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Posts posted by ProjectSpam

  1. This site has long been my favorite site on the internet, and I don't think that will ever change. So awesome that OCR has been around for 10 years. I remember finding this site in 2003 and having my world completely revolutionized.

    We all appreciate the hard work that djp, the judges' panel, and everyone else have put into this site over the years, and look forward to seeing what the next ten years of OCR bring.

  2. Early 2003, when I was downloading a bunch of random game music from a p2p (winmx, I believe). I kept running into files tagged with OC ReMix and really enjoyed them, so I kept downloading them... then the person I was downloading the music from sent me a message saying, "You do know you can download all this music for free from ocr, right?"

    And thus, my life was changed forever...

  3. haha i've always wished that would happen. i have two ocr bumper-stickers on my car in hopes that someone will eventually take notice :tomatoface:

    haha, I do the same thing!

    Well, I used to work at a dollar store where I would play OC ReMixes for everyone to hear, but no one ever recognized the music (exceptions being a couple friends who came in to visit).

    About the coolest random game music experience was at a Giant Eagle near my college, when I heard the Viper Manor music from Chrono Cross start playing over the loudspeaker.

  4. Hey all! I'm pretty new to ReMixing, but I'm trying to learn things. I started on a ReMix of the Cosmo Canyon song from Final Fantasy 7 ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ei3i996VsNQ ). It's still a pretty early WIP, but any constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    This is the link to my song:


    I know I haven't used all of the source material, but this isn't quite finished yet. Also, I feel pretty uncertain about the song after the 1:55 mark. Anyway, thanks for listening.

  5. I didn't think too much of this ReMix at first... but it's really grown on me since I've thought about it and started listening to it. I just love love LOVE what's been done with the melody here, and it's so smooth I can't help but enjoy this to death. This is one of those ReMixes that I can just kick back, and let it give me peace.

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