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Everything posted by UnforgivingEdges

  1. Right back at you, cowboy.
  2. How trite. Do you have no appreciation of art or masterful storytelling? What about appreciation of characterization? You obviously have none if you didn't like Silent Hill 2 because James was a "pussy". Kindly take your cultureless hands off my Silent Hill franchise, please. Dude, The SH franchise belongs to you as much as the internet does to Gore, chill. No, it belongs to me. The first name on my birth certificate reads "Konami". So there.
  3. How trite. Do you have no appreciation of art or masterful storytelling? What about appreciation of characterization? You obviously have none if you didn't like Silent Hill 2 because James was a "pussy". Kindly take your cultureless hands off my Silent Hill franchise, please.
  4. Not much new, but it seems like we'll be seeing a trailer soon. Especially since they have finished filming. Just editing and special effect left now. I'm still very worried that it will suck, big-time. Ofcourse, I will still see it. I mean, it's Silent Hill. I just hope that's not what the director/producers is playing off of... If anything, the soundtrack will be awesome, since its done by Yamaoka. But I have a feeling the movie will turn out well. They captured the visual look of the town of Silent Hill at least. They did? I can't really agree, from what has been revealed so far. On the pictures I've seen, it's either not dark enough, or not enough mist in the air. Mist is something they need to have, to get that SH effect completely. I love the mist. Computer generated special effects don't occur naturally in real life, thus making them hard to photograph. Do you realize how much water vapor you'd have to generate in order to make sure it clumps together and doesn't assimilate into outdoor air? EDIT- And even IF they decided to do it the natural way and create real mist, it would obfuscate the promo pictures of the set. Nobody wants to look at a photo from the movie and ask "What is that?". The pictures are to show the set design and structures of the movie, which is why they would take them without the mist present.
  5. Not much new, but it seems like we'll be seeing a trailer soon. Especially since they have finished filming. Just editing and special effect left now. I'm still very worried that it will suck, big-time. Ofcourse, I will still see it. I mean, it's Silent Hill. I just hope that's not what the director/producers is playing off of... If anything, the soundtrack will be awesome, since its done by Yamaoka. But I have a feeling the movie will turn out well. They captured the visual look of the town of Silent Hill at least.
  6. In Water= best video game ending ever. It tore my heart out and stomped on it, and I loved every second. Ironically, I thought the same thing... Except for the loving part. Yes it did tear my heart out and stomp on it, but I was dissapointed. Are you the type of person who needs a happy ending? If so, that's rather lame, dude.
  7. In Water= best video game ending ever. It tore my heart out and stomped on it, and I loved every second. As for SH3, the endings aren't as different (I think there's only 2 not including the UFO one) so as to warrant trying to avoid one or the other. There is a definitive "good" ending, but the "bad" ending isn't bad enough to ruin the game. Only minor differences, really. On another note, can anyone direct me to a site with some Silent Hill art, preferably good art?
  8. What you mean, she's the originator of VGDJ. I think you guys just miss her as much as she misses y'all.. Who?
  9. To quote Leo from VGCats: "HAY A GRL! LET'S CYBER!!!!" HYE U LIKE VIDEOGAMES? I LIKE VIDEOGAMES TOO! GOT MSN???? LETZ CAM! Pseudo-ghetto American on nerdy German action. HAWT.
  10. It's called a stinger.. pwnt
  11. I can send you the show recording if you want to make it available to the VGDJ/Rayza.net listening public. YOU MAY NOT HAVE MISSED IT!!
  12. There are some mixes on there that I can't believe you attached your name to
  13. Please find a way to use that every week.
  14. Silent Hill 2 is one of the greatest games every made. Even better than Virtual Jenna Jameson?!?!?!?! I realize you're trying to be funny, but if you seriously think that is one of the greatest games ever, then you have no business putting your hands on my SH2.
  15. Silent Hill 2 is one of the greatest games every made.
  16. AURORAGASM That is fawesome.
  17. I'd also like to suggest not doing this: "And now we're going to talk about [subject X]" *Talks about subject X* Instead of announcing what you'll be talking about in a couple seconds, just jump right into it; it's rather redundant otherwise and it will make things flow more smoothly.
  18. SotN= SYMPHONY OF THE NIGHT Shadow of the Nightmare. lewl.
  19. Agreed. That was my whole point.
  20. He sure can, but if he wants to engage an auidence, there should be an energy to the show proceedings to keep listeners interested. Don't get me wrong, it was the first show, but I was just making a suggestion on how it could get better. Not trying to rag on Larry, but he was himself, he said yo alot, he made weird noises, he tried to distract us by taking his t-shirt off. But he was larry, and ya, we ragged him on it... but he was always Larry. Hence... Rayza will be Rayza. (just my opinion) This has nothing to do with Larry. As a broadcast journalism major, I'm sharing what I've learned while doing my own show. You may not care about being professional since it's only a podcast, but if you look at any radio host that you like, any TV host that you like, you are interested in watching/listening to them because they have an energy that conveys what they're talking about as engaging.
  21. He sure can, but if he wants to engage an auidence, there should be an energy to the show proceedings to keep listeners interested. Don't get me wrong, it was the first show, but I was just making a suggestion on how it could get better.
  22. I can assure you the rest of the forum is not.
  23. http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0407/moussette_aur16jul1_lab1.jpg http://www.ptialaska.net/~hutch/92797wheel.jpg http://climate.gi.alaska.edu/Curtis/pom.jpg http://ottawa.rasc.ca/pictures/gboyle/aurora.jpg I've got more where those puppies came from.
  24. Rayza, you need some energy man. Aurora has that female, cool and chill voice, but you don't really seem excited to be there. AMP IT UP
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