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José the Bronx Rican

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Everything posted by José the Bronx Rican

  1. Strike a pose. Thank God Man-Faye didn't show up. Henshin A Go Go, baby! I was so glad to see Lum, I didn't notice that couple over there.
  2. It's my boy Billy "Union Jack" Kane! These two happened to be at the same hotel Kroze and I stayed in. Jet Set Radio is still one of my favorite games, so this is one of my favorite pics. Finally, we've struck Felicias!
  3. The Cosplay Anyone who thinks this stuff is sad can move on from here, but I love it, even if I'm not crazy enough to do it myself. Yet. Here comes da Dee Jay!! I, of course, asked him if people requested to stomp all over him, and he, of course, answered, "all the time." Stuff gets complex, dunnit? Well, maybe cosplay's a little sad.
  4. Our own Starla (Injury) also cosplayed. Gorgeous. Panoramic! At the Dealers Room, while djp and Lion met with Piano Squall. Sorry, but these half-naked t-shirt ninjas kill me. At the concert hall, before Eminence performed. I was flanked by Jarel (Arrowned) and Kroze. Every other picture here sucked without a flash, so wait for Kroze's videos, and remind me to get a tripod for next time. The rest of the pics are below: 2007-7-21#010 2007-7-21#017 2007-7-21#023 2007-7-22#013 End OCR Meetup
  5. Wandering. WHAT, Dave? Larry tries to give Purple Tentacle a titty-twister, but he can't find any nipples. At the game room. Guitar Hero madness... ...and DDR mania. I didn't manage to catch Jiggles in the tournament.
  6. The OCR Meetup Yes, we hung out again. On line waiting for my badge. The crowd amazes me already. Jilli still Tan-ning, hangin' with Mr. Wii-mote. Panoramic! Another shot at Houlihan's. Now I've got the shot of Jill signing that guitar.
  7. Below: other shots of the folks in the crowd. Smile for the panel! The rest of the pics are below: 2007-7-20#033 2007-7-20#037 2007-7-20#042 2007-7-20#043 2007-7-20#044 2007-7-20#045 2007-7-20#053 2007-7-20#055 2007-7-20#066 2007-7-20#070 2007-7-20#073 2007-7-20#075 2007-7-20#095 2007-7-20#097 2007-7-20#098 2007-7-20#101 2007-7-20#108 End OCR Panel
  8. zircon demos the road to remixing, while the out-of-tune, unplugged Tan guitar is fiddled by someone. zircon continues. Nice Korg! Familiar faces in the crowd. Welcome Sammy (aureus on the right)... ...and welcome Meg!
  9. Live performance! pixie singing, zircon accompanying. "Name-that-tune" trivia comp! Paul-io and Sean-ic (we are not cringe-worthy...) battle with their knowledge of game music. Sean notches the comeback win by correctly identifying the high-scoring final tune selection. The word "fix" was probably muttered somewhere. All our contestants score free swag, nonetheless. That's why OCR's the greatest!
  10. Okay, I'm home. Ready for the media? I've got a freakin' ton, so I'm splitting the highlights into categories. If it's alright with whoever merges these, keep each category in a seperate post to make it less of a headache. Here we go... The OCR Panel I did what I could with a point-and-shoot camera and extremely poor lighting. pixie's now-famous OCR-Tan cosplay and guitar. Strong turnout for the panel. We preach mostly to the converted. Our panelists and their wares. Our contestant picked to decipher the panel's secret message, coded in the videogame characters used on each page of the PowerPoint.
  11. My pics are all ready, but the thumb drive carrying the draft to my post was left behind when I left for work. G-dammit. Soon as I get back home (around 10PM), promise.
  12. Settle for duct tape? We can keep the pics for ourselves and tell you it didn't happen. Or you can check the Otakon Meet thread for a couple, and for more later tonight.
  13. Okay, I'll bite, since you guys inspired me to do one of Jill as the OCR-Tan, possibly depicted as a horrible threat with that guitar.
  14. Does it need to be said how exhausted I am? Great hanging out again, folks. I didn't catch many events, because I'm as far behind on anime as I am on videogames, but that last show we caught... some of you will wish you managed to see Eminence. AWE. SOME. In a dark concert hall, where no flash photography was allowed, my camera really stunk with the video, so after Kroze's camera battery conked, I only managed audio of the encores, to come later. Here's the ice cream truck. Plenty of photos at my end, but not many meetup pics, because I'm a fiend for cosplay snapshots, and that's what I've been up to the whole time. That's also to come later.
  15. Going home from work now, and, depending on when Larry calls, going right to sleep! Doing my damndest not to miss my transportation. Wish me luck, and I'll see ya!
  16. So, everything's booked (not well; I'm still no good at it), and I'm about to pack. Now I may have the same luggage issue as before. Tommy and Mike let us keep our stuff in a corner at VGL, but I can't see the Convention Center letting me drag my case in. If Kroze and I can't check into our room and come back for the panel, I'll need a temporary spot.
  17. The 29th sounds very good at my end, because of the show, and because I'm off from work, and because I'm expecting delivery of a new bedroom set on the 28th, so that date's out (Gad, I need more credit).
  18. I really hope it doesn't come to that sort of thing; I intend to somehow be there at precisely 8:30 AM (the earliest time Friday morning for picking up a badge, if I read it correctly), hoping an hour and a half is enough time to make the panel despite any long lines. At the moment, Kroze's suggestion for a room and his interest in sharing looks like the way to go for now. Any others want in, please let me know as I prepare within the next 24 hours, especially because the more we have, the less you contribute. It's for Friday and Saturday night, BTW.
  19. Circumstances can only be seen as some sort of conspiracy to keep me from coming to this thing... I'll be lucky to get some sleep in before the train, available hotels aren't close, Friday morning badge pickup may not be early enough to make the panel, especially with no idea where to store my luggage during that time, and to top it off, my name DISAPPEARS ONCE AGAIN from the definites list! Jill, talk to your boy, willya? I probably must pay through the nose again to see this through. I will likely book within the next two days, probably taking Xerol's advice, but really depending on how in heaven I manage to work out the travel. Anyone still needing a place to stay can Prime Minister me, and we'll see about gathering four people in order to cut costs (if it's just myself and one other person, I won't have you contribute more than $100-120).
  20. *Calendar check* Vacation is on August 13-17, 20 and 21. I will be in Colorado visiting family and friends on the 13-17. That leaves the other two days and the preceding weekend. Result: August 18, 19, 20 and 21. There's your starting point, Wes.
  21. Wes did plenty of spending for the VGL thing, and for this to occur so soon, especially after Lodging Plan A fell through, it's understandable to skip. It may be likely that I'd have to handle the booking, soon, and although hotel stay isn't the only factor financially, I'd be glad to help him out if it means he can come. It'd be even better to get the same group we had at D.C. (read: q-pa and his car) so everything can go smoothly. Speaking of smoothly: if I only realized when they posted the dates for this event that so much'd be contingent on arriving the day before, I would've put in for that Thursday off, too. At least MAGFest accounted for that first day.
  22. Dammit, Andy, the only way I could make that is if I get NO SLEEP the night before! I better bring a Thermos.
  23. Enjoy your urinal- er, birthday cake! HB. *salute*
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