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Posts posted by jmr

  1. Is it just me... or did that stinger remind anyone else of the scene in Conker BFD, when Conker meets Death! Suffice to say, it was a better stinger!
    Yeah, it did sort of remind me of that.

    I voted, and probably will again next time I'm at school.

    Right, that's it! Piss off! I've got some cats to see. Bloody things. I hate those bloody cats. The way they meow and they piss everywhere, and their shit smells just bloody awful, all over my furniture...

  2. Well, I just voted for VGDJ again this month.
    Me aswell. I'll probably vote again tomorrow in school. (EDIT#2: Done)

    EDIT: Finally geting around to listening to #036. Nice work...

    I'm also glad that you have started listing the background music in the shownotes.

  3. DISC I - Main Soundtrack

    1. Data Select - KungFuChicken! *CLOSED* - Starting Line

    17. Ending Credits(S3 version) - Kanjika+KungFuChicken! *CLOSED*

    DISC II - Special Themes

    1. Boss 1 (S3 version) - KungFuChicken! and Mythril Nazgul *pending*

    3. Boss 2 - KungFuChicken! *CLOSED* - Egg Sequel

    9. Desert Palace Competition - Joker *CLOSED* - Heat Blur

    Most of what's listed as not done is KFC's stuff. It's no suprise, given what he's been through recently (and the number of songs he has claimed). It would be nice to get a little more info on where these songs stand in terms of completion.

  4. Definitly one of the best mixes I've downloaded in a while. (Pretty good timing, too; I just finished beating S3+K again earlier this week.)

    I'm usually not a fan of vocal mixes, but the clever lyrics really made it for me. Not to mention that sweet Taucer solo.

    After reading through the previous posts, I have one thing to say: at least it's better than 90% of the pop-crap I hear on the radio.

    Anyway, nice work to all involved.

  5. My 2 cents:

    I'm glad that VGDJ has been picked up again. pixietricks and The wingless, great work to you both.

    I do have a suggestion though: during the reviews portion, you may want to consider playing the mix in question as background music. When you play the 'highlight' of the mix, you could just turn up the volume. That way, you're giving it more exposure. I think it makes more sense than playing a completely unrelated song.

    I really enjoyed the recent stingers as well. I rofled. However, even though I knew it was all in fun (or at least all intended for Compyfox), I found the last stinger to be slightly offensive, as I have German relatives. (Technically I'm 1/4 German, 3/4 Newfoundlander... what a combination! [also: don't get any ideas]) A word of advice: keep the racial stingers to a minimum.

    As for your poll, I'm in favour of changing the intro.

    Also, I voted x2.

  6. Project News and Updates

    Here's my response for a all three updates:


    I'm glad that things are going to resume and people are (hopefully) going to get back to work.

    Am I the only one worried that the upcoming deadline will catch a lot of the 'unfinished' mixes and mixers off-guard and result in a sudden mass drop-out? (...that's just my pessimistic side speaking.)

  7. According to OCR's bittorrent tracker, the torrent has been downloaded over 10,000 times! (Right now, it's only surpassed by Kong In Concert, with over 11,500.)

    So... yeah, congratulations guys.

    EDIT: Some more project-related news:

    The VG Frequency episode that featured 'Hedgehog Heaven' (#52) has been released for download.

    Check out the VG Frequency Thread for more info.

    EDIT AGAIN: After reading the wiki page, I decided to fix the tracklisting on the back label to match the 'correct' list. Here is the download link for the JPG and PNG file (zipped):

    YOUSENDIT: http://s53.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3O4HW1LIK3AHM1R5OJVX9KIR9G

    MEGAUPLOAD: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KNS63VOP

  8. This project looks to rock.
    Quoting a friend from school, "You know it!".

    I can't wait either. Everything I've heard up to this point is ... well, kickass.

    (as for my computer issues, I have some of them solved. I still think I'm gonna need to reformat the damn thing ... it won't let me reinstall or uninstall MS Office, my Printer/Scanner software, or AIM... but hey, what can you do?)

  9. UH OH!

    Hey KFC: Looks like I can't do anything to the drums in my remix (or anything else involving a PC for a while). My computer went BEZERK last night, and I'd say that 80% of my programs no longer work (Photoshop, Audition, FL, MS Office, Winamp, Nero... and the list seems to get longer). Looks like a re-format is in my computer's near future.

    So, I guess you'll have to use the version I sent in last night, at least until I can get the computer working again... I really hope this isn't a problem.

    I *SHOULD* have everything up and running again around the middle of the week, but I can't make promises.

    Wish me luck, guys.

    *contemplates bashing computer with sledgehammer*

  10. I listened to my first VGF show last night (or atleast part of it... I got tired and stopped listening at about 2:30 am). Watching the IRC activity was a laugh as well. Anyway, I know now what I've been missing all this time. Larry, I hope you continue to bless us with this awesome show!

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