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Everything posted by UnforgivingEdges

  1. I'd like to amend my Touch Detective post: the game doesn't come out until the 24th.
  2. Wednesday! What: A wacked out adventure game where the player controls a little girl who solves various mysteries. How: Plays like a point and click adventure game, similar to Trace Memory in that it uses touch screen control It's a great, humorous game if you like PnC adventures, and Atlus has included their usual high-quality localization for everything. If you want to laugh, and liked Trace Memory, this game is for you.
  3. Why the hell do you care? Stop taking it so personally.
  4. Bam I own one; it's wonderful. Soft and fuzzy on the inside, hard and tough on the outside, plus it fits games OR a GBA.
  5. Oh don't worry, I've been griping about the price for months
  6. My copy of Meteos does that. It's either a hardware glitch, or the metal connectors from cart to system aren't touching.
  7. Bubble Bobble Revolution tomorrow!
  8. Gamestats is run by IGN.
  9. Videos!
  10. Okay, new subject: Bubble Bobble Revolution! Comes out TOMORROW. Features levels that stretch between both screens, as well as being horizontally wide. Same classic gameplay (capture enemies in bubbles, stomp bubbles, eat fruit), but with updated super cute graphics (love the new Bub and Bob). Also has 4 player competitive multiplayer, as well as the ORIGINAL ARCADE VERSION, complete with co-op mode. Whether or not that it supports multicart only or download play is the only remaining question mark. Still, so awesome. Buying this ASAP.
  11. DQH: Rocket Slime Should I buy it? C'mon, I know all you Square Enix whores are in the woodwork. TELL ME PLZ
  12. Has anyone picked up DQH: Rocket Slime? I'm thinking about getting it tomorrow when I buy Okami, but I need some hands-on impressions first.
  13. Contact has been delayed until October 10.
  14. On another forum I read, someone didn't know what friend codes were, so one of the users there came up with the best description I've ever heard for them:
  15. Pokemon Ranger? Well, if it's that one, basically, when you try and capture Pokemon, you have to draw circles around them. Higher level Pokemon require more circles and more speed. While you're drawing, the Pokemon will sense that it's being trapped, so it will try and run away. If it breaks your drawing line, you have to draw the circles again. And if you draw more circles than are required, you also have to try again. It's an interesting mechanic, but I can see it getting very frustrating.
  16. Okay, look, either add something to the discussion or go back to sucking on hedgehog penis. Stop jerking off Atlus first. Quite the other way around. They give me free games and awesome discounts on out-of-print software. Why the hell would I not praise them. They were more than generous to me, a temporary QA tester. Go work at Sega, tool, where you can communicate better with the monkeys who sit in the front office. That may be cool and all, but we've seen you put down pretty much everyones opinion on a game and tell them to go buy some Atlus game instead or whatever. Sometimes you sound like you're a spokesperson or something. BUY THIS GAME, BUY IT NOW. The don't buy it. Simple. You're not a fucking automaton. Besides, it's not only Atlus; did you see my Okami thread, my God Hand thread, my SotC thread when the game first came out. I preach good games, regardless of company.
  17. Guess I missed that unwritten law. TS.
  18. Okay, look, either add something to the discussion or go back to sucking on hedgehog penis. Stop jerking off Atlus first. Quite the other way around. They give me free games and awesome discounts on out-of-print software. Why the hell would I not praise them. They were more than generous to me, a temporary QA tester. Go work at Sega, tool, where you can communicate better with the monkeys who sit in the front office.
  19. Okay, look, either add something to the discussion or go back to sucking on hedgehog penis.
  20. It's not that easy when the levels LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME. And most of the cheap deaths come from the game making you come to a COMPLETE STOP in order to hit a switch or jump a pit or not hit an enemy. This is SOnic for friggin christ, let him keep moving at a fast rate of speed. I really did like the game, except for all the parts where they made me stop and do some Mario-esque platforming.
  21. Lots of cheap deaths, however, that make me wonder if the game designers were asleep while working.
  22. It's a fun game. If you like real-time dungeon crawling, this game is for you. If you like first person games with melee combat, this game is for you. The story isn't anything special, but the game handles very well (I can't for the life of me figure out why so many reviewers had control problems; they're very intuitive). The music, by Yasunori Mitsuda, is AWESOME. Some very very good tunes. The game is rather easy, but the satisfaction comes in trying to find all the secret items or hidden rooms rather than surviving. There are also two distinct scenarios each with their own story. Chapter 1 was made specifically for the DS version. while Chapter 2 is an adaptation of a Japanese cell phone game (it's also more difficult, though still fairly easy, and billed as the chapter for more "mature" players). All in all, I had a lot of fun with the game, even though the only area it would be considered outstanding in is in the music category. But it's good for portable play with frequent save points. Were I to review the game, I would give it a 7.5/10
  23. Prime Hunters is the win. Love that game. I personally think it's the best game on the DS. Sonic Rush you can skip unless you're a big Sonic fan. This thread should be evidence enough of my opinion of Starfox. Never played Castlevania; not my genre.
  24. Played Deep Labyrinth yet?
  25. He gave it to me, I swear.
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