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Everything posted by jmr

  1. I've uploaded my drill man track to cerrax's ftp. The file name is: jmr_Random_Hero_-_Drill_Man_final.mp3 I've called it the "final ?" version. Unless there's some glaring issue I've overlooked, there will be no more changes to this track. It's gotten to the point where my laptop overheats and crashes most of the time when I open the project file, and it takes an hour or so to export on the lowest quality. It's become way to much of a hassle to make changes. I hope you guys like the track. Personally, I think it's my best work to date. It's definitely the one that the most effort has gone into. I guess I can take this time to publicly thank Ryan (Random Hero) for his contributions to the arrangement in this track. I'd still be working on an ending if it wasn't for him. By the way, I'm not sure if it uploaded okay; I'm using my university's wireless connection, and it keeps dropping out. Repeatedly. I've been waiting ten minutes now to connect again and submit this post.
  2. I haven't uploaded my latest one yet. I'll have it done asap. As for the lossless stuff: I'd prefer if there was a lossless release, but I'd be okay with a high bitrate (~200kbps or greater) MP3. In the past, there hasn't been much consistency in terms of the audio format; 5 of the 8 projects on the OCR BT tracker include lossless audio (2 wave torrents, 3 flac torrents) If you are planning on doing a lossless release, I think it's best if it's decided upon now, so us remixers know to submit wave versions of our tracks. I'm willing to help deal with encoding, etc. if you want to do a lossless release.
  3. Hey guys. I'm just stopping by to say that my currently untitled Drill Man mix is finished, save for a few small glitches that needs a-fixin'. I should have the final version ready very very soon. Dafydd: will there be a lossless release of this project? In other words; should I send you a full-quality wave file, or will a high bitrate MP3 suffice? Also: can anyone think of an appropriate title for a Drill Man remix?
  4. Is it just me and my inability to find things, or have I lost the ability to change my user name? yay for my first post since the phpbb -> vbulletin switch!
  5. My parents have informed me that the pin arrived safely at my home address, and that the envelope was not damaged. Thanks.
  6. Just stopping by to say that I haven't forgotten about my track. I've just been completely bogged down with school, and I will continue to be until about the middle of December (due to damn final exams). However, I plan on finishing the remix when I'm home for Christmas break. I've already got a few changes in mind, and Random Hero has a few ideas that I'd like to incorporate as well.
  7. I really like the source tune (see here, disc 3 track 7), so I figured I'd comment. First of all, I really like the atmosphere and the general arrangement. However, the samples are bordering on general midi, and severely need upgrading (you've acknowledged this). As well, it kind goes dead for too long at 1:12-1:16. Shorten the gap, or fill it in with something. As well, I think that beefing up the drum track a little would be a good idea. The song sort of just plods along; it doesn't really change that much. Try varying the instruments a little more, and maybe add a few more layers. Your ending could use a little work as well; it builds up, and then just slowly dies. There are a lot of good ideas here; you've got the foundation for a great remix, it just needs a little more work.
  8. Indeed. I have no suggestions to offer, as it's just that awesome. Looking forward to hearing the finished remix.
  9. LONG POST WARNING I've listened to the whole project several times now, and every time I like it more and more. 1. SnappleMan - Sonic the Hedgehog and Knuckles SAAYY-GUHH! Nice touch. 2. KungFuChicken! - The Wait is Over! While this isn't quite what I expected it to be like, it's still pretty damn good. It gets a little weird around the 1:11 mark, but recovers at 1:25. I would have liked to seen this one developed a little further. 3. Rexy - Divided from Grace THANK YOU FOR INCLUDING THE SONIC 3 TITLE SCREEN! I was a bit worried that it wouldn't get included! I really like the varied instrumentation, although the drums sound a little... off (which may have been intentional, I'm not sure). Nice tempo changes too, the faster paced part at 3:52 works well. Nice acoustic guitar sequencing. I like the references to other themes as well. 4. Daniel Baranowsky - Caution: Echidnas May Eat Your Brain I wasn't expecting anything like this at all! Interesting instrument choices. 5. housethegrate - Walk on Water I really dig this one. I like how you separated the two acts, but still managed to make it cohesive. Nice work. 6. Daniel Baranowsky - Knuckleduster What exactly is a knuckleduster anyway? ... Nice fusion of several styles. I was expecting a guitar solo to come in at 2:43 (as per the WIP version I have from a while back) but this new, softer piano ending works very very well. 7. Hadyn - Three Ring Nightfall This one had me worried from the start. Not the remix, but the source; it seemed to me that it'd be very difficult to re-arrange. I was expecting a straight out cover, but Hadyn did an excellent job turning this one around and making it his own. I really like it, even though I kinda miss the circus-y feel of the original. 8. Hetcenus - That Freezing Feeling Beautiful. By far the best Ice Cap rendition I've heard to date. As with Rexy's 'Divided From Grace', I like the tempo changes. 9. Gecko Yamori - Elevator Music Good, but in my opinion it's missing ...something. I dunno what. But something. 10. GaMeBoX - Robotnik Radio There's a lot of good ideas going in this one, but it doesn't quite do the original track justice in my opinion. 11. GaMeBoX - iMushroom Again, a lot of good ideas, but it just misses the mark. The intro and first minute or so is great, but after that it starts slipping. The part at 1:41-2:25 seems out of place. However, things do improve after this. Not bad, but it could be better. 12. SnappleMan - Dead Batteries It's SnappleMan... of course it's awesome! A lot of impressive guitar work on the go in this one. 13. BrainCells - Live at the Sandopolis I never thought a track with a desert feel would work well as a metal song, but BrainCells has proven otherwise. The orchestral interlude at 1:12-1:26 was a nice touch. I would have liked for the the source tune to be reprised once more at the end though. 14. Rexy, Hetcenus - Beneath the Ashes Yet another impressive piano track. A great, original arrangement, yet it never strays too far from the original. 15. Kanjika - The Secluded Stronghold HOLY SHIT. WOW. Did you hear that thunk? It was the sound of my jaw hitting the floor. This track is easily my favorite on the project. It completely blows every other interpretation of this song I've ever heard out of the water. 16. Kanjika - Breathtaking Vision MY GOD, ANOTHER? Breathtaking indeed! 17. BrainCells, SnappleMan - Scrambled Eggman Another awesome guitar track from the likes of BrainCells and SnappleMan. Nice breakdown at 1:39. 18. Joker - Before the Storm I'm not sure what's on the go in this one. I can hear the Death Egg source, but I'd like to hear more of it. 19. SnappleMan - Malicious Fingers My favorite of the SnappleMan tracks on the project. I like the new drum track that's been added since the version you sent me a while back. It, and everything else in this version, sounds much more polished. I miss the synth that was in the older one at 2:13-onward though, and the current version lacks some of the interchanging guitar/synth sections that I liked so much in the old version. That being said, the new synth solo at 3:54 makes up for it in spades. 20. SnappleMan, Ashane, norg - The Doomsday Clever intro, I like it. It's about time there was a decent Doomsday remix, and this trio did it excellently... well, almost. Everything goes fine until the 2:07 mark; it seems as if the track was spliced at that point, and the change is a bit jarring. I think it would of worked better if the new section was introduced in under the static at 1:53. I also would have liked to hear the source again in the ending. 21. Red Tailed Fox - So Long and Thanks for All the... ...fish? I'm not sure if I like that 'squeaking'. It kind of detracts from the song in my opinion. I also would have liked to hear more of the synth at 1:13 in other places in the song. Otherwise, a great arrangement. 22. chthonic - Red Sphere, Blue Sphere Pretty sweet work, chthonic. I like the instrument choices, especially at 2:15-2:32. 23. Rexy - Schumacher's Bar Again, nice work including other themes into the arrangement. I didn't really like the source that much, but this track is pretty good. 24. Ross Kmet - Momentary Standstill Although I'm not all that fond of the intro, things pick up at 2:07. 25. Ichitootah - Helium Stairways I was expecting a more... faster paced take on this one. Nice work nonetheless, it's one of my favorites on the project. 26. Hetcenus - Ivory Gadget Yet another stunning piano arrangement from Hetcenus. I'm looking forward to hearing more of your work in the future. 27. Joker - Heat Blur I like this one a bit more than your take on the Death Egg track. I would have liked to hear the 3:05 section earlier in the track, before it started to fade out. 28. jmr - Eternal Excavation meh. This one should have been a lot better. Oh well. 29. Rayza - Groove Basin [WIP] Why? Why did your hard drive have to crash? Even in it's unfinished state, this is one of my favorite tracks on the project. ...Are you sure this was the latest version? I can remember a slightly longer version that didn't simply cut out at the end. 30. AkumajoBelmont - Water on the Dancefloor [WIP] Will this one ever get finished? It's pretty good! 31. Hadyn - Heads Up for Tails An excellent track, although it seems a little repetitive at times. I like the strings at 2:20. 32. Kanjika - Stranger to Closure [WIP] Again, wow. I'd like to see this one completed as well. I'm a sucker for good orchestral arrangements. 33. GaMeBoX - Ice Cap 4 Life [WIP] I liked this one much more than your other tracks on the project, GaMeBoX. It seems different enough from the multitude of other Ice Cap remixes out there, I'd like to see this one brought to completion. 34. Kanjika - Hydrochill [WIP] Very nice work, yet another track that's worth pursuing. 35. Xenon Odyssey - Lava Passion [WIP] FINISH THIS ONE. NOW. The quality of this project is undeniable. There's enough variety here that it can be enjoyed by pretty much everybody. There are few tracks with room for improvement, but even those tracks are still pretty damn awesome. Nice work on the web design, Hadyn and BLueberry. I'll comment on the artwork when it's released. A big thank you to all involved in this project. I feel honored to be included on the same album as you guys.
  10. Which minigame?I think it's the mole minigame. Name the themes heard here, if you know them.6:05 - Title Theme6:25 - ...no idea what the level itself is called, but it's the downtown area. Close, but no banana. Also, the theme that's laid over the drum loop shouldn't be too hard.Strange... I'm SURE that the drum loop is from Donkey Kong Country 2, (when you beat a level with Diddy.)Also... DUH MARIO PAINT. Several layers of Mario Paint it seems, as I'm hearing bits of the fly-swatting game in the background. I guess I forgot to list that one last night. I know I'm missing several of the songs/drum loops you've used, but I have no idea what so ever where they are from.
  11. I think I recognize some of it... here's what I've got. pt 1 0:00 - GAH I KNOW THAT FROM SOMEWHERE... Capcom logo maybe? 0:03 - Konami Logo (as used in TMNT 4) 0:14 - Star Fox ? (i haven't played it in a while) 1:05 - Uniracers ? (similar style at least) 2:04 - Super Metroid 2:33 - Wait... that's Uniracers for sure. Title Theme pt 2 0:00 - Kinda obvious, no? 0:08 - DKC2 (I know it's brambles... but I don't recall that drum loop) 1:43 - SMW2: Yoshi's Island (caves) 2:10 - I'm hearing some Mario Paint mixed in there somewhere. 5:13 - Mario Kart. 5:57 - Super Scope 6 ? 6:05 - TMNT4 7:12 - Super Mario World 9:54 (maybe earlier) - Mario Paint (again) 11:08 - Drum loop from DKC2 Pretty clever mixing and overlaying of tracks. I enjoyed it.
  12. New zircon album? CAN'T WAIT. Impulse Prime was amazing, and judging by that demo, the next album will be even better. If you want any help with album art, like last time, feel free to ask.
  13. Uh, isn't the 'Site Projects' forum description a little... outdated? "announcements/info/discussion of OCR-related projects, official and unofficial including OverClocked ReCollections." 1: Doesn't the announcement bit take place in either GenDisc or requests? 2: There are only official projects in that section, unnofficial projects (ie Bound Together) are in other forums. 3: Wasn't OverClocked ReCollections abandoned? Either way, it's not there anymore. Perhaps a more fitting description would be: "discussion of official OCR-related projects."
  14. Here's my top five, excluding SnappleMan's Doomsday and Xenon's Lava Passion. (Both of which would have been in my top five, by the way.) 08: Rayza - Azure Lake 01: Ross Kmet - Nautic Lava 11: Kanjika - Credits 04: Gamebox - Ice Cap 4 Life 14: Akumajobelmont - Water On The Dancefloor Spire: I would release both the PDF and JPG versions (maybe even a PNG release as well). I've had trouble in the past with PDF CD labels printing at the right size and alignment, so a JPG release would just be easier for me. That being said, if you choose to release it as a PDF, I'd just simply convert them myself so I could open them up in my labeling software.
  15. 11. BrainCells - Sandopolice? Also, I've said it many times now that I wish to have my track, 'Eternal Excavation' credited to jmr, rather than jeffreymroberts. Coordinators, take notice.
  16. Nice artwork, hobo. I really like the simple design. I have a few suggestions though: - I hope you're working in a higher resolution than the 450x450 previews you are showing. - Unless you are designing your back label for a non-standard jewel case, keep in mind that the back is not square. I personally use 1284x1000 for most of my cd labels. That size includes the two tabs on the back label. With this larger size, you have more room for your tracklisting. - You may also find these templates useful: http://duplication.discmakers.com/action/DownloadsView
  17. I'm using Firefox, and it's working fine for me.
  18. I think you just nailed it. I tried using the TV-out feature on my PC once, but it's not exactly convienient to haul my entire computer out into the living room. Back on topic: Wow, I never noticed there was so many new tracks added to the preview site. For some reason, the music won't play at work. I think it's because they've somehow filtered any URL with 'MP3' in it.
  19. I agree. I prefer console gaming over pc gaming. Even though I only have a Dreamcast, it's great because I can emulate all of my Nes, Master System, Game Boy, and Genesis/Megadrive favorites. Heck, the last time I played S3+K, it was on my dreamast. It was as good as the original, apart from really shitty sound emulation and the occasional graphics glitch.
  20. Indeed we should. Are you going to do both of the themes (Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles), or just one of them?
  21. I can probably set up a bittorrent client on one of the computers at work to seed as well. It's left on all day, and no one's there from 4:30 in the afternoon to 9 the next morning. And even when there are others using the internet, it's at most 4 people. I *LOVE* having no supervisor at work!
  22. True, but I want it. Especially since the remixers (or at least I did, for both my track and Hetcenus' Ivory Gadget) sent in full-quality wave files. If there's going to be no lossless release (wave, flac, shn, ape, or otherwise), at least the mp3s will be encoded at a decent bitrate. I know I could do that. But if there's going to be printable artwork... it's not as easy to re-arrange the tracklisting.Meh, I'm just nitpicking. In the end, it doesn't really matter how it's released... just that it is. Soon.
  23. WHAT? NO LOSSLESS RELEASE?!? Also: I'd rather have the boss themes on Disc 2 instead of a 3 disc set with loads of empty space. Maybe you could re-arrange the tracks? I guess none of that matters to those who use MP3 players...
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