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CC Ricers

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Posts posted by CC Ricers

  1. This is something from 2007. It's an incomplete, concept remix of a DDR song, but not in the usual style. This is MaxX Unlimited and small parts of Legend of MaxX as if they were arranged for an orchestra.

    Orchestral work is definitely not in my element and I know that I can use better samples for many of the instruments, but it's an idea I like and I'm just throwing it out there. It's a pretty basic arrangement. If there is any considerable interest for completing this then I may have to look to others for assistance (maybe a collab? who knows) because I know I'm not one of the best to pull this off. But let me know what you think anyways.


    Source music...



  2. Thanks for your opinions. Got a new version up today, with some changes based on the suggestions.

    DJP, you're right, it does have a bunch of ideas. The focus of the mix will become more concentrated as it nears completion, and my latest version is more cohesive.

    I'll keep your suggestion about the strings noted, halc. They're not fixed yet, though. Well, a lot of the update has been re-doing some of the percussion and adding more to the beginning so it doesn't sound so sparse.

    jabond23, the synth near the end comes from the FL Sytrus vst, I tweaked the Hydronium preset to get it sounding that way.

    A few things I'd like to point out:

    - This mix has dubstep influences, and it sorta ties into Eagle's British nationality. All the while keeping the somewhat gothic overtones of the original.

    - I had no source midi to work with, so I spent quite a while getting the quick passage at 0:55 to 1:01 just right. So you better damn like this part :-D

    - The section from 1:30 to 1:59 will not be in the finished product. I will be replacing that with a longer, calmer section similar to what you hear in the beginning. This'll tie in with the climax that follows.

  3. Nice one, well you finally got your DnB mix in there, man. The drums are beefy while not sounding out of place with the rest of the instruments. It does sound muddy in some spots but this is probably the best that could've been done. The droning sounds set a good atmosphere and the mix changes up just in time without letting it linger for too long. It's a nice moody piece that takes me back to the atmospheric DnB days. Great stuff.

  4. I like this. A slice of realness that will never get accepted but should. The unfortunate thing about OCR is they have a strong bias for what they like, or so it seems. Anything "weird" or intentionally detuned I find flies right over their heads.

    I like the crackles, but I'd find some way to keep them in the intro but kill them after. I'd like something like a filtered intro that runs for 8 counts, maybe 16, that has the crackle and then breaks it down into that sound that you've got here

    I don't think it will be rejected on the account that it's weird. This doesn't sound weird, in fact. The remix plays the same melody over and over again during the entire song and that alone is grounds for rejection. There's just very little variation going on here.

  5. I have some remixing skills but not too good with the orchestral arrangements.

    One of those arrangements would have to be DDR's Maxx Unlimited, in a slow 3/4 time. I actually have started roughing out the concept but didn't come close to completing it.

  6. Here's my remix of Eagle's theme from Street Fighter. Yes, the first Street Fighter. This is the only game that had a proper theme for this character, as he's not as well-known. Though he still reappeared in Capcom vs. SNK 2 and in the handheld ports of Street Fighter Alpha 3.

    I'm still running a bunch of ideas around with this mix, but have a general feel for the progression already. I look forward to your feedback and requests :-)


    WIP version 2

    WIP version 1.1

    Source music

  7. Don't let the guitar play the Starman theme all the time. In places where another lead instrument is playing, such as at 0:37, it's playing too loud. Change up the parts more. How much did you sample from the 7"? Sounds like it's just the beat. Chop it up, and create new beats out of it for other parts of the remix.

  8. Thanks for the crits. I'm getting right on to reducing the reverb on most of the instruments, though I'll add a bit to the square wave at the start. The snare drums will also be tweaked so they don't sound so loud in the midrange. It's starting to get hard to give each instrument its own space so I'm reconsidering some instrument choices, but it's not completely clear yet.

  9. It sounds like you don't have a lot of hard drive space in your computer. Maybe it's just in a need of a tune-up and some disk defragmenting is in order, or delete unused crap that you're not using anymore (CCleaner is a good program for this).

    Exporting audio files shouldn't result in a loss of quality as the wav format is lossless. As far as your idea approaches go, it's good to just have scraps of music you created to serve for future inspiration. Also, drum loops can be rearranged many ways with FL's Fruity Slicer tool.

  10. Correct me if I'm wrong but you can still export wav files with the demo version of FL Studio, right? If so you can work around some of your problems by exporting parts of your music after you're satisfied with them. It's not a very smooth approach but at least you'll have a basic framework of music that you could at least try to reproduce from memory.

    When you have a music pattern that you like, export that as a wav, then you can load it in the audio clip section. Best of all, playing back audio clips won't lag your computer as playing lots of instruments triggered by notes.

    For me, shorter source are the most challenging to work with because you don't have much to go on. I have to create more variations without running out of ideas or letting the ideas go stale.

  11. Hey once again...

    I present to you my remix of Sky High Zone from Sonic 2- though I never personally had this game, a friend of mine owned a Game Gear and played this constantly. I seem to be on a roll during the past two weeks. This is my third WIP in that time, but will probably be the last one I'll be working on in a while since I have enough to work on already.

    It still has the same swingin' beat as the original because it already has enough energy on its own. Biggest difference is the sound upgrade- I am mixing in some natural-sounding instruments but not to make it a complete synth/acoustic hybrid...just using them in brief sections.

    Some self-crits: The first 20 seconds needs a touch-up. Some drums like the snare may be too loud. Aside from that stuff, there's an original section at the 1:40 mark. My approach to this mix would be to create some original parts, and gradually move parts of the original with the remixed source, in hopes that it will blend well together.

    Current version:


    Old version:

    Click here to listen to scaihigh.mp3



  12. Thanks for all the encouraging replies. It was nice reading some of the play-by-plays of the individual tracks.

    Looks like now it should be fine for me to release the only-heard-by-Kyle extra remix that I was working on during the times Sheena's theme was stuck in my head, but only did it for fun since my real WIP was farther up ahead at this point.

  13. Nice production. The strings didn't sound bad, except for the parts where it sounded more mechanical as mentioned- it's in parts where quick successive notes where it becomes more apparent. Use more actions with the lead instruments, like sustaining the notes or pitch bending.

    I have no problem with the drums, except that the bass is overpowering in the beginning. It was muffling up some of the quieter notes.

  14. I'd like to give this OS a shot but my 40gb hard drive is already feeling cramped dual booting XP and OSX86...and I'd like to keep my other hard drive as data storage only.

    I wonder if Visual Studio 2008 works in Windows 7. I know version 2010 will be tailor-made to it, but are there any programmers out there that have gotten it to work out of curiosity?

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