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Everything posted by GaMeBoX

  1. Hey Omatic. Why not focus on highlighting the one or two tracks you liked most instead of the two you didnt like so much. Now youre only spreading bad energy. Everybody will not always like everything anyways, we all know that allready. So in the end, this really doesnt say much about your musical taste or anything.
  2. I am also considering that one, and/or ending theme, i will probably drop toadman, well see.. I will be very buzy now for 2 weeks, then im free for the winter...
  3. I feel good Educated listeners are my favorite!
  4. Ouch, that doesnt ring to well in my ears.... (btw, my account is now functional again..) Just to make one thing clear here, the only thing that is programmed in my songs (not including icecap4life though, thats a real oldie) are the drums... The rest is 100% hand played, including the pitchstick on the synth etc. Anyways, glad you like the sound of it
  5. from: http://sonichq.mobiusforum.net/newsite/news/ Years of delays and restarts... ? A bit over the top imo.. It took over a year, maybe 1 and a half, but not years of restarts.... or did i miss something ??
  6. Hehehehe.... Quess what.... My account is working again... talk about timing...
  7. Hey (im GaMeBoX, but my account is messed up) Actually, that one is on ice for good. It will most probably never be finished, but i will pm you a download link in a near future... Also, there are new stuff on the way for the Megaman 4 RemixProject (now in requests forum) if you like my stuff...
  8. Btw, i have another track-recomendation for people who dunno witch one to check out, the first one, "treasure hunting" by the platonist. Check it out!
  9. Good post man, i totally agree with what you say. I will link up "the platonist" who started reunionstudio to this thread. I had a similar idea about a year ago with my domain bitmapstereo.com where we would release some free songs and sell albums/compilations, unfortunately i stopped when i couldnt afford to get a copy of photoshop..But i have the shop system up and running with an e-commerce service that is usually for software, but works for any kind of files, where i can take creditcard or paypal, + they can send a physical CD as well i think, with cover art.. One question; Have you seen anybody do this and actually have it working, ie, people buy music? Any links ?
  10. Hey man Tell me more about your view on this.. I can understand that single tracks may not appeal as much as albums or other compilations. What about the free part ? why not, and what alternatives are there really ? What are your thoughts.. ? Overcoat >> Glad you liked it, thanx for the link, ill be checkin it out, piece by piece.
  11. A friend of mine has started a site where he has gathered a bunch of musicians to release original electronic music. It was originally intended only for Trackers, but it became a general electronic "netlabel", where everything is released for free. They release music in a quite steady pace for being a startup, and they are probably interested in hearing new interesting music from a few people from this community. Unfortunately, they are quite unknown so far. So without further ado, here is their link: http://www.reunionstudio.org BREAKING NEWS!! Now they have a torrent up and running! Check it out now for the first 30 songs in one handy package http://www.reunionstudio.org/Reunion_0-30_Torrent.rar.torrent My fave around these songs is "Gasoline" (so far), by "the platonist" (who is incredible with impulsetracker). It sounds like a typical good game-song and i can imagine a 2D landscape of cool platforming when i hear it. What do you people think ? Also, if you people have any good links to similar sites, bring em on! Im always interested in finding new good music out there. Btw, for those who didnt know, im normally known as GaMeBoX around here, but my account dont work at the mo.
  12. I like all three tails stances... wouldnt it be cool though, with the stance when tails are balancing on an edge... that would be funny.... hehe... Really awesome work spire !!
  13. Hey spire, i think that new version was way cooler than the old one, you went for cleaner look. I think you should remove that lensflare effect on the back though, because its a pretty cheap effect, and i dont think it fits in behind the tracklisting. But other than that, a huge improvement from the last version..
  14. This is top of the line stuff as always Binster! Keep em coming! Im still waiting for that batman wip to be finished! I love it! /Steve
  15. The "Theme of knuckles" (witch is more of a percussion/drum beat, than a song) is actually included in one (that i know of) song in the project, youll have to guess witch one though...
  16. So, it is now approved to submit ??
  17. Thanx But both are pretty much abandoned (especially since icecap was made in fruity witch i have abandoned). They are pretty old (around 1 and 1/2 year), and not really comparable to the songs i got on the actual project. I will probably re-do icecap from scratch at some point, when vgmix is back up. @snappleman >> when are we allowed to submit our remixes to OCR if we wish to do so ?
  18. well, its because i listen to them to death while working on them... so i get sick of them... and its hard to not hear the things that didnt get as good as i wanted.. but after a while you learn to accept it as a finished piece of art...
  19. I usually hate my own remixes for a couple of months after they are done.. after that ill be able to listen to them and actually judge them for what they are.. luckily for this project, that period has already passed, so ill be able to enyoy my own remixes to! thats a plus.. hehe Its gonna be really interesting to hear the other remixes, i have barely heard anything from the project...
  20. I recently wrote two tutorials. The first one is kinda like a technical introduction to gameremixing at a very basic level. The second one is about musical idéas and filosophies. You can find them here: Game Remixing 101 http://www.bitmapstereo.com/blog/?p=5 Game Remixing 102 http://www.bitmapstereo.com/blog/?p=6 Hope you find them helpful. You can request topics for upcoming tutorials, both more indepth specifics, and completely new topics.
  21. Yeah!! Youve really got your rythms goin! As well as some really lovely Rhodes/piano stuff... Most of whats goin on here really tickles my musical senses... great mix of songs.. Great stuff man! Very professional and tasteful... //GaMeBoX
  22. Damn, boss1 sonic3 version is free ?? I would have jumped on it but im moving this weekend + got loads of stuff to do right now... Ill be putting up final versions of my two songs on my server later today. Is wav format required ?? How will that be handled ?? Is snapple to edit al wavs or ???
  23. I have no experience using cold fusion myself.. I have php and mysql on my server, that im also offering for the project. I can offer the help of giving you some example code, but mostly, im extremely buzy nowadays.
  24. As far as i know, cold fusion isnt commonly supported, i guess you have to install it yourself on the server. But i know you can use MySQL with flash, (and with html using PHP as a server scripting language for example, the code looks pretty much identical to regular java code, simple programming), maybe you should look into that. As its probably the most commonly used database it will also be more valuable to learn how to use these together (flash and MySQL or html/PHP/MySQL). MySQL is a piece of cake to learn really, just google for tutorials, its all out there, and PHPmyAdmin is an easy way to create and manage your database tables, its a webb interface that you log in to on your server. (i guess you know this already, just tryin to be helpful... )
  25. Im not looking for any $$... but i did notice that the remix project "the american album" something, had a donation button on it, so i was just bringin it up you silly.. I figured there may have been thoughts about putting one on.
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