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Posts posted by jmr

  1. Considering either Azure Lake, or Endless Mine. (Or even both, if that's allowed. :P)

    I'll get started on some stuff soon.

    Rayza's doing Azure Lake, and I'm doing Endless Mine... However, neither of these tracks are locked.

    By the way, are you the same Golden Yoshi that posts on Acmlm's Board? I'm 'JefF' there... (crappy user name, i know!)

  2. Great work Eon Blue! I'm impressed!

    When I did the HH project art (actually, both me AND KFC made versions), I was given a few suggestions, and I guess it wouldn't hurt to pass them along:

    ...as far as printing's concerned, you're going to want to work with extremely high res files (and high DPI) to get a clean final product. Make sure, too, that you're working in CMYK colour, rather than RGB. RGB is subtractive colour - mix all colours and get white, whereas CMYK is additive - mix all colours and get black, which is how print works. You'll find as a reslt that CMYK doesn't have the vibrancy of RGB, but that's just how print media is ^^

    I usually use 1000x1000 pixels for CD Labels. It works out just fine for me.

  3. Thing is, we have to vote EVERY MONTH to keep the rankings going....

    I think the 'reading off the random mixes' thing should be shortened a bit, although Aurora still wants to read them off, maybe we'll omit the dates until the actual one is picked. It kinda drags on a bit long..

    1. Will do!

    2. I agree, that did seem to take up a lot of time that could probably be used for something a little more interesting. Maybe you could just post links to the six songs in the shownotes?


    Also, we need to make a promo/skit/commercial to give to Adam Curry the "Podfather" & inventor of podcasting that he'll play on his show. Any ideas for that as well?

    Maybe you could use an edited version of the show intro, like the first 20 secs, and have you and Aurora say something like 'check out VGDJ, the Official OC Remix Podcast, at www.vgdj.net'

  4. Just voted...

    I've already told Rayza (thru MSN) how much I liked what he and Aurora have put together.

    Overall, I was really impressed. I liked that clips of recent songs were played, but the full 'random' song is also a great idea.

    Keep up the good work you two, I'm looking forward to the next episode!

  5. Icy, nothing personal, I just feel that haven't contributed much at all since this started. No offense of course.
    ...(I've been grounded. The reason? Windows died. Yes, I've been grounded because Windows died.)...

    I dunno about anyone else, but I feel that to be a legitimate excuse.

    I'm personally a big fan of Icy Guy's work, and I feel a little disapointed that he has been cut from this project.

  6. SnappleMan, glad to see that you are now involved in the project. Looking forward to hearing your tracks!

    As for my mix, I've gone back and pretty much revamped the synth instruments. I may post a WIP this weekend, depending on how much work I get done.

    Glad to see that the project is progressing well.

  7. u know, sithlordaku... you are a little bitch, a little bitch that i will not mix for. I hope more people realize that as well, bitch.

    Whoa whoa whoa! Remember that you are not mixing for sithlordaku (or whatever he's called these days), but for the legions of people who are interested in this project. While I agree that the title should not be discussed as of now, I think you should cut sithlord some slack. He has made some mistakes, but notice how he attempts to correct them before things get too out of hand.

    In summary, just go easy on the guy...

  8. Well, GeckoYamori has another good point. If the songs don't sound well mixed together, it shouldn't be done. The way I see it, crossfading would only be good if it was executed properly (not a generic 5 second crossfade, but crossfades that fit the individual tracks. (I've done it before with Adobe Audition, and it's turned out pretty good.) As well, not all tracks would be suited to crossfading. If crossfading is used, it must be used properly.

  9. Personally I don't like this idea because if you only wanted to listen to 1 song, or have your winamp/cd player on random, the start and end of the songs dont sound quite right. Since winamp has a crossfade plugin, why not use that for personal use instead of hard-coding the files with unnecessary crossfades..
    Hmm... excellent point.
    I don't know which Endless Mine mix I like more...
    Yeah, there's something about Siamey's mix that I really like, but can't quite match!

    Anyway, here's an update to my WIP:

    'Eternal Excavation'

    Thanks once again to Rayza for hosting this!

    Known issues:

    - annoying clicking from 0:15 to 0:20

    - yeah, it needs to be longer and have more variation.

    - something's not right with the drum track at 1:45... ( I thought I fixed that! Oh well!)

    EDIT: I might eventually do a drum overhaul if I can come up with something better than what's already there...

    So, what do you think?

  10. If I may suggest 2 things:

    1)If you're going to mix Sonic3&k. You might as well do it properly. By that I mean all the tunes that are possible as a mix.

    2)One thing I quite liked from the DKC project is each song fading out and into the next one. If you lot could manage this I think it'll be even better.

    Roll on 2008!

    1. I agree, we should do as many tracks as possible. On the other hand, 40 TRACKS would be to many.

    EDIT: Although it would be cool if someone made a medley of some of the unused tracks, such as the 3 Bonus Stages.

    2. Not all of the songs from the DKC Project were 'crossfaded'. But yeah, I would like to see the tracks on this one 'crossfaded' into one continous track.

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