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CC Ricers

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Posts posted by CC Ricers

  1. With my new job I can finally afford to build a small hardware studio. I just got Roland MC-505 and as more instruments eventually make their way in, I have to reorganize my room around them. Thing is, I live in a small apartment and power and room is a big factor. So there are some questions I'd like to ask. How do you manage power and space? Especially from those that live in small places like I do.

    There are few outlets in my bedroom. I need to use this room because it's the only one with a PC, but the PC uses a powerstrip that takes up both outlets on one wall. There is also some DJ equpiment that shares the other outlet. They're all hooked up with standard power strips.

    Where does that leave room for my music production gear? My brother uses my room to play guitar sometimes, and I often have to unplug one device to hook up his amp. With other equipment expected in the future, this will no longer be acceptable. So you bedroom studio-producers, how do you pull it off? What power equipment should I buy? Should I invest in a backup supply? It's not uncommon to have the circuit breaker to flip when the whole PC+guitar shebang is on and suddenly the AC's needed in the next room.

  2. I don't mind the tinny lead at the beginning at all. But there's a crunchy percussion sound when the breakbeat comes in- like a shaker or something like it- sounding like it's passed through a high resonance filter. That got tiring quickly and it's overpowering the rest of the percussion.

    I can imagine this switching to psychedelic trance after doing the breaks for a while.

  3. I can see that there's a lot of anticipation for this remix.

    I think there's still some production work to be done, but it's coming along very well.

    Can you be specific as to where production needs to improve the most? For example, the drum parts or several instruments. I've done a lot of work on the EQ and stereo panning to make it sound "bigger".

    Also, no longer using YouSendIt for my files. Back to a more reliable host!

  4. Thanks for the comments. Yeah, it's looking pretty 80's so far, which is the style I was trying to nail down. Jaybell, this mix follows the source closely as of now. Though the people that are familiar with it would be able to hear the small embellishments and changes I made. Next update will be sometime this upcoming week.

  5. I updated yet again, and it's more different-sounding than before. It's taken on a house/electro hybrid form of sorts. New beats, basses and sections, and now with a tentative ending! This will not be the final length of the song; I will work on adding more sections into the middle. And the trumpet will probably not be coming back ;-)

    I know it's pretty loud right now, though I quickly normalized it before encoding to lessen the problem temporarily.

  6. I'd normally stay out from buying new Windows OSes until they've been on the market for at least a year. At least giving them time to work out the major kinks. Apparently some significant programs don't start up at all in Vista, like Ableton Live (maybe not significant for you, but for some of the music makers out here). Aside from playing Halo 2, I don't see any compelling reason to upgrade from XP yet.

  7. Looks to me like you would have way too many source tunes to make it easy to accept by the judges. Including two or three songs is fine, but more than that and it becomes really hard to let each one realize its full potential for interpertation. Some parts build up nicely, and then when you expect something good around the corner, it transitions to another piece and dies down a little.

    Beside that point, I think this is well put together. The transitions are smooth and you keep a good pace most of the time. Let me try a play-by-play of the medley.

    Good opening with The Hidden Truth. I think it's more creative too instead of choosing the CT theme first.

    The main theme brings more power to the drums, but the snare gets too annoying eventually.

    Robo doesn't stand out a lot but then again I'm not a huge fan of the Robo theme. Then as we continue on to...

    Frog, which is sounding pretty good. If you want to leave some songs in, choose this one. It was getting really good, but you ended this part too quickly.

    Tyrano Lair is another tune I normally couldn't stand, but your style took on the source very well, and actually made it catchy and a bit funky to listen.

    You went acoustic with the 600 AD theme. Good time to change things around. If you were to extend this further, I could imagine it picking up and returning to some upbeat elec-guitar action.

    I like the chatter-type of rapping that you have for Gato's song. Pretty unique.

    Lucca and TFAT are already upbeat to begin with, so it's a nice way to end your medley with these. You let these go on for a bit longer than the rest; did you enjoy working with these sources more?

    Well, that's all I could say in the 10 minutes it took to type this up. If you want to continue as-is, submit it to Tha Sauce and/or wait for VGMix. These are hard to pass in OCR. Like I said, unless you have created something that really transcends the standard, it's best to cut your medley down to two or three songs.

  8. I mostly learned that you can gauge the average intelligence of your town or local town area from working at an all-purpose department store (such as Sears, where I worked at). I worked in men's clothing and back then they paid minimum wage. I think it's kind of ridiculous to dress up business casual and get paid minimum. I never had to meet quotas because I didn't work on commission. But it was a job everyone hated, and I've been to Sears pretty often so I notice the trends. Average staying time for a young person working in apparel is 3 months, while I still recognize many familiar faces in the electronics and hardware depts. because they do their jobs well.

    Currently I cannot find a job related to the career I want to get into so in the meantime, I'm looking to fill a hardware support position at Best Buy or a similar place.

  9. I gotta agree with what was said just before. GaMeBoX's remixes were my favorites out of the whole project bunch because of how unique they sound. My favorite part starts at about 1:00 in when the whole "urban" groove comes in. And the way the spring SFX blend in with the instrument at 2:08 was total sweeeeetness. You did an awesome job in transforming the sounds into something musical.

  10. This is fun and awesome. The key of the chorus fits perfectly with the key of the Dr. Mario song. Virt's arrangement also blends in well as it enters the mix. But the "chill" theme comes a bit too loud in the parts with percussion. Have you thought about submitting this to OLR? Maybe it's a smidge too good for OLR, but you could become its unofficial mashup remixer.

    I've worked on an Eminem/FFX mashup a while ago, but put it off. The song was "I don't Give a Fuck", and the FFX music was actually a rejected OCR submission, but I kept it because it sounded nice.

  11. You should add some variety to the percussion. Not just the "untz untz" but I also hear the "untz PAHH untz PAHH" beat that's standard with this trance music. Make the percussion sounds more interesting, too. I do like the bass drum, though. The crowd breakdown feels like a quick excuse to pass some time. Just add a real breakdown, with different instruments and beats.

  12. MC kids. __________

    Oh yes! MC Kids! Another food corporate shill game, but come on, at the least the levels were decent and some of the music wasn't too bad. It was also one of the first games I played with the infamous "collect X widgets to unlock the next world" method of progression.

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