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CC Ricers

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Status Updates posted by CC Ricers

  1. Guess I should've linked to the *official* video, then there wouldn't have been any problems.

  2. Hey DaMonz, the remix is currently on the backburner for now. I have other, newer remixes on the plate now that the DKC3 album is out.

  3. Hey, check this out. Now this is how to do a dubstep ReMix...


  4. Hope you get to my PM eventually. And the second track links for the DKC3 album are still broken! :razz:

  5. I collect vinyl records, therefore I like your avatar.

  6. I got modded on GameFAQs for posting an OC Remix. LAWLZ

  7. I haven't been able to ask around yet. Just wondering if this is a short lived opportunity considering the deadline of the project.

  8. I just realized you're Pirate Queen :-o

  9. I remember your old F-zero amateur video and just watched it again. Some people now think Capt. Falcon looks like Barack Obama lol

  10. I saw your feedback on SoundCloud, glad you like it. Was surprised you didn't actually have the Womp track on your page. Also, when it was still there, it was hosted on SectionZ recordings' website. Were going to be signed to them at some point?

  11. I took a hiatus from these forums for about a year and a half. Man, I have several finished but not quite polished mixes on my hard drive, last mix I actually sent to the judges was 4 years ago when I was more a newb :P That Street Fighter mix is almost leaving the assembly line though.

  12. Just heard your Sonic compo mix, it sucks that the judges didn't accept it but it has a lot of potential! Are you still working on it?

  13. Just realized something. In all my years of posting WIPs you never commented on one of mine :-o

  14. Mud from NGG? Wow, welcome GP.

  15. Not so fast! We should def. start a dubstep collab sometime.

  16. Oh snap, that does sound a lot better than the compo version! But just listening to the old one got me into making a mix of my own, though I did take a few ideas :o Hope you don't mind if I try to shape it more into my own, but it's already a lot more different.

    I forgot about the Sonic compo but couldn't bother to balance that with the DKC3 album and a few work-related priorities. Gotta get back into the swing of things.

  17. re: worst game music ever, at least that has rhythm and sense of melody. Not this though


  18. Sorry I couldn't ask to give the track a mastering treatment. We're still chill right :P

  19. Stay classy, username.

  20. Thanks for the feedback. You and chth are like long lost twin dragons of remixing, or something.

  21. Took me a while- then I realized you're that same cool black girl from OT/UnMod :lol:

  22. What's up BP. Good luck on getting that monster sound for your next posted mix.

  23. Yep, actually, CC Ricers was my original name then I switched and got tired of it and switched back.

    I'm a low key poster which makes things more confusing for other people to remember. Why? Because I have no gimmick that I know of. Haha.

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