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CC Ricers

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Posts posted by CC Ricers

  1. They don't have to be good enough for club play...just good enough to groove at home.

    The rating system might be done like VGMix, where it's totally up to the users to judge. Uploading the tracks might be the biggest challenge for me because bandwidth for music (especially if we'll use higher quality like FLAC) doesn't come cheap.

    But for now, this concept is still kinda on the backburner until I come up with mor ideas (from myself and others).

  2. Serato + your CD soundtracks FTW. I also hear Torque is almost as good as Serato to mix with, given its lower price.

    As far as vinyls go, I can't help you much there, beyond the usual video game battle records that sample sound effects.

  3. MC Kids - had a few short memorable tracks, including one with a catchy house beat, and the C64-like touches.

    Journeyman Project - but the sequel's content wasn't as memorable to me.

    Super Monkey Ball 1 and 2 - no love for the monkeys? They're under the radar as popular hits, both as games and its music.

  4. Location is obviously important for a gaming job, but even more a bigger factor to consider the travel for a job like QA. What are your travel options? I missed out on a QA job opp because with my busy schedule I couldn't plan my way to an interview at their office 15 miles via train, followed by 6 more miles on a finicky bus route. But having worked with undocumented shitty bug-riddled webpage code for hours during some days, I think I could've handled it.

  5. It shall be a website. But the title should give away what it should be about. And maybe with a less corny name.

    Good idea? Stupid idea?

    I see a lot of remixers putting out some catchy dance mixes that for various reasons are not qualified to make it on the OCR front page. Perhaps we could use a site that puts the emphasis on "groovy choons" over interpretation. In other words, video game dance covers. But we would still need a way to keep quality in check. That I can be certain of.

  6. I'm pretty busy these days, with school projects coming to a close, and my own personal programming projects as well, but I still have time to squeeze in some remixing time. Recently I started playing Disgaea again and I attempted to do a Disgaea remix. It doesn't yet have a proper ending nor and end, and it covers first a tiny bit of Beauty Baron followed by Hystelic Kingdom. I await your comments and criticisms!


  7. Pendulum, eh? I hear the Pendulum influence well with the snares and the claps, all right. Beginning is so "Slam", but I also want to hear more of that orchestra later on. Ever heard their Battle Royale remix of "Hold Your Colour"? Something like that.

    This reminds me...are you gonna do an extended version of Depth Charge? I pretty much like the ambient parts of that song.

  8. Almost a year ago Doomsday and I got to working on our first collab and while the ideas were great, the final production was lacking. The judges weren't so critical of the arrangement, so I figure most of the problems would be solved by doing a new mixdown of the instruments.

    So here it is, with better balance and clipping-free, almost ready for another go.


    Keep in mind that the beat drops out at 4:15 due to a mistake I made before rendering, so don't bother pointing it out. I don't feel like rendering it again right now.

  9. I made this with an MC-505 and still learning the ins and outs of that piece of hardware. I hope to make a complete mix using only its sounds and using its sequencer. But I did EQ the final output in a sound editing program.

    Because the sequencer is something I'm still getting used to, it's very loop-ish for now and the parts were all muted/un-muted live. But I think it's coming along well.


  10. This is a pretty good start. The percussion sounds are nice, if a bit too loop-ish. Vary the velocities on your lead guitar, because it gets dull to have every note play at the same volume. All the ocarina songs fit perfectly here. You manage to keep everything in the same key without sounding awkward.

    I've seen your other mixes on your homepage before and I don't think you give your non-trance mixes enough credit here. You have some cool pieces there.

  11. Well I can speak for the Micron. It's basically the same as the Ion but in a smaller package and a simple drum sequencer. I regret selling mine, even though it was to get out of a debt. You can get real warm sounding pads, and some searing leads as well. Just be aware that it has few knobs so if it's your first synth, programming sounds can get somewhat of a chore. The main clear knob on mine slipped off a few times because it's used so much for making patches. But for the money and it's size it's a great value, and nice for live playing (I wouldn't expect anyone to do any programming live).

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