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Posts posted by ProjectSpam

  1. I haven't played the game, but I find it impressive that the makers could get a game they made with the old RPG Maker 2000 to have so much press, negative or not.

    I, however, feel that the game was made with good intentions, but it's just not far enough away from the shootings themselves to really be released and promoted on the internet. Even if they give it another 15 years, it still wouldn't be long enough because school shootings are always a threat, and there's not much someone can do to stop some psycho once they have their mind set toward shooting some classmates.

  2. Well, I'll admit I have nothing constructive to add to this, but I will offer a word of praise.

    I played Mega Man X a hell of a lot as a youngster, and always yearned to see how it would play out if there was a multi-player option. However, this sounds like quite a different experience from all the online games I've played (maybe I haven't played that many, who knows), and certainly sounds like it would be a ton of fun. I would definitely try it out if this idea comes into fruition, as long as the cost to play wasn't exorbitant.

  3. I'm really sorry about this, but I've found that I really don't have time for this anymore. I'm too involved with school, work, and organizations around campus whilst maintaining an active social life. I love Tetris Attack, and the idea behind this contest, but I really don't have time to unwind anymore and am thus going to have to drop out of this contest.

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