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Everything posted by UnforgivingEdges

  1. Yes, Darkesword! SoE is so great, and the Hall of Collosia is arguably the best track in the game. You did great work with this one; it sounds fantastic.
  2. That was always my impression, too.
  3. Groovay. I'm loving it. This is truly what djping is all about. I can just see a room full of people head bobbing together in tune with the music.
  4. I got the impression that he was looking through the eyes of Mary as she was being rolled on a gurney through the hospital (both because the view is that of a ceiling rolling rapidly by, and also her voice calling his name) that served as a sort of mind trance intermission of sorts for him to be transported to the Other hospital.
  5. I beat Silent Hill 2 today. All I can say is wow. The game had so many layers of meaning, and the plot was amazing....wow. This is going down as one of my favorite games of all time. Despite being rather generic, James Sunderland is one of the best, most well-rounded characters in any story in any sort of medium (books, movies, games). I am absolutely blown away.
  6. Someone should archive this thread. It would be a shame to lose it and all of the information/theories. *Turns on playstation to play SH2* EDIT- Also, it's probably been talked about and discussed at great length somewhere in the anals of this thread, but what's up with white vans in the town of Silent Hill? There are white vans everywhere, appearing more so than any other type of car parked in the town. Also, at the beginning of Silent Hill 3, there's a white van blocking the exit from outside the mall in the alley behind the bathroom. When examined, Heather says something like "How did someone park this here anyway?" because it's wedged in so tight between the brick. Anyways, I'm sure I'm not the only one that sees the damn things everywhere. Also, as I have been reading through this thread tonight, a lot of the links posted are now dead. On that note, does anyone have a link handy for desktop wallpaper of some of the cooler images from the series, such as Valtiel and the hanging sisters? Also, while we're on the subject of cool pictures that look like Silent Hill:
  7. This song really lends itself well to depressing visual scenes much like one would find in the night of a back alley somewhere. Dan B's vocals really make this song great, but I felt zyko's rapping was a bit out of place. Still a great song though; I'll be listening to it for a long while.
  8. I just received a perfectly pristine, original release copy of Silent Hill 2 in the mail today for PS2. Got me some winter vacation entertainment. EDIT- Mine is the 666th post in this thread. DUN DUN DUN. I feel Silent Hill slowly converging around me as we speak.
  9. You should really try to play the first SH game as well, because 3 is a continuation of its story-line. SH will always be my favorite, although I love how psychological 2 is. But anyway, it is easy to get past the sub-par graphics (nowadays) in the original game in no time, and it still will probably scare you shitless. The details that went into that game, and all of the references to the entire horror genre are just plain amazing. So anyway, just thought I would mention the original...because it really is an essential game to play if you really want a great introduction into the world of Silent Hill. Eh. I read the plot and all of its nuances, so I understand the story and everything. I might play it one day.
  10. Okay, where to start where to start. First off, I started reading this thread from the beginning, got about 10 pages in and said screw it. Secondly, I was a Silent Hill virgin up until a couple days ago when I borrowed SH3 from my friend, and to put it in internet terms, it rockzors my sockzors. I've never experienced a survival horror game that was both fun to play (like Resident Evil) and freaky as hell (like Fatal Frame) and I must say SH does a damnn good job, especially because it deals with psychological fear, which scares me the most. I'm planning on buying SH2 and getting SH4 for my birthday; SH3 grew on me and impressed me a lot. I haven't been freaked out playing a game like this, well, ever really. I'd also like to add that I find the music AMAZING. I listened to the SH3 soundtrack that came with the game; I am quite pleased. I'm hoping to pick up the SH4 soundtrack, even if the only good song is the theme from the trailer. If the SH2 music is good, I'll prolly get that one too. In any case, a couple things I noticed today while playing SH3 (and forgive me if this has been brought up before; I didn't read the whole damn thread): *possible spoilers?* Douglas's car seems to be from California, seeing as the plates are the same design, and if I'm not mistaken, say California on them. Now while I thought this was pretty cool, I was shocked even more when I found out that there's a Toluca Lake in the town of Silent Hill. There's a town called Toluca Lake in California as well. While I know that Silent Hill has no exact location in the U.S. (as far as I know anyway), it's pretty interesting that there were 2 CA references within like 5 minutes of each other. Check it out. I might have to take a visit to Silent Hill. If I can find it on the map
  11. I'm really loving all the vocal mixes that have been submitted in the recent months, but this song takes the genre to a whole new level. Very good song, very listenable, and the lyrics are great. The sound quality is also very high. Just good stuff all around.
  12. Way to go man, GL. I'm loving this mix, even more so than your recent stuff because you've come back to that new age/ambient feel with this song. Very epic while still remaining minimalistic.
  13. This song is freakin awesome. I'm of the opinion that there should be more vocal ReMixes, and this one is quite good. I, too, have had it on repeat for a long time (everytime I listen to it in fact), and it also forced me to check out Arkimedes' website for his other music. Way to go, great song.
  14. Just read through the thread, and thought I would say: Chizniz, CapnHulk, great work. It's nice to see you guys single-handedly arming the OCR newcomers with sigs If my request in the Unmod request thread gets nowhere, I'll bring it here.
  15. Ridley from Super Metroid. Damn...what a hard bastard. I must have fought it two dozen times before I finally got lucky enough to beat it...stupid bird.
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