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Everything posted by sgx

  1. I think maybe Ourstage is getting more popular quickly and that our fanbase here no longer has as large of an influence proportionally than before. I'm pretty sure I have more fans helping me out this month than last, and I have a song that I think is better suited to this short attention-span competition, but all three of us from here are kinda just sitting around in the middle of the pack. Last month all three of us were dominating the top spots the whole way through.
  2. I just went from 1 to 36 in 5 minutes.....
  3. Coolness! Finals time. Really appreciate the support from the folks here. Man, if I win this competition, $5,000 would be so sweet, right?!! Of course! That's more than I expect to make selling albums this year, and really, my main goal is to get my tunes into the most ears as possible, so I propose this: IF I WIN THE GRAND PRIZE THIS MONTH, IN THE SPIRIT OF CELEBRATION, I WILL LOWER THE PRICES OF ALL THE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD ALBUMS IN MY WEBSTORE TO $0 FOR ONE WEEK. $0 is totally the same as free! YES! In all, that's roughly 5 hours of SGX music in high quality mp3 or FLAC formats you can download. You won't need any type of credit card or paypal to pay $0. I will also heavily discount all of my available physical albums in my store. My webstore is located here: http://www.protagonistrecords.net/buy/
  4. I've got a busy weekend comin up so I won't be makin' it, but I'll might be seeing you folks at otakon! Have funs.
  5. Oh, I don't think it is bad....I enjoy listening to it...I just think my others are better, more interesting, and more unique. Glad you like it.
  6. Thanks to urrybody who's been voting for me already. I've been sitting 1st in electronic for a couple days which is pretty spiffy! I'm quite sure I'll be in the semi's then, and that's when I could really use the votes to make sure I get into the final! I don't think I'm going to make any incentives to vote for me in the semi's, but if I do win THE WHOLE THANG at the end, I'm going to do something crazy like make all the downloadable items in my store free for a week and super discount my physical items. I mean, with a haul like $5k, I don't really need to profit on my album sales for a while! Might as well get it heard as much as possible! So, for yourself and all the poor folk who like SGX, VOTE FOR COACTIVE Free jams for everyone!!
  7. This is about 3 years old...or older. It was for the PMM Trance Album back in the day and today I saw on their site that they've quit the biz, so I guess it is ok to give away for free now. http://kfssstudios.com/ http://www.sgxmusic.com/music/SGX%20-%20St%20Gabriel's%20Mask%20(Ecco%202%20Sega%20CD).mp3 Honestly, I feel it's my worst remix. I think I remember I was pretty short on time, so things are rushed, it's a really muddy, squishy mix and master, and the climax isn't as super as I had wanted. It doesn't really do much terribly interesting, its just kinda a decent jam. I feel like maybe re-remixing this track (taking bits from what I have here and doin the old chop chop on things, adding different beat and bass, etc. We'll see.
  8. Just to be clear - I'm not yet offering a "vote for me and you get something" deal as I did last time. I might, but I'm pretty sure I'll get into semi's, so I'll think about it and talk about it when that comes around if I want to boost my semifinal votes. I still could use your votes now though! You get nothing other than my gratitude!
  9. I sent messages on Ourstage to those folks I said I would who voted for me and posted a message saying so in my profile. I sent 10 $5 coupons out. Check your messages on there. Thanks!
  10. I've played about 4 hours. It's pretty good. Nothing amazing or anything, but it looks pretty good, plays pretty well, the music is good, Zack is an endearing character, it is easy to play in short bites...yay
  11. I haven't done a remix in like 2 years, comin' back for this. Wait till you hear the white-boy rhymes I spit over the town theme! This has nothing on my DDR remix.
  12. Nah, I wouldn't not participate...the judging before the quarterfinals is finicky and is hard to influence by telling your fanbase to go vote because they could be judging for hundreds of battles before your song comes up once. I've had a few songs get nowhere. It is likely that we will have months not getting to quarters. I'm in Electronic channel anyways .
  13. yes, and I got 1st for Electronic. Woo. Thanks for everyone's votes! We'll probably be back next month to nag you for votes again if we all make it into quarterfinals! Rock Band Still Alive time!!!! Oh, and I shall dole out the store credit I promised for helping me win the semifinals tomorrow.
  14. Online multiplayer in Rock Band and Guitar Hero is worthless. DLC is awesome though. It probably wasn't worth their time to try to implement it - they probably just ported over the PS2 version to the Wii, and the fact that there's only 512 mb of storage means you're only going to be able to buy at most 20 ish songs (songs are usually like 25-40 mb on xbox live). DLC is a next-gen feature - if you wanted real DLC, you need to get a real next-gen console. Oh, and I'm off to download "Still Alive" for free for Rock Band. Too bad for Wii
  15. I just got pwned down to 9. It really jumps every 20 minutes!
  16. We've all been jumping positions around all day. Pretty crazy.
  17. Thanks dood. I actually was having thoughts about getting the fans to vote and offering compensation for it yesterday, and then today I jump on OCR and see you started up a similar idea heh. Good thing we're in separate channels . I've got tracks lined up to compete for the electronic channel for a few months, so if I do win the channel this month, I'll probably be pushing for votes again this time next month. Next month I have the original Coactive competing. Thanks SotSS, you kick ass. If you don't want the credits, then I guess some other person will get yours . That is, if I win. I'm gonna need votes again on Monday when it will hopefully be me vs some other newbsong.
  18. I'm on ourstage too, and competing in a different genre from pixie and zircon. I'm in the Electronic genre (zircon is in the techno/club genre). My Coactive remix is in the top ten in the semifinals right now, so you won't have to do much judging until mine pops up. I don't expect to win the grand prize, but if I win the channel (which gets me a $100 credit gift card and a wowowow T-shirt) I will either give 5 people who become my friend and post a comment on my profile saying you voted for me a $10 coupon for my my music store or, if a LOT of people do it, I'll give $5 coupons to 10 people. $5 is enough to buy digital versions of my new album and several of my older ones, so its free music for you, and you have a pretty good chance of winning it I think. Also, very soon I will be selling music from other artists in my store, so it will work for that too. So, click the image above, click judge at the top of the screen, judge till you get to my track and say you LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! Then become my friend and post a comment in my profile. Rad! Thanks!
  19. Actually I don't think Adobe gives a shit if you pirate their software. The single newb user or college student that pirates Photoshop will then learn Photoshop and demand it once they finally get a professional job, keeping Photoshop as the all important "industry standard" EVERYONE must know. Companies buy multiple licences of photoshop out the wazoo. At my office, basically everyone has a license for it and 98% are doing no more than resizing some gifs. It is different for music software though, since there are MANY MANY fewer music producers out there than people who need to work with graphics. Every single sale counts.
  20. Oh shit. I thought if this happened someone would aim me an tell me! Thanks a lot everybody. And if anybody is wondering, I'm planning on game remixing again in the future. Yes, it's been a while!
  21. Might want to go with a dual core that is more bang for your buck. Save the $100 or so from the cheaper CPU and buy a bangin' quad in a year or two. And yes, get some weakass graphics card - look for a cheap passively cooled one (no fan, just a big heatsink) to keep the noise down.
  22. Gray has been MIA for a couple years. Seriously, no one knows what happened to him (as far as I know). I used to talk to him almost every day online, then he started getting busy at work and was on less often, then he just never came back. I would not get your hopes up about getting that material you need.
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