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José the Bronx Rican

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Everything posted by José the Bronx Rican

  1. Quick update: I'm still coming. Saturday's still mostly lost because I'm still forced to take my civil service exam on the 5th. Still don't know when to head to Manhattan and back on that day. I'm still waiting on word from Kroze about his lodging plans. Still, I have registered.
  2. This would actually be my first time. Ever. Blame Shael Riley for putting the bug in my ear about performing, but I thought to myself, have enough rhymes prepared, and it might be fun to do something like that, because I can't hope to impress anyone with extremely limited keyboard skills. Put it this way: gimme definite word on what game(s) a tune would be performed from, promise it will be real funky, please make sure this event occurs anytime EXCEPT Saturday, and I'll be on it like a hornet.
  3. I've talked to Dave and them a coupla times about doing some sort of "concert" recording: if someone could get the logistics sorted out, then after enough rehearsal, folks perform a brand-new, "live" remix, crowd noise and all. That is, if Neskvartetten, PlanetSkill, the OneUps, etc. don't do something like that before then. Should I get on tha mic?
  4. Don't think that hasn't occured to me in the runup to announcing my project. Thanks a bunch, folks.
  5. You know Taucer's a leg man. ;-{)> I keep forgetting to talk to you about Otakon... I definitely appreciate the help. And if Moguta and Overcoat are still looking, that might make four of us. Just to be clear for the thread, I am a definite.
  6. Just letting Larry know I'm so close to full-bore music-ing again. Will have something soon, promise.
  7. Once again, I have issues, reasons I haven't replied earlier. You know I'm trying my damndest to come, but I have an important civil service exam coming up... on Jan. 5. NATCH. Fate sucks. I can't accept the obvious solution, which is not to come to MAG6. The other solution is simple, but still sucks, and may be prohibitively expensive: travel back, express, to Manhattan to take the exam, miss most of that day's events, and travel, express again, to MAG, that night. It may be anywhere from one to three months before I even know at what time the exam occurs in the first place. So before I get around to researching the new MAG area and the travel situation, I must let it be known I'll likely need to hook up with a group still looking for a body, because I probably cannot book a room on my own. Stay tuned.
  8. Yeah, there was something in the back of my mind going, "he's kidding," but didn't scream loud enough. Not your fault.
  9. That word's for real, P, though I know I'm not English. I learned it from "'Allo 'Allo!" Don't worry: I don't use it in RL conversation.
  10. I knew for 5 days, because the creator emailed me (oneupmanship FTW), and I only just posted it yesterday at the Blood on the Asphalt thread, after somehow missing this thread. Yes, I was quite chuffed. Told the guy if it could somehow be youtubed, it could go to the ocremix group.
  11. Here's a link just to say, "I am quite impressed." http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/398714
  12. Some folks here are building their entire argument on their singular perception of what's exciting and what's boring. Not a good idea. The frequency of my posting and lurking doesn't seem to have changed. And unless someone else wants to streamline some rules before I do, I intend to bring back the caption thread. Now we all love Coop here, but this microanalysis of previous replies and periodic examples of "how things should've been done" when the points were well taken long ago... maybe there's a more accurate word than "bitter," but I can't think of it. People get mad, get loud and get malicious simply because that's the only thing they can do when they're faced with something they don't like and can't reverse. Whether they were let down easy or dropped, I also believe the amount of backlash wouldn't have changed, especially when they don't pay attention to the details. As far as posts being creative before... It's been my experience that people get more creative when there are limitations. If they don't, then they can't. When they can't, they leave. Do we really believe that the kind of things that aren't allowed anymore were the height of creativity? And everything else being equal, what's the problem? I can only imagine the people who refuse to return are either too ignorant to realize things haven't changed too much, have too much of an unreasonable grudge against the site and staff, or really only were interested in trolling, spamming, and porn-ing because that's all they were capable of. Lowest-common-denominator internet entertainment really can be found anywhere, especially for those with no interest in this site or its content.
  13. Doesn't the word "programmer," mentioned by Sil, cover all of this already? I know in the industry the term refers primarily to drum sequences, but unglamorous as it sounds, "programmer" or "music programmer" may already be an accepted "title." I already have been using this word to describe myself and what I do.
  14. * shariqsalute * What that might be, I dunno. "Toucan Sam," maybe?
  15. No sweat, folks. The day was mostly uneventful, because I'm still fixing up my home and going to work. I also promised myself today to go to forums where I've only had time to lurk and update everyone on what's doing in my life. But I have vacation time after tomorrow, so hopefully things get celebratory then.
  16. ...'cause Xelebes ain't on the ball, so wish my selfish ass a happy!
  17. I create MIDIs of game music, and I pride myself on their accuracy when compared to the original tunes. I can't say if that counts, but if you can import reasonably good sheet music out of them, the result could be the same. It's all great composition training.
  18. Oh, I forgot you guys had to leave. The former AE basically had what you'd call a "chiptune hip-hop" set, and "got the party people movin'." He even performed his Oil Ocean (WT-40 Mix), and after a few songs, he treated us to the "videogame freestyle" he did at MAGFest (give him a game title, and he raps about it). One lady suggested "Kingdom Hearts" before he started; good thing he didn't go through with it.
  19. I only just found time to comment. Everything went great, except it took a little more time and travel than we liked to find the Tank. I only wished I wasn't too busy to prepare for this meet with maps. We did find a nice eatery, however, before the show. And the show ROCKED. Props to the now-dubbed A_Rival. And I do have one pic, sort of. It's a composite of the sole two pics I could manage with my camera's dead battery (no one has shit for hp cams, not even Staples anymore). Prozax and virt: Mentos: the Freshmaker!
  20. I'm still coming. Sorry about the delay in replying; I'm deep into serious spring cleaning now that my bedroom set's come in, and I'm already exhausted. And still, the place isn't painted. I should be at Grand Central 12:30 to 1PM. Bring your umbrellas, folks... the forecast doesn't look good.
  21. And finally... The Audio Music captured from the incredible Eminence show after Kroze's cam battery went kaput. CLIP #1 Oh, yes, they went there: Mitsuda's "Radical Dreamers." CLIP #2 They said this encore piece needed no introduction. Please excuse the giddiness you hear from me. CLIP #3 One more encore. And we all expected "One Winged Angel." End Audio I'm all done now. Whew. What an awesome weekend.
  22. "It's been a long and winding road..." Without the beak, it could easily have been Cats. This group had a hell of a lot of good poses. I've never seen these two move so slow. The rest of the pics are below: 2007-7-20#012 2007-7-20#015 2007-7-20#018 2007-7-20#082 2007-7-20#089 2007-7-20#096 2007-7-20#115 2007-7-20#116 2007-7-20#118 2007-7-20#121 2007-7-20#122 2007-7-21#011 2007-7-21#012 2007-7-21#018 2007-7-21#019 2007-7-21#020 2007-7-21#025 2007-7-21#029 2007-7-21#030 2007-7-21#031 2007-7-21#033 2007-7-21#039 2007-7-21#043 2007-7-21#044 2007-7-21#045 2007-7-21#053 2007-7-21#055 2007-7-21#057 2007-7-21#063 2007-7-21#065 2007-7-21#068 2007-7-21#069 2007-7-21#071 2007-7-21#072 2007-7-21#073 2007-7-21#074 2007-7-21#075 2007-7-21#079 2007-7-21#082 2007-7-21#086 2007-7-22#001 2007-7-22#004 2007-7-22#006 2007-7-22#007 2007-7-22#010 2007-7-22#012 2007-7-22#017 2007-7-22#026 2007-7-22#028 End Cosplay
  23. Hy Rules! His tape deck is dated, but Soundwave is still the greatest. His buddy told him, "give him a MEAN face!" He said, "I can't!" and then giggled. Palette swap FTW.
  24. Christ, I can't figure it out. Anyone wanna guess the anime this one is from? Look, it's Timmy Big Hands! That's a woman in there, crawling on all fours. ...Shut up. Sorry, the princess is at another 'con.
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