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Everything posted by UnforgivingEdges

  1. Here are your must-haves when they are released: Children of Mana Phoenix Wright 2 Lunar Knights Yoshi's Island 2 Kirby DS Others: Hotel Dusk: Room 215 (if you liked Trace Memory, this game is by the same developer) Final Fantasy 3 Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Deep Labyrinth (Masato Katou of Chrono Trigger doing the story, Yasunori Mitsuda doing the music) Contact Mega Man ZX Stay away from: Starfox DS Mario Hoops 3 on 3 Tenchi DS (even though I liked it, it's not a very good game)
  2. Yes and yes. Great action-adventure RPGs from the man who brought the world Metal Gear Solid.
  3. Adventure game being developed by Cing, which is the same studio who did Trace Memory. Played it at E3, it's a return to the old school Kirby, with a few twists. The touch screen keeps health and enemies trapped in bubbles, and popping those bubbles gives Kirby whatever is inside; it's sort of like an item inventory. You can also combine items and enemies to form new items or fusion powers for Kirby to use. In fact it's made by the same people (Kojima productions) and is considered part of the Boktai series. If you own a Boktai game and have it in the GBA slot on the DS, you can use the weather sensor on it for Lunar Knights. Otherwise, the game has its own weather system.
  4. Does nobody read my posts? I talked about this already on one of the last few pages. The music is also being done by Yasunori Mitsuda, bringing the Mitsuda/Katou duo back together again. I aw this game at E3, as well. Looked good, like a portable version of Oblivion in some ways. A lot of people are comparing it to the King's Quest series.
  5. I mentioned that...
  6. I need to, my L button is dying on me. EB Games has a deal where you get $50 off the DS Lite when you trade in your old DS, so I'll try that. Hopefully they don't test out the buttons. Be aware that if you have any games you play through wifi, you'll lose all yoru stats and have to reregister to get a new friend code as the DS binds itself to online-capable games. if you keep the old one, you can actually transfer all the data to the Lite, but then you won't get the 50 bucks off, seeing as how you'd have to buy it.
  7. I might, considering I have some autographs on the front of my current DS from E3, and I like the way the buttons feel a whole lot better. We'll see. My PS2 seems about ready to die on me after 5 years, so I may need to replace that with a PStwo.
  8. Two words: Sonic Rush
  9. So what do you think of the game? Is it a real Zelda, a wierd one like Four Swords and in the middle? I mea, from the videos I've seen, it looked like half-a-zelda... It's definiately different. Moving is pretty easy; you just touch the screen where you want link to walk, and it's really reponsive, so as soon as you lift up, he stops. Atttacking is done by making slash motions on the touch screen towards the enemies you're fighting. The demo was only a small area, and the multiplayer mode, but I think the game looks promising. The camera angle is a lot like LttP or Minish Cap, only zoomed in more so Link is larger on screen.
  10. Played Phantom Hourglass at E3: the controls are fine. They're a lot more intuitive than you would think. PLus the graphics are nice.
  11. To comment on some of these titles: Final Fantasy 3: I played it at E3, and while the graphics are very nice, I was very dismayed that the battle system hasn't been touched during the revamping. It's still the classic, menu-based watch-attack-selection battle system from the original game. Blah. So boring. Contact: This game looks good. It's very weird (what do you expect from Grasshopper?). Sometimes the game looks a lot like Earthbound, and then sometimes the game looks a lot like a modern 3D DS game. Mega Man ZX: While the concept may not look very good, the gameplay in this game is superb. It's looking to return the Mega Man franchise to the grace it once held in the X series. Mega Man fans should be very happy once this game comes out. I full plan on getting it. And ones that nobody has commented on yet: Deep Labyrinth- Masato Katou (Chrono Trigger scenarist) and Yasunori Mitsuda are reunited again! This game, as IGN points out, is similar to King's Field. it's a first-person action RPG that uses the touch screen for attacking, blocking, and even spell-casting. It looks good; didn't get a chance to play it at E3, but I saw a lot of gameplay. Touch Detective- The cutest game ever. It's an adventure/mystery game that uses the touch screen for exploration and clue-gathering. Hotel Dusk: Room 215- From the makers of Trace memory comes another adventure game with an awesome art style. Notice from the screens (which I urge you to look at; they are sweet), you hold your DS sideways to play the game, like you would hold a book. This is my most anticipated DS title of the year.
  12. You've convinced me. And Eddie is no longer on the run for murdering cops, now he's wandering into SH looking for work! And Angela no longer killed her father for abusing her, now her father's actually in jail for tax evasion, and she's in town for some sightseeing! Again, change all you'd like to make a better film. I'm no SH fundamentalist. But with that scenario, you've changed the protagonists's dead wife from a tragic reminder of the his past sins into an evil carrot-on-a-stick used to lure him into the town. You're a shortsighted idiot. I'm not changing anything. I'm merely stating that another director could come along and create a film adaptation of the 2nd game's storyline.
  13. Good thing you're not the director. If you're referring to the second part: Why? Because it's such a good idea to shoehorn a tragedy-less character from the first movie into a tragic plot thread from SH2? A film is going to be adapted in different ways when making the transition from another medium, The ending was left open to continue the same basic narratives found in the second game. If you can't see that as a possible scenario, then you're blind.
  14. 2 and 4 are unrelated to 1 and 3, for the most part. 2 and 4 are also loosely related to each other. Silent Hill 2 is also one of the greatest video games ever made.
  15. Good thing you're not the director.
  16. I think, to be fair, it blew significant chunks in very small portions near the end.
  17. I thouroughly enjoyed the film, with the exception of 2 scenes near the end of the film that were so bad they were funny. But as far as capturing the feel of the games, I think Gans did an amazing job. The first half of the movie was utterly fantastic and had lots of homage to the games and a great atmosphere. I was surprised at how good most of it was, so I came away from the theater pleased. ifirit: I agree with what you said about the movies spawning their own sort of universe. But I disagree with the fact that you think the movie cannot be logically continued to the story of Silent Hill 2. I think they set it up PERFECTLY for a sequel based off of 2. Now you've got Christopher de Silva all alone in the "real" world thinking his wife is dead, because obviously Rose and Sharon/Alessa are now in the misty version of reality. How easy would it be to start a 2nd SH movie off with Chris receiving a letter from Rose several years down the line, telling him that she's still alive and in Silent Hill waiting for him? The stage is set, all that's needed now is for the movie to be made.
  18. A request for spoiler tags when discussing the film after tonight, please.
  19. The funny thing is that she's probably still up there doing that.
  20. Since when does the number of doors that are locked or unlocked determine how good a game is? And I mean any game, not just Silent Hill.
  21. You're looking for scares in the wrong way. The games aren't Resident Evil clones, which is how you're approaching them. The Silent Hill games are not meant to give you that sudden horror feeling; they're meant to give you a slowly growing sense of perturbation and creeped out-ness.
  22. You mean feelings of dread and perturbation? But seriously, that is flippin awesome. Hello new desktop EDIT: After studying it further, it kind of looks like PH just relieved himself.
  23. No, of course not. It just won't contain ALL merit of faithfulness to the series. Just because he says it doesn't mean it will be, or if it is, will be to your (and people like you) liking. Way to go out of your way to be an immature and self-righteous prick about the discussion. I know you take pride in your deep knowledge about the games, but acting like you're some sort of benevolent god? Get over yourself Internet= serious business
  24. It's also downloadable in pdf format from the film website.
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