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Everything posted by Zaphlin

  1. Oooh! This is one sweet mix! I'm lovin it! and I keep expecting it to end but it keeps going. H00RA!!!
  2. Wow, I must not have been listening very closely the first time I heard this song. It started playing today, from my playlist and I was like, "Dude! I like this!" and I've been listening to it over and over again ever since then.
  3. Has anybody made this movie yet? If not I want to take a shot at it. Hopefully I don't screw it up. I plan to do it animated... but not with flash because I just dont' like the look of flash. It's not very... artistic. So I'm gonna do it the long painful way. Ugh, but hopefully, in the end, it will all be worth it. If I ever finish it that is. It would really help if I didn't have to waste so much of my time doing homework. yuck. But if I do finish it, I'll try and get it up on the net and post the link (this may not be for a very long time, btw.) So wish me luck! I'll need it most likely.
  4. Oooooh, I love this. It's great. Did I hear some wind waker in there? I'm listening to it again... and YES! I do! Very nice. or is that song in both games? I have played Link's awakening, but it has been a long time. I know that tune is in wind waker though. After reading DJPs review I also noticed the slight simalarity to the Christmas Story music. I own that movie and I love it. It is halarious. I don't know why I bothered to buy it because it is usually not very hard to find a marathon of it on TV. during christmas anyway. "I had said the mother of all swear words. the F dash dash dash word!" (something like that. I doubt I got it perfect.) Oh... so anyway. very nice remix. Prolly one of the best Zelda's on this site I'd say.
  5. I really like this remix. It is very... good. heh, I don't know how to describe it. But I like it.
  6. I LOVE THIS! It reminds me of the good old days when I used to play this game for hours with my best friends who have since moved away. Listening to this reminded me of those days and I was filled with extreme joy and happiness. I almost cried! After listening to this a couple hundred times I immediatly dug through my CDs and was surprised that I still had my old CD rom version of the game! YAY! I played it for quite a while after that but was dissapointed that I could not get the music to work. NOOOO! So instead I made myself I playlist of all the lemmings music I could find and theat did the job. H00rAy for lemmings! (That's not supposed to be a lemming. It's just me)
  7. Man. Thank you so much for this remix. I just returned home from a three day vacation to find that my house had been broken into and my gamecube had been stolen. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! It was very sad. Luckily my computer was still here (or I think I woulda committed suicide) and I decided to check out what was new on this site. H00rAy! A remix from Wind Waker. It cheered me up a great deal. Also it reminded me that when my gamecube was stolen they did not get my windwaker game because I loaned it to a friend who still hasn't given it back. Whew. So anyway, I'm gonna hafta get me a new gamecube now. I'm hoping to get one soon before that 4 game Zelda disc deal is gone. So once again. thank you for this song!
  8. This is possibly my very most favorite songs on this site. If it's not my favorite then it's my second favorite. I just love this song. It's really got feeling in it. I mean, some people might say you only get the feeling if you've played the game. But guess what! when I first heard this song I had never played the game at all. but after I had listened to it a couple hundred times I searched all over my computer for my old SNES games I've got on here, and now I've been playin that game nonstop for the past week. It's great!
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