple playthroughs interesting. Each character has slightly different magic attacks which is nice, the action is pretty good, the graphics look great I think, and the game is pretty hilarious. We played about 3 hours and I think we're only like 1/2 done the campaign, so I think this game is worth $15.
  6. Yeah, second bass pedal for RB2 is a good feature...just having the jack for it is nice. I got one of those metal pedal reinforcers that you screw onto the RB pedal and it makes the pedal awesome. I still want to use it. I'm thinking about buying the whole RB2 kit again. I like the RB guitar more than the GH3 guitar, so a clickier version with wireless and automatic latency adjustment features is going to be awesome. My RB1 drum kit has survived a year of extremely heavy party use, but it is beginning to get unresponsive. The new one is supposed to be quieter, more responsive, and has those cymbal enhancements. When RB2 comes and I port over all my RB1 songs to it, RB1+RB2+all my DLC songs...I'm going to have around 200 songs available in one game. I don't want to have to swap over to GH4 for certain songs, and I'm pretty sure their DLC offerings will be weak. I might pick up the GH4 disc at some point if I can find it cheaper several months down the line. I don't care at all about the music creation modes - I can already create music with good software with a better input system.
  7. Let me know if the problem is fixed...if not...I wonder if anyone else is having this problem? I'll have to investigate. Edit: Maybe I should read more thoroughly...you got it. Good
  8. Huh...sorry you are having problems. In the future it is best to contact me for support through the email provided in the store. I will reset your downloads right now so you can log back in and attempt again. Thanks.
  9. Any arts-related job is highly dependent on your portfolio. You have to prove to people that you are able to do good creative work, and a degree and a GPA does not do that. It just shows that you know how to win school. You probably don't want a BAD GPA because then you kind of look like an irrisponsible bum and it reflects somewhat poorly on your percieved character or work ethic, but as long as it is respectable, employers won't read into it at all. Experience and portfolio is the key. Even if you are in a school for something and you have projects that relate to your field, do more on your own.
  10. Rankings finally moved. We're all doing pretty well in the club genre. It's gonna be tough to beat zirc/jill's track - it's a pretty crowdpleasing ditty I'd say.
  11. Standings haven't moved at all as far as I can tell. At least watching me and siamey's....this is weird.
  12. Bitch! You recorded one podcast for me while I was out! You must recognize me as your Firehouse.com podcast king!!!! Yeah, I'm behind all those firefighter podcasts you all know and love..... ...... and yes, tgfoo and I work together.
  13. Hey, I'm just curious - what type of sound gear are you using? It sounds like onboard camera audio in the Crawlers trailer. One of the things that makes amature productions obviously amature is poor sound recording. It's really sticks out to me. Imagine if Cloverfield (shot in an amature style that was cool) actually used onboard camera mics. Blagh! I think lofi/cinema verite style audio contributes much more to that cheesy feeling than amature video will. I shoot and edit news-esque video (usually at trade conventions and training events) for some websites and the toughest part to learn and what takes the most thought and planning on site is the best way to record audio. The video is generally not much more than pointing and shooting, but for the audio I have to consider things like, should I use the shotgun mic with camera-mounted preamp, should I use the wireless lav system, or should I just get ambient noise with the onboard mic? Which way should I point to minimize background noise and reverb? Then there's post production compression, noise reduction, normalization, EQing so that voices are audible but not peaking, etc. It's a lot to learn and a lot of money to spend. Getting outfitted with a variety of decent audio equipment is likely more money than a good camera will be unfortunately, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
  14. Hey now that a lot of orders have gone out, I'm interested to hear about what you think of the physical item in general. Comment on the music too!
  15. I'd say his Sweet Tooth is HIGHLY derivative, but I wouldn't call it plagiarism. I don't think there is anything that DC could sue for (with the exception of the trailer music....heh) since he's not saying, "this is the joker." Though...he could get sued by Sony for using the Twisted Metal property.
  16. Dewd, it will work fine. I used to run my xbox on a vga cable on a 1680 x 1050 monitor. Only slight thing is that 1680 x 1050 is not the same as 720p or 1080p resolution that the xbox will give you the choice of outputting as, so your monitor will either have to scale down 1080p or scale up 720p. They looked similar to me, but on my monitor at least, I found that setting the xbox at 1080p probably looked a bit better.
  17. All those who have ordered One Day Millennium - your CDs are in the mail! I'm pretty proud of the design I did for this album. I spent way more time on it than I meant to, but it was looking hot. Check out how it came out below. More photos on my flickr stream.
  18. I was never sure which people would prefer myself. I've set up a poll - please let me know which you prefer and I'll keep that in mind for the future. This would be good info for me to have. Poll: http://www.protagonistrecords.net/?q=node/58 I've shipped about half the preorders today, the second half should go out tomorrow. I've got some pictures of the discs and whatnot which I'll put up as soon as I can. They look super hot!
  19. I'm interested in comments on the website (protagonistrecords.net) and the purchasing process...was any of it weird or unclear? Glitches? Suggestions? I'm hard at work on physical copies. I'm hoping to mail out a group on Friday. I'm sorry it is a bit later than promised - I ran into some delays due to some unforseen personal bizniss, but am working hard to get this out the door. The packaging art is looking awesome. Definitely my best album design I've done! I'll post the images somewhere when it is all 100% final and I have time to do so. You'll get an email when your physical copy has shipped.
  20. I think I'll get it at some point for PS3 (better D-pad). I'm still playing Geowars2, Pixeljunk Monsters and Pixeljunk Eden. Hmmm. I want Braid too. So many awesome downloadable games recently!
  21. If it were for one of my albums, I'd take cash in the mail (don't want to deal with checks). But its not, and I have to keep very accurate records so I can pay the artists accurately...accepting stuff not through my cart system will make things extremely more complex in the record-keeping dept. Sorry. Paypal only. Audix will be getting a batch of CDs when they are ready; maybe you can work something out personally through him.
  22. Question: if you make a high score in Geometry Wars 2 when you are not online, does it record the score to the leaderboards the next time you sign on, or was all that work for nought? I really don't want to pay $99 for that damn wireless adapter, and I also really don't want to run net cable down a floor.
  23. Looks like I made a little error in my webcart - some folks got free shipping . Ooohh well. No more free shipping!
  24. Wow, glad you folks like the art! I may try and set up a large print for sale through deviant art or something like that.
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