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Posts posted by jmr

  1. you could always just hook up a cord between your headphones and your microphone port and then go to the site and record it...you'd have it then!
    Or you could "guess" the URLs the teaser site's music player uses and download the mp3s that way. :-D
  2. You'll notice that if you look at two waveforms, one with no processing and one with maxed out compression, the unprocessed one will have lots of curves and the louder instruments, like drums, will be easily spotted. The compressed version will look like ProTools shit out a brick.
    Just to aid in your understanding, here are two images from wikipedia:

    ABBA's "One Of Us": uncompressed (1981 release) vs compressed (2005 re-master).

    What really bothers me is the fact that this compression other dynamics-limiting mastering techniques are being applied to old recordings when they are "re-mastered". I'd rather see them mastered at the levels they were originally released, not compressed to a "brick", like in the above example.

    Thankfully, though, most of the higher-definition formats (SACD, DVDA), are leaving the compression at a more tolerable level (at least in my experience). As well, some artists are choosing to release their albums on vinyl as well as CD, and since the same mastering techniques won't work to the same extent on vinyl due to physical restrictions, the vinyl version sounds better (again, that's only in my experience).

  3. Awesome as always.

    The organ sort of reminds me of Procol Harum's Whiter Shade of Pale for some reason.

    Lose the fake vinyl 'ticks', or at least tone them down, please. They'd be okay for an intro or an ending, but I don't think they fit in through the whole song.

    The drums sound good, but I don't know if they work well with the era you're trying to emulate, the snare sample particularly.

    EDIT: Now listening to version two: I like what you've done with the drum fill near the beginning. Also, the WIP guitar solo works pretty well.

    Do you have any idea what sort of lyrics you'll be using? Lyrics related to the overall theme of the game/level, or something completely original?

  4. The guitar is better than a lot of synth guitars I've heard, but still sounds too fake to me, the backing guitars especially. It seems too mechanical as well, so hopefully a live performance would alleviate this.

    I would comment on the re-arrangement, but there's hardly any. As it is right now, it's essentially a cover. To make things worse, after the halfway point, it just repeats the same thing over again. Like Kyle suggested, add in a solo, and / or some other original material.

    The drum track seems really repetitive; for the majority of the song, it seems to be playing the same thing over and over. It might help to increase the levels on this as well.

    In my opinion, the tempo is kinda slow for the style you seem to be going for. Try bumping it up a bit.

  5. A word of advice: "favorite" threads are generally frowned upon around here. I'd recommend checking out this thread for a more detailed explanation.

    Now that that's out of the way...

    I like the soundtrack for The Minish Cap a lot. I know that some of the tunes are simple re-hashes of other Zelda music from both the newer and older games, but it was a pretty great soundtrack overall.

    I can't quite remember what the exact title is (and I'm at work so I can't check), but I really liked the version of the Hyrule Castle music with the added organ.

  6. Hey guys, I'm just wondering, is there any free software out there for download that will allow me to record all the sounds that are coming through my speakers

    Not all sound cards can do that. I know that the sound device in my laptop can't.

    To check, open up the windows volume control (I'm assuming you are using a PC), and click options, properties. Select the recording option, and in the "show the following volume controls:" section, look for "stereo out", "wave out", "what you hear", or something like that. If it's not there, you're probably out of luck.

  7. I've got one of these things. It's basically a compact flash reader for GBA. The video conversion software is a little clumsy at times, and the quality leaves a bit to be desired, but it's not that bad. Plus, using a few modified emulators, you can play pretty much any NES, GBC, or SMS/GG game on it. Now, you could do all of that with nearly any other flash card, but to my knowledge, the GBAMP is MUCH cheaper.

    There's also the Supercard (and variants) and M3 adapters which are probably easier to find, and serve the same purpose, but I have no experience with any of them.

    If you still want to look into other products, check out the boards at pocketheaven. The guys there are fairly knowledgeable when it comes to those products.

  8. Some point-format feedback:

    -I really like the arrangement of this track, but the like SSB said, the rhythms need some work.

    -The strings that come in around 0:33 are a little too loud for my liking. Try toning them down a little.

    -I love the little references to other games, great work!

    -Some of the tempo changes (especially near the end) could be smoother.

    -The track is a little quiet. I know that you want to avoid clipping, but your track peaks at -2db (and -5 db on the right), so turning it up just a little won't hurt.

    -Your instruments seem to be panned excessively to the left; you might want to balance that out.

    Overall, though, this is great stuff. Keep up the good work!

  9. I've got a question though, on the Bonus CD when I download 308-314, none of the songs play, it just makes some high pitched noise when I try to play it and that's it. Anyone else have this problem?

    I never had any problems with them, but you're not the only one who did. You could try a different music program (I use Winamp), or you can 'repair' the files. Instructions to fix this problem were posted on the project page:

    Hello people! I apologise for the wait on this, but we've had some difficulties trying to get a fixed batch of songs online. Now that the 'bad' batch has circulated so much it's impossible for us to really do anything about it; but we do have a fix that works and is relatively easy for you all:

    1) Download GoldWave

    2) Open up said WIP files in program (one at a time).

    3) "File, Save As" the same file name

    4) Problem solved.

    Credits go to Xenon Odyssey for this fix.

    Thank you for being patient!

  10. Will project albums be subject to this? I have mixes that I completed years ago that are on unreleased project albums.
    I have tracks on both released and unreleased projects, and would like to know about this as well.
    B.) If OverClocked ReMixes are being redistributed, performed, or incorporated into other works, materials used must be clearly attributed both to the ReMixer(s) who created them and to OverClocked ReMix. This accreditation must be in the form of the ReMixer name(s) followed by "OverClocked ReMix (www.ocremix.org)". In applicable contexts where user interactivity is possible, such as websites, the site name and URL must be linked to http://www.ocremix.org. Accreditation must be presented as close to the utilized material as possible; if OverClocked ReMixes are used in a video, accreditation can be included in credits at the end, but if displayed on a website, accreditation must be prominently displayed in context with the utilized material.
    If one was to play an OC ReMix on a radio station, what would be the proper way of crediting the site? Simply naming the artist and the url?

    One more small question: when the policy is enacted, if someone violates the terms of use (say, someone uses a remix in a television commercial without giving proper credit), what would be the site's course of action?

  11. DJ SymBiotiX, I love the latest WIP. It's improved a great deal since the last version I listened to. Again, here's a little bit of point-format feedback / opinions:

    -Piano in the introduction seems a bit mechanical to me.

    -I'm not too fond of the snare at 1:03-1:09. It seems a bit too machine-gun-ish.

    -I'm glad you've varied the synth bass a bit, and I like what you did with it at 2:45-onward. Still, a little more variation wouldn't hurt.

    -Percussion seems to be a little too loud in the intro.

    -The lead synth is lacking... something. I can't quite put my finger on what, though. Try changing it around a little more, and using different sounds in different sections of the song.

    -I like the percussion from 2:30-2:44.

    -The transition from 4/4 to 6/8 at 3:53 is jarring. I like this section though, reminds me of the soundtracks for Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean.

    I'm really impressed with how this track is turning out. Keep up the good work.



    Boss theme.


    Password is "megaman4"

    I plan on replacing that with live guitar when I figure out the notes.

    Sorry man, but I don't really like anything in this one so far. It's way too repetitive, there is very little rearrangement, and the sounds you are using are utterly atrocious. If I were you, I'd really work on the arrangement before even starting on the guitar stuff.

    By the way, I'd very much appreciate it if you used a different host. Having to enter a password, and then STILL wait for the download link is very annoying.

  12. I figured this was going to happen soon enough. There hasn't been that much productive activity here in quite some time (except for DJ SymBiotiX... when he joined the project, it got my hopes up!).

    Dafydd, I wouldn't go as far as to say that it's all your fault. As you said, this game doesn't really have that large of a fan base. With so many other projects on the go, not much attention has been given to this project.

    While I'd hate to see this project die, if the community has no interest in it, I don't see any point in continuing with it.

  13. I know I'm stating the obvious here, but the new organization system is MUCH MUCH better than the old one. :nicework:

    I'll have to glance through them later on today to see if there's anything new that I like.

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