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Everything posted by jmr

  1. Same here. I have a few ideas in mind (none of which are similar to the HH art). I do like Eon_Blue's art (so far), keep up the good work!
  2. It's almost sad that Rayza had to drop the track. After re-listening to a WIP version ('almostdone'), I am reminded of how great his track was turning out, and how close it seemed to be to completion. Oh well, I guess that's all you can do. Hopefully Rayza will consider remixing the song anyway, even if it's outside of this project. I'm sure everyone who has heard the WIP will agree.
  3. No problem... and I just added a 'VOTE FOR VGDJ' link.
  4. Yup... that's pretty much what I wanted to get across... I personally have rarely used MP3pro, (only when downloading rare songs/albums and such) because nothing else was available. I really have no preference in the format AS LONG AS I get to listen to it... Oh.. and in other news: I've attempted to advertise VGDJ on another board I post at (Acmlm's Board). Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see what I'm talking about.
  5. I agree... although I still have to convert the MP3 to another format (in this case, GBS) to listen to it on my player.Maybe you guys can do an MP3pro Podcast. You still get the MP3 compatibility, but those with MP3pro-capable software/hardware can listen to a 'higher-quality' version. (notice the quotations)
  6. ...I think I'm scarred for life... Nice work... And despite the volume discrepencies, good work with #005.
  7. I'm a little dissapointed as well... but hey, even if you don't get on the project, you can still release the song...
  8. Ok... it's working fine here at school. ...back to physics study...
  9. Strange, when I type in www.vgdj.net , I still get sent to blogspot... I guess it's 'under construction'...
  10. meh... no biggie... I'm not one to get pissed easily... *waits for #004 download to finish*
  11. wish I could come with you but NEWFOUNDLAND-toronto is a little too long for me:P
  12. Woops, show's called Press Start. Anyway, for anyone that cares, here's that: MP3 - 28MB Woah.. I just listened... and... MY NAME GOT MENTIONED ON A RADIO SHOW... Haha... glad you guys like my artwork... EDIT: 100th post...
  13. Rayza's doing Azure Lake, and I'm doing Endless Mine... However, neither of these tracks are locked. By the way, are you the same Golden Yoshi that posts on Acmlm's Board? I'm 'JefF' there... (crappy user name, i know!)
  14. Great work Eon Blue! I'm impressed! When I did the HH project art (actually, both me AND KFC made versions), I was given a few suggestions, and I guess it wouldn't hurt to pass them along: I usually use 1000x1000 pixels for CD Labels. It works out just fine for me.
  15. http://www.podcastalley.com/podcast_genres.php?pod_genre_id=3 Hmm... looks like VGDJ is the highest ranked music podcast on Podcast Alley. EDIT:Thespacebaronthiskeyboardisstuck!
  16. 1. Will do! 2. I agree, that did seem to take up a lot of time that could probably be used for something a little more interesting. Maybe you could just post links to the six songs in the shownotes? EDIT Maybe you could use an edited version of the show intro, like the first 20 secs, and have you and Aurora say something like 'check out VGDJ, the Official OC Remix Podcast, at www.vgdj.net'
  17. Congrats on being in the top 100! (I voted again... and would vote for a third time if I had access to another computer!)
  18. Just voted... I've already told Rayza (thru MSN) how much I liked what he and Aurora have put together. Overall, I was really impressed. I liked that clips of recent songs were played, but the full 'random' song is also a great idea. Keep up the good work you two, I'm looking forward to the next episode!
  19. I dunno about anyone else, but I feel that to be a legitimate excuse. I'm personally a big fan of Icy Guy's work, and I feel a little disapointed that he has been cut from this project.
  20. Here's my latest version: www.rayza.net/misc/jmr-ee-may22.mp3 (thanks to Rayza for hosting, as usual)
  21. I'm really glad to have all these well known mixers on the project, yet I'm equally glad for the newer, lesser known mixers. It's a good way for them (I mean, us... I consider myself among the 'lesser-known') to get their material out in the open.
  22. Well, since the old thread has been locked, I'll re-post my WIP here... www.rayza.net/misc/jmr-ee-may3.mp3 Check out the WIP thread on ocrp.kazorum.com/
  23. www.rayza.net/misc/jmr-ee-may3.mp3 (Once again, thanks Rayza.) I scrapped my 'Race Results' ending, and went back to an older (and unreleased) ending. Also, there has been a LOT of tweaking on the main synths. Check out the WIP thread on ocrp.kazorum.com/
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