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Posts posted by jmr

  1. Ïðîäàæà íåäâèæèìîñòè â ×åðíîãîðèè: http://cernis.cz


    "Sale to real estate in Montenegro: http://cernis.cz"

    Can you say SPAM???

    I'm glad to see that we actually have a tentative release date...

    Anyway, to the point:


    DISC II - Special Themes

    9. Endless Mine Competition - jeffreymroberts *DONE*

    10. Desert Palace Competition - foxhound_ *CLOSED*

    Tracks 9 & 10 are STILL in the wrong order... DESERT PALACE comes before ENDLESS MINE. (Again, the compitition level names follow an A-B-C-D-E pattern)

  2. Hey guys, I've got some more podcast-related news...

    Winamp 5.1 now supports Podcasts!


    click thumbnail to enlarge

    This new feature, called 'SHOUTcast Wire', is accessable through the Library. It also has a 'Discover' feature, which allows you to browse and search through an index of podcasts. VGDJ isn't there... (and I don't see an 'add podcast' feature) ...yet.

    However, you can still easily add the RSS Feed info in the 'Subscriptions' area.

    So... yeah, good news for winamp users.

    Keep up the good work! I've already voted once this month, and now that school's started up again, expect another vote from me!

  3. I've just got back from two weeks vacation, and I'm suprised to see the progress that has been made. Good work guys!

    I have two questions/comments about the tracklisting:

    1)If Disc 1 ends up being longer than 80 mins, what song(s) will be moved to disc 2?

    2)In the game, Desert Palace comes before Endless Mine (notice the names follow an A-B-C-D-E pattern?). Swap tracks 9 & 10 on disc 2.

    Hetcenus, I'll get to work on your track ASAP. School starts for me this week, but I'll try to have it done in the next few days. Sorry if this causes a problem...

    Hadyn, that website design looks awesome. It'd be cool if you made CD labels to match. If you need help with anything, I'll gladly assist.

  4. I just discovered that I can put include the VGDJ feed on my Google home page. *gmail account required*

    Go to http://www.google.com/ig and sign in

    Click the 'Add Content' button in the upper left corner.

    Click 'Create A Section', and enter: http://feeds.feedburner.com/vgdj

    Voila! VGDJ on your google page.


    click thumbnail to enlarge.

    This might be handy for those of us who don't use feed aggrigators. Plus, you can add nearly ANY RSS feed, such as OCR, Tha Sauce, and VGMix.

    I also have been around since #001, and have been listening ever since. Keep up the good work guys, and I'll keep on voting!

  5. I only see five for Snapple, one of which is already done. ;)




    *re-reads last couple pages*

    ahh... Apparently he and DarkeSword dropped the track... damn... that 2-part, 4-way collaboration would have been awesome! Oh well, I'm sure zyko and BrainCells' version will be great as well.

  6. ehh... huh?

    I must have registered back in 2002, forgot all about it, and re-registered again in 2003... oops!

    I can't login to that account anymore, I don't even remember the password! So, if anybody here can delete users, #927 (jeffreymr) should go!

    So, here's my current profile

    EDIT: Don't want to double post, so here...

    I just discovered a tool that lets you play the Sonic 2 rom (in Gens or Gens+), but replaces the soundtrack with MP3s. There's actually a batch file made specifically for the project MP3s. Check it out at:


  7. Oh yes, Zamfir's 'Lonely Shepherd' is a great song. That track came to my mind too while I was working on this.
    Yeah, I enjoy Lonely Shepherd as well, especially the James Last-ish horn section... *grabs Zamfir CD* What do you know, Lonely Shepherd is written by James Last!

    Anyway, am I the only one who hears Gerudo Valley in this track? There seems to be a striking similarity, at least to my ears...

  8. As long as I can decompress it back to WAV, I'll be happy as an oyster.

    Yup, you can convert APE, FLAC, and SHN back to WAVs, as long as you have the proper software. Actually, FLAC was used for the lossless version of the Kirby project, so I wouldn't be suprised if many people here already have the software installed.

    You might be wondering what FLAC is. FLAC stands for Free Lossless Audio Codec; basically this means that the music has been compressed from wave masters to this slightly smaller format without ANY loss in quality. In order to play and burn FLAC files, get the appropriate software from the FLAC website:


    You can get a plugin to burn FLAC files directly to CD, or you can just use the decoder to convert back to WAV. There won't be any difference in quality.

  9. I'm expecting full quality wavs. That's 44khz 16bit wavs, there should be an option to export this instead of an MP3 (and it's usually a much quicker export too).
    I'm glad that there's gonna be a lossless version.

    However, sending WAVs can be a bit of a hassle, especially for those with slower connections. Is is alright if FLAC or SHN (lossless formats) are used?

    As for using MSN, try using webmessenger or e-messenger... (Web Based). You *may* be able to use it, at least until you get your capable system set up.

    By the way, you may want to update the first page.

  10. Tried e-mailing... but got:

    This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

    Delivery to the following recipients failed.


    If you don't take foxhound_'s offer, you can email it to me, and I can send it to KFC through AIM or MSN. I also have a bit of space left in my Tripod account, I can temporarily host it for ya!

    EDIT: I 'spose it would be easier if I gave my current Email address: jeffreymr@gmail.com

  11. Is it ok to post wips on here?
    According to the first post, WIPs can't be shared publicly (that includes here). Try messaging one of the coordinators and have them look at it.

    As well:

    Trading songs between project members is not only okay, but encouraged! No better way to learn than to compare, says me.
  12. Uh, you guys are aware that posting links to downloads of commercially available soundtracks is prohibited by OCR forum rules, right?

    I apologize: I had no idea that linking to sites with, eh, 'less-than-legal' material was not allowed.

    And: to whoever edited my post, please be just a little less offensive... :lol:


    He told me the same thing.... :D
    Well, I guess I know who did it! I guess I'm not a fan of the 'Ruthless Snapple flavor'. :D
  13. I can barely hear the original in it.
    http://kfc.paletteswap.com/kirbyshortdemo.mp3 - KFC's demo

    http://members.lycos.co.uk/jeffswallpapers/boardfiles/K-MWW-intro30.mp3 - First 30 seconds of original

    Are your ears working? [quote taken out of context... :P]

    Anyway, I really like the storybook concept... Has anyone considered making a printable CD Booklet version? If anyone wants it, I'd gladly make a CD booklet version of the storybook... that is, assuming the thing's not going to be a crazy amount of pages.

  14. It's almost sad that Rayza had to drop the track. After re-listening to a WIP version ('almostdone'), I am reminded of how great his track was turning out, and how close it seemed to be to completion. Oh well, I guess that's all you can do. Hopefully Rayza will consider remixing the song anyway, even if it's outside of this project. I'm sure everyone who has heard the WIP will agree.

  15. ...when you want to think that something is better but there's no basis for it.
    Yup... that's pretty much what I wanted to get across... I personally have rarely used MP3pro, (only when downloading rare songs/albums and such) because nothing else was available.

    I really have no preference in the format AS LONG AS I get to listen to it...

    Oh.. and in other news: I've attempted to advertise VGDJ on another board I post at (Acmlm's Board). Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see what I'm talking about.

  16. For the best compatibility, I'd say stick to MP3.
    I agree... although I still have to convert the MP3 to another format (in this case, GBS) to listen to it on my player.

    Maybe you guys can do an MP3pro Podcast. You still get the MP3 compatibility, but those with MP3pro-capable software/hardware can listen to a 'higher-quality' version. (notice the quotations)

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