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Everything posted by sgx

  1. Works for me and someone else. Try again. Might have been a short outtage?
  2. You guys might or might not know I run a little site: www.protagonistrecords.net I the interest of updating the site with more content more often, I thought I'd start taking on guest song releases. These would be free song postings from artists not in my current group of regular artists. If you want some extra exposure for your tunes, or you just want to share some cool tracks, consider submitting something and if I like it, I'll post it on the site schedule permitting. I'll take submissions at sgxATsgxmusic.com. Do NOT send me files, but links to the mp3 on some hosting site. I appreciate if I can listen to it streaming first before I download it. Grab a soundcloud.com, soundclick.com, or whatever account if you don't have one and submit that way. Include this information in your email: - Your artist name as you would like it to appear on the site - The name of the song - Any website, or myspace account you might like me to link to in the song description text. - Link to your song - Text such as this (or verbatim), "I give permission to Protagonist Records to host and distribute "song name" by "artist name" and certify that I am the rights holder for this piece." I am not going to post everything I get. I'll listen to everything and decide whether or not it is right for the site, and also good enough. I am not necessarily going to give you a critique or clearly thought out reasoning about why I decide not to post something. I may not give you a rejection notice either, as I may be saving your track for a rainy day down the road. Looking forward to hearing your stuff! If you have questions, email me, post here, or best, post in the comments at http://www.protagonistrecords.net/node/141 Oh, the music has to be electronic music genre in some way. And good. Don't send me bad music. Thx
  3. I'm fine with add-on DLC. Of course some of it is completed or underway before the game is out, but that's fine with me. It costs the developers money to make more content. It's not like salaried designers and artists finish up three months early and are getting paid to twiddle their thumbs until management comes around and says, "hey if you guys have nothing to do, we have some add-on DLC you could be working on." As far as I know, development teams expand and contract at different points in development, hiring and releasing extra help when it is needed. Those idle people on the team will either be let go or put to work in some other team in the company. It COSTS money to make any amount of content, and they've budgeted what they can do for the disc release, and what they can do to make a few extra bucks on DLC. EVEN if it is on the disc and is just an unlock, that doesn't bother me. Add-on content is always non-essential, extra content. They spent extra resources making more stuff for the game, then it's ok for them to try to get a little bit more money for it if they want. When it was created is irrelevant. I actually would prefer it be on the disc pretty often because my freakin' 20gb xbox360 HD is FULL. I've been buying PS3 versions of games lately if I know I'm going to be getting DLC since my 80gb hd has a lot more space. Whether the game on the disc is worth what you pay for it, and whether the DLC is worth the money, is always up to the consumer of course. There have been, and will be mistakes made by the game companies on what is a good value, and the market will tell them so. I don't think the concept of DLC is inherrently wrong or evil, but it can be used poorly. What does bug me is when publishers whine about used game sales. Wah wah. I think it's everybody's right to buy and sell used physical items. PLUS, if a game has had two owners, that's two potential buyers of their add-on DLC which is NOT transferrable in any way.
  4. This is actually the hand-sign for the "shocker" which is what he applied on your mom.
  5. If you all want my track that's on the PMM Trance Album, here ya go: http://www.sgxmusic.com/music/SGX%20-%20St%20Gabriel%27s%20Mask%20(Ecco%202%20Sega%20CD).mp3 It's probably my least favorite remix actually...but whatever.
  6. As a person who watched like 5 episodes of DBZ when I was fifteen and thought it was really dumb and quit, that trailer looked exactly like what I would have imagined a live-action dragonball movie would look like. What were you guys expecting? I'd actually much rather watch that movie than more episodes of the show. It probably benefits from not stretching out one fight across 2 hours.
  7. Get Rock Band if you don't have any other systems that play it.
  8. www.twitter.com/sgxmusic for my shit plus protagonist records newz/releasezzzzz
  9. If it does, it's something to do with the cameras or mp3 decoding or something. Games aren't any different.
  10. DSi ware sounds pretty cool, but it's BS that this version of the DS costs more. The DS lite has been $130 forever. This one doesn't have that much more new tech in it. Low-res camera lenses are cheap, those screens are cheap, SD readers are cheap. It's a big waste of money unless you are super-excited about currently non-existant downloadable games or something.
  11. Umm, as long as your computer audio card is not balls, it should sound acceptable. I made a track with tons of recordings off of Electroplankton this way. If that mac mic input only operates as a mic input and not also as a line in, then you may be out of luck and you should search for a USB or Firewire audio interface. However, the DS may not be outputting 16-bit 44.1 khz or better resolution sound (which is CD quality), so it may sound a bit aliased compared to normal synths. There isn't anything you can do about that, software or hardware.
  12. Seems like trackballs might be good because your thumb probably can do more detailed movement than your wrist, so you can put the sensitivity way up without compromizing your accuracy. I bet they need less desk space as well...hmmm maybe I should grab one.
  13. jamendo is pretty good but I think you can only upload and embed in groups of full albums.
  14. I've heard from a couple people that you can build your credit score a bit if you carry a small balance once in a while and then pay it off, instead of paying your credit card every month on time. Anyone heard anything like that?
  15. A ton of it was banks allowing those mortgages based on the idea that every house being bought is going to go up in value forever which was dumb. With that in mind, they can approve people who aren't even likely to be able to make their payments since if the bank had to repossess the house and sell it, it would have accrued value and still made the bank money. People applying for loans generally aren't experts on economy and finances, so when the banks are telling you "sure, you can afford it! We approve you!!" they'll tend to believe them and do what these "experts" are recommending. People should have been more responsible for their own finances yes, but the banks were quite misleading, recommending unsafe mortgages. The credit-card debt though, is all the individual's fault! I don't think anything's going to bounce. I bet it will slowly come back to something normal over 5-10 years. I hope.
  16. In the US there's a culture of instant gratification combined with poor education about credit (credit cards = free money omg wowz!), plus the need to one-up your neighbor with fancy status symbols (huge SUV's with spinnerz, yo) that is pretty killer. I think this recession we're in has burst a lot of bubbles and a lot of people will probably be a lot smarter in the future. Even before the mega-recession, like mid 2008 when things began their downturn and I lived in a crappier town, I was seeing TONS of said huge SUV's with spinners with for-sale signs. Driving around the neighborhood (PG county, Maryland) you'd see all these expensive cars parked in the driveways of crappy houses in this crappy area. WTF were these people thinking?
  17. About 8 months ago (when I was 24) I finally wised up and decided I should actually start building credit. Up till then, I'd had no debt, no car payments, no student loans, and I paid for everything with my bank's check card. I went to my bank to get their credit card and I got rejected like three times because I was past college age and I had no credit history. No credit = BAD credit. Now, I have a chunk of money in that bank. I've been saving a lot of money for the future, and my dad has given me some chunks of money in CD's for the future that I don't plan on touching till I'm dropping money on a house. It's a pretty decent chunk of change I have at my bank (Chevy Chase Bank on the east coast) and they can't get me a freaking card. I applied to a couple other cards and got rejected, finally I was able to get the Amazon VISA card which has worked out well, and it's not a crap card. Well, I don't know how good the APR is, but I pay everything off every month so I don't care. I think my credit is improving with this card since I spend a bunch on it (I pay for travel for work with it often, which they refund me via check) and they've raised my limit. I am interested in buying a house soon, but I am pretty doubtful I'll be approved for a loan I can work with due to my credit score. I may have to wait for a year or more. You should establish credit ASAP. I've looked at this Sony card deal before (the same deal comes and goes all the time, so don't think this is a one-time offer). It's a fine deal if you actually plan on keeping using the card long term, and the terms and rates of the card are agreeable to you. As Zircon says it is a BAD idea to start and cancel a card.
  18. It's my birthday today as well. Give me the attention I deserve for continuing life for 25 consecutive years!
  19. Yum! Me likey Imogen Heap.
  20. Yeah man...makes us all worry as well.
  21. I definitely think he got tired of the constant attention he was required to give. I used to talk to him constantly as well (also remixer MC, the piano guy). It actually sounds like a bunch of people were really tight with him online that I didn't even know about. That, along with constant judge shit he had to deal with (he often complained about it to me), probably wore him out. He was probably nice to a fault where he didn't want to deny anyone his attention. Dissapearing is weird though. I would have understood a quick email or IM saying, "Hey, its been good, but I've decided I gotta quit this whole internet thing and move elsewhere with my life. Later dude!"
  22. I definitely enjoy it a bunch. There's nothing too deep about it, but its good pounding beats and synths in yo face. It was only $1.99 on Amazon Mp3.
  23. Audix and I have ringtones of a bunch of out music if you guys like our stuff, its all here: http://www.protagonistrecords.net/?q=ringtones
  24. I beat it tonight as well. Generally pretty damn good game, graphics were nuts. Some of the final battles I found annoing because crap is happening from all around you and the slow turning really made it a pain to turn around and deal with. This game is at its best when you're slowly progressing forward.
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