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Posts posted by ProjectSpam

  1. The original Super Mario Bros. in like 1991 or 1992 or something.

    My tech-savvy uncle found a NES at a garage sale somewhere and bought it cheap along with game (which was the Mario/Duck Hunt combo cartridge). So I have memories of him showing me and my sister how to play, and then I played at some point.

  2. Lovin' this. It's a great ambient version of the theme. I personally don't have a problem with the flute, as I think it can be heard pretty prominently throughout. I don't think it's too repetitive. I think you could skip around the song on your media player, and two parts won't sound identical. I think maybe there could be a better ending, and some more melodic development in the last 40 seconds or so, but in any case, I think this is awesome.

  3. ProjectSpam gots to hire three females, aged 18 to 25 to perform vocals. The London Philharmonic must also be brought in for a few orchestral snippets here and there. The ghost of Isaac Hayes will record a single dialogue line, namely "I wish I hadn't got on the tredmill that day." Two acoustic guitars, one fully made of wood, the other electric/acoustic. A bass guitar made from the remains of a cereal box. All of these elements combined will make a horrible song, but I'm really looking forward to what you come up with instead.

    Haha, yeeahhh! I'll definitely need to add all of those random pieces together...

    I'm really excited to be working on this. I've got, uh, a somewhat unconventional 40 seconds of crap so far finished. But I like where it's going!

  4. Looks like Legend of Dragoon may be the biggest winner from this thing, with 3 outgoing challenges. I actually almost requested the Indels Castle theme from that game. Alas, I'm excited to get started with my track and to see what people come up for everything else.

    And diotrans, I'm excited to see what you come up with for Blinded by Light!

    Edit: Also, I've been looping my track. I'm not the most experienced musician, but this track is growing on me, and I think I'm starting to love it. So beautiful. I think I'll be looping it for the next few days. I'll try to make you proud, Brandon Strader!

  5. Well, I don't know a lot about production. But this sounds really awesome. But it sounds like a lot of the mid-range sounds are kinda muddied.

    Other than that, the melodies are pretty awesome. I'm not too familiar with the source (not anymore at least), but there's a lot of variety, in terms of no two sections sounding the same.

  6. I'll second on the bass clicks. Gets old quick.

    And I haven't been around here long, but is this a remix or a cover? I haven't yet figured out the line that divides the two around these parts. Yours actually pretty sounds close to the originally, albeit with real instruments instead of synth ones like Uematsu's, and you also have the organ lower in your mix.

    Sounds good though except for those things Cyril mentioned (like the toms overpowering the bassline).

    One last thing: some stuff sounds a little out of time. Like the bass rhythm in the beginning as one example. In your final mix, I'm sure you'll redo a lot of that so it should be fine.

    I'd say the arrangement is definitely structurally conservative, but I thinkthere's more than enough variations, textures, and new harmonies to at least be on the better side of borderline, as far as arrangement goes. Plus, this hasn't even gotten to the crazy quick organ parts -- I'm sure there's plenty of room to sort of deviate away from the source structure and do some soloing or whatever joren wants to do there.

    I especially like where the song is going 3/4ths of the way through... just keep it up. Sounds awesome so far, and this source is unjustly underrepresented.

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