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Posts posted by jmr


    I am also starving for blog comments. Affirmative actions dictates that I receive additional ones.

    If you're looking for comments on your actual blogger page, it might help if there were 'post comment' links on the two latest posts. ;)

    I really enjoy reading about how people, especially the 'higher ups', discover OCR and the VG music community. I especially enjoyed part 2, as I've been considering becoming involved with my university's radio station in my next term.

    I'm looking forward to reading parts 4 and 5, and all of your future blog entries.

  2. 1:32 - 2:21 ???

    It's the Mario Paint title screen music... or at least, part of it is.

    EDIT: 4:39 (Startropics) sounds awesome. Have there been any other remixes of this source? I'm not familiar with the game or it's music, but the melody sounds so damn familiar. I'm just wondering where I might have heard it before.

    EDIT2: For some reason, that section (particularly 4:53-5:11) reminds me of this.

  3. i like the stats on the site, though. like for example, currently my #1 listener is a 20 year old girl from the netherlands (and i'm currently the #1 thing she listens to).
    Hmm, apparently I'm one of your top listeners as well. Must be because I listened to RoFL recently.

    ... you did 'Happy 2 Dux' too? Wow, I had no idea!

  4. First of all, let me make this clear: I know I have a weird taste in music; there's no need to remind me. Got that?


    This is what you get when you toss 70's disco, Super Mario Bros., exam stress, boredom, and borderline insanity into a blender:

    [edit: a few small updates]

    For comparison purposes; a crappy encoding of the original (or, at least, the version I have on vinyl):

    [MP3 - 2.0MB] Michael Zager Band - Let's All Chant

    (attn mods: I'm not sure of any rules against posting this source material. Feel free to remove the link if required.)

    Basically, all of the main elements of the song have been replaced with sound effects from the original NES Super Mario Bros. game. For example, the "Oi Oi"s have been replaced with the jump sound effect, the claps have been replaced with the pipe sound effect, and so on. The melodic elements of the original have been replaced with triangle and square wave synths (I never limited myself to what the NES could produce, though; I'm not that picky). I tossed in some random sound effects from the game to make things interesting. I also sampled and used a portion of the vocals from the original, but I couldn't filter out the other lyrics clear enough to make them usable.

    There's very little arrangement in this piece. In fact, I deliberately stayed as close to the source as possible.

  5. I realize that it's just an early demo, but I figured it wouldn't hurt if I gave a little bit of feedback on what you have thus far anyway.

    -Overall, I like the direction that you're taking with the track.

    -I'm not fond of the snare sample you're using up to 0:40.

    -That background synth is overly repetitive; maybe if you changed up the progression a little, or used some sort of filtering to vary it a little.

    -I think the strings could use a little more attack.

    -In terms of arrangement, what you have is fairly promising, especially given the short, repetitive nature of the source.

    EDIT: I just took a look at your website; I see you've done a remix of Robert Miles' 'Fable'. Good stuff! Mind if I ask what software you use for your remixes?

    Also, I took a listen to your 'Light Within The Darkness' mix. I like it, but to me, it's a little over-compressed.

    EDIT2: Just listened to your Traces mix. I really *really* like it, but there are a few production issues (mainly eq, and again, over-compression) that are holding it back. But man, if you can produce anything as good as that for this project, I'll be very pleased!

  6. You're right. HDCP DRM does not affect music playback (unless it happens to be "premium content" such as SACDs etc but that's besides the point). Instead, that falls under the ever expanding category of Windows Media DRM.
    You can play SACDs on a PC? That's news to me.

    EDIT: Just to clarify: I know you can play hybrid SACDs in a regular CD rom drive (along with pretty much any CD player), but as far as I know, the DSD layer can only be played in standalone SACD (or SACD/DVD) players.

  7. The link to the Donkey Kong Country and Donkey Kong Country 2 RSN files (on this page) are broken.

    The correct links are:



    Also, the 404 page has a few broken links, but that's already been pointed out:

    I don't know if this has been addressed, but the 404 page http://www.ocremix.org/404

    Now has two broken links: Forums (because they still lead to phpbb2) and Links.

  8. at 00:57-1:00 or so, I'm pretty sure the vibes (or whatever it is) is playing a C# while the melody plays a D, which doesn't work when you're playing in the A# key. ...
    Now that's it's explained to me, I hear what you're talking about. I've fixed it, and tweaked the levels in that section as well, and I'll export it later tonight to see how it sounds.
    Also, the "fi" in final looks a lot like "A" with winamp's font...

    . . . So?

    *thinks about it for a second*


  9. tmf, I like the changes you've made to your song. The strings really fit in nicely. There are still some places where you're having one instrument play a major key and the others a minor key, which really doesn't sound nice, especially since I'm pretty sure it's unintentional. I'm sorry the song is so difficult to export for you... What software are you using? Maybe I could export it for you? I'm on a 3GHz P4 2GB RAM machine here...
    Wow... I wish I had access to a computer that good.

    I'm using FL Studio (not sure which version), but I'm also using several large samples and sound fonts that would make it difficult to share with someone else.

    I may be able to convince Ryan to let me use his PC. His computer is a bit more capable than mine, and he has pretty much all of the stuff that I have.

    I thought I had it fixed... oh well, looks like it wasn't the final version after all. Which section was it again that had the conflicting keys? I'm not hearing it. (in case it's not obvious, I've had little/no formal music education.)

  10. I've uploaded my drill man track to cerrax's ftp. The file name is:


    I've called it the "final ?" version. Unless there's some glaring issue I've overlooked, there will be no more changes to this track. It's gotten to the point where my laptop overheats and crashes most of the time when I open the project file, and it takes an hour or so to export on the lowest quality. It's become way to much of a hassle to make changes.

    I hope you guys like the track. Personally, I think it's my best work to date. It's definitely the one that the most effort has gone into.

    I guess I can take this time to publicly thank Ryan (Random Hero) for his contributions to the arrangement in this track. I'd still be working on an ending if it wasn't for him.

    By the way, I'm not sure if it uploaded okay; I'm using my university's wireless connection, and it keeps dropping out. Repeatedly. I've been waiting ten minutes now to connect again and submit this post.

  11. I haven't uploaded my latest one yet. I'll have it done asap.

    As for the lossless stuff: I'd prefer if there was a lossless release, but I'd be okay with a high bitrate (~200kbps or greater) MP3. In the past, there hasn't been much consistency in terms of the audio format; 5 of the 8 projects on the OCR BT tracker include lossless audio (2 wave torrents, 3 flac torrents)

    If you are planning on doing a lossless release, I think it's best if it's decided upon now, so us remixers know to submit wave versions of our tracks.

    I'm willing to help deal with encoding, etc. if you want to do a lossless release.

  12. Hey guys. I'm just stopping by to say that my currently untitled Drill Man mix is finished, save for a few small glitches that needs a-fixin'. I should have the final version ready very very soon.

    Dafydd: will there be a lossless release of this project? In other words; should I send you a full-quality wave file, or will a high bitrate MP3 suffice?

    Also: can anyone think of an appropriate title for a Drill Man remix?

  13. Just stopping by to say that I haven't forgotten about my track. I've just been completely bogged down with school, and I will continue to be until about the middle of December (due to damn final exams). However, I plan on finishing the remix when I'm home for Christmas break. I've already got a few changes in mind, and Random Hero has a few ideas that I'd like to incorporate as well.

  14. I really like the source tune (see here, disc 3 track 7), so I figured I'd comment.

    First of all, I really like the atmosphere and the general arrangement. However, the samples are bordering on general midi, and severely need upgrading (you've acknowledged this).

    As well, it kind goes dead for too long at 1:12-1:16. Shorten the gap, or fill it in with something. As well, I think that beefing up the drum track a little would be a good idea.

    The song sort of just plods along; it doesn't really change that much. Try varying the instruments a little more, and maybe add a few more layers. Your ending could use a little work as well; it builds up, and then just slowly dies.

    There are a lot of good ideas here; you've got the foundation for a great remix, it just needs a little more work.

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