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José the Bronx Rican

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Everything posted by José the Bronx Rican

  1. I'm at work again... We loitered for at least a half-hour last time collecting participants. Try to make it. You have either the S (shuttle) or the 7 train to get to Grand Central. 7pm's a reasonable suppertime, given a generous amount of time to each of our stops. We do head to zirc's after dinner. And I gots me a cell phone for Kwystmas! But I'm waiting for it to be delivered. I won't be late this time.
  2. Not nearly enough to save my life, I'm afraid. It's a shame of mine, and I intend to learn it. Heard my reggaeton mix? I had to put in a lot of research, and I'm certain there are several mistakes.
  3. Museums mostly won't even let you bring in any baggage (one reason we had for skipping a museum visit), so storage is probably out of the question. Cramping would only be an issue at Chinatown Fair and Multimedia 1.0, so don't worry 'bout that, but everyone should just bring what's absolutely necessary. I don't even have a sleeping bag. I've been known to sleep on hardwood floors, but I will bring a pillow and a thick cover from my bed set, which is more than enough needed, plus takes much less space than a sleeper. Folks staying over, just use your imagination. Weather looks to be mild on Thursday, with afternoon temps over 50, which means some of you may not need heavy coats... that's one more thing that might help.
  4. I'd hate for Tauce to backtrack, but we'll be heading to Times Square once we start out, and I don't think he'd wanna wait for us at the Port. Whether you use the street or the Port entrance, it's the same amount of walking to the Square, FYI. It's only a coupla blocks. I second the OJ, Jill. Gallons. Baha, I'm in the Tremont neighborhood, and all you'd ever see me do at night is walk home from work or from shopping. It's good practice not to be out late at night anywhere in any city, but it's not maniacal out here, at least not down 3rd or Park Ave. Keeping out of Fordham and Webster probably helps, and remembering that crooks usually do dumb shit only to people they know. Anyone coming out here gets treated to breakfast at the Splendid; good stuff. And I just remembered there's a music store 'round here too: Bronen's. They deal in a lot of used stuff, but they seem to have good deals on all sorts of instruments and amps. One of these days I'll look into the place more.
  5. The closer a dropoff is to Grand Central, the better... we start there and either end there or head to zircon's from there. I'll have no problem carrying what I bring; if everyone else could manage the same, it'd be great. Speaking of zircon, I want him to please tell me this train to Pleasantville happens to be the Metro-North. If so, I can take it on the return all the way up to the Fordham Road station and simply walk a few blocks home. I'm in love with convenience. And who knows, maybe next year when I'm ready to receive company....
  6. That's the spot right there!! I actually wanted us to stop over there for a bit, and maybe Kim's Video as well, but that's an extra subway trip, and if you thought Chinatown Fair would be a tight squeeze, THIS place... I think there'd be time for it, however (maybe before or after dinner), so I'll leave it to you guys. If not, definitely next year.
  7. I've cased enough, so here's a gameplan I've come up with (assuming we don't have a dropoff spot)): 1. We subway to Times Square. The area around 9th Ave. includes, along with many other kinds of restaurants, two very tempting pizza options. First, that 99 cent slice is for real! The spot is just a counter, so there's no place to sit, but those that wanna spend as little as possible can grab a bite there and just munch while we head to the other option: a place whose name escapes me, but has plenty of seats with no waiting. Slices are, well, closer to three bucks than one, but they are tremendous. What I'd like to do personally is try a .99 slice, then sit down and have the other slice at the second spot. 2. Down one block to the Virgin Megastore, check out CDs, DVDs, books, etc. 3. A little further down we visit Manny's (and perhaps Sam Ash); go nuts. 4. Just a little further (this is what I'd hoped for... a minimum of walking), through the 6th Ave. crowds, Nintendo World. As long as we're at the Plaza, we may as well check out the tree, take some pics. 5. Half a block to 5th Ave., relax at Barnes and Noble. I purchase "I Am 8-Bit," and possibly the large-volume collection of Thimble Theater comics featuring Popeye the Sailor. 6. We subway to Canal Street. We walk a bit, because there are no closer stops and buses are pointless here. We avoid the ridiculous crowds as much as we can, and hit Mott St.'s Chinatown Fair, depending on how packed it may be. Show us your bemani prowess. 7. Short jaunt up to Mulberry St., and we have our pick of restaurants. Surely one of them can handle all of us hooligans. 8. We're done! Some of us are off to zircon's to chill overnight, some may head back home or do whatever they like. We'll leave Metrocards for them. 9. Next morning... up to you.
  8. I'm only waiting to get back downtown before I give another reply; I'm at work right now (shhh)... I will say if Rockefeller on the 28th is even a fraction of the 1mpfw (mile per five weeks) slog through the crowd it was the other week while everyone was tree-watching, skating would probably be impossible with the time we have. I wasn't able to locate Nintendo World that day. Chinatown Fair looked like a fine hangout for the 20+ of us... on a Sunday afternoon. I would like, but doubt, that it'd be the same on a Thursday afternoon. Again, stay tuned.
  9. Well, it sure is a challenge trying to get these destinations in order, and get a good place for lunch (with enough seating) worked in, all using a minimum of transit... the few workable options all seem to be "chain Italian," i.e. Villa Pizza, Cafe Metro, etc. I know a couple of spots at the Port Authority that may work in a pinch. But when I got back home I found an interesting Times article addressing many of the same things we are, especially the food. Notice the "dollar a slice" part? I will investigate quickly. As far as dinner: I wanted to see what Little Italy was like downtown, knowing it's right next to Chinatown, and knowing it's filled to the brim with restaurants (there's a wonderful Little Italy just blocks from my home in the Bronx, but I never tried the midtown version). It looks great there; the places are all lined up on Mulberry St., all touting their Zagat ratings, and we should have no problem finding a suitable place for dinner. Best of all, they're mere blocks from the Chinatown Fair arcade, which I've finally experienced for the very first time today (nice place; a bit tiny and quite loud, just like in the Broadway days, although not enough old-school machines for my tastes). Stay tuned.
  10. No time to woo-hoo... between this meetup, preparing for MAG, too much XMas nonsense and remaining loose ends concerning my late father, I've had nothing but unwanted naps ALL DAY... I should be able to case downtown tomorrow, and I'll let you know then.
  11. Yes, I'm definitely overnighting, and will head back, if all goes well, with enough time to make it to work in the Bronx by 2pm. I'll be carrying everything all over. I mention my duffle because I always carry a duffle - no exaggeration: zirxietauce can tell you... they've seen me with it last year and in Philly. I shlep a lot of weight around, probably not to my benefit. I may be crazy enough to bring my laptop, along with the thick blanket and pillow (that's enough for me to sleep with). I know sleepers take up room, but folks should try to pack a bag with a minimum of items needed. I'm a late sleeper, partly because my 2-10pm shift (formerly 3:30-11:30pm) has made it so. My time is usually around three in the morning. I've got plenty of unused beats we can fiddle with for the music cause. I expect we can manage one or two accas - gimme some tune ideas (likely from SNES Mario games or Mario 64, cause that's all I've caught up with) - suggest an accurate midi from vgmusic and I'll do the rest. Examples below from Super Mario World - Overworld 2 (midis and sheet music exported from Cakewalk) Entire tune, no loop, tempo 120 Track 1, with hat metronome Track 2, with hat metronome Track 3, with hat metronome Track 4, with hat metronome Track 5, with hat metronome Track 6, with hat metronome Track 1, simplified sheet music Track 2, simplified sheet music Track 3, simplified sheet music Track 4, simplified sheet music Track 5, simplified sheet music Track 6, simplified sheet music
  12. I wanted to accomodate the museum suggestion by trying for one close to where we'd be (there're a couple around the late 40's streets), although I actually also think a museum visit would be a bit of a squeeze. I'm also thinking, after checking the Met web site, these museums would not let us in with any luggage - certainly not my duffle - and along with time constraints and possible admission would mean we'd likely cross them off our list. An accapella sounds cool - at least at Nintendo World. One way to prepare would be to study an accurate MIDI of whatever tune we do. From that MIDI I could either export mp3's or sheet music of each part for study. No need for a collection... everyone brings whatever cash they can manage, and I'll cover the extra costs. I can spare it for us, just like last year. Since there'll be a max of two or three subway trips for each of us (maybe 20 people), Fun Passes aren't needed. Each of us contributes about four bucks, and we get five ten-ride Metrocards; that's more than enough. Sam Ash and Manny's are together because they're on the same block, so no sweat: actually about six or seven Sam Ash stores on that street, depending on the instrument, surrounding the one Manny's store. If we had to pick one, we go with Manny's, because it's strictly New York flavor, with autographed celebrity musician photos covering the walls, and because they let you go to town on their instruments, especially the guitars, Tauce. I haven't been to Virgin in a while, but I think their selection comes in second to J&R. I gauge selection by the amount of rare stuff they carry that no one cares about except me. No store gets great marks in my system. I was, however, sad to see Tower go because that would be a #3 on my list. Virgin sounds good for the meetup, because it's in the same area we're headed. I'll be casing the areas for eateries this week.
  13. We'll see about admissions for these museums, and Metrocards for everybody; I'm still tweakin'. Two musician stores: Sam Ash started in Brooklyn. Manny's is on the same block.
  14. B&Ns are good for resting because they allow us to sit around for a while if we need - they have scattered chairs, but we can gather on their carpeted floors, even thumb through their books - Starbuck's not necessary. There's also a book full of videogame art I intend to buy and show everyone who hasn't seen it. Zirc Studios sounds great for overnight. I'm a complete fiend for a good breakfast, so if there's a spot, I'm there.
  15. Okay. I think what we've got so far is nearly enough for a day. Here's one plan I came up with: So we start at Grand Central... we then grab lunch (I'll have a place for us soon). We then transit for Rockefeller and check out Nintendo World, walk over to Sam Ash and Manny's (which, incidentally, was only a couple blocks from the sbarro we went to), and, if we're hitting a museum, try out MoMA in the area. Transit down to Chinatown for the Arcade; by then it should be dinnertime, and a restaurant for us in Little Italy (I'll have that for us too). Any Barnes & Noble bookstore - especially if they're anything like the spot on 66th (with a cafe on the top floor) - should give us a spot anytime we need a respite. Now we gotta finetune the overnight plans.
  16. ...So I had to settle for "VGDJ! XD" But my sentimental ass keeps all personalized correspondence, so I'm holding onto this envelope.
  17. Maybe it's something in your local P.O. that needs addressing? Some VGDJ fan and thief working there may want termination for Xmas.
  18. You might think there'd be more appreciation for the show and what goes into it. I know I have it. I also have appreciation for the button also sent to me from the survey. I'm pretty sure it was a button, anyway. Would you all like me to illustrate the new dictionary definition of "FUCKED UP"? So, no button. Please join me in delivering a giant middle finger to the culprit, who's probably reading this very thread.
  19. Put it this way... any day of the week not attached to the weekend can be covered by me with a sick day in a pinch; Monday or Friday would probably have to be asked for (best results a month in advance). Either way, I need a decision on the date extremely soon. Then I can give itinerary suggestions (anyone for Sam Ash and Manny's Music?), and as far as moving around, a solution may be as simple as getting enough unlimited Metrocards for everybody. I'll see about everything when we have a date.
  20. Also being clear, "drums" is exactly what I refer to when I say "programming." I forget I should elaborate sometimes. Feel better.
  21. I don't review as a rule, but as a longtime fan of the blur, I have several thoughts. One, of course, is that I'm sorry I missed out; I will keep an eye out for any future projects dealing in Sonic music... I'd love to be considered. I count this as a triple album, because a whole CD's worth of extra songs, especially more than in each of the main volumes, almost defeats the purpose of the phrase "bonus tracks." The number of tracks done in piano and in electric guitars is not an issue in itself (helluva nice display of chops in both), but from a mastering standpoint (mostly the second disc, and I'm aware of the track order closely following that of the game), similar songs sequenced together in an album could become a bit of a blur. The guitars, however, are a standout, as well as "Knuckleduster" and GaMeBoX's programming. Excellent project, everyone.
  22. For a while I was hoping to see some kind of sked for all the events. The MAGFest site says there'll be one soon, so meeting up will be easier to figure out once that happens.
  23. It's actually easier for me to get away with a day off on a Thursday rather than a Friday, because it's not connected to a weekend, and therefore less suspicious. If it's not gonna be on a weekend, the 28th is probably as good as it gets. Anyway, I should've mentioned before that I was always a definite; it was just a matter of when I could come and for how long. However, most of my uncertainty has lifted, due to terrible family news (see MAGFest announcement), and I'm confident I'll be available all day at the meetup.
  24. My immediate future is clearer, so my plans have changed. It follows the worst kind of news at my end, however: after caring for my pops since March (terminal colon cancer), he passed away early Thursday morning. I expected to leave my father with friends for 3 days, coming to MAGFest on Friday, but held off on travel plans because of the possibility the end for him was nearing. Well, it's happened, so I intend to be at the Fest from the beginning... not to mention get those days off approved for Jan. 4 and the NYC meetup, bring my mic back home, and get back to my music production, which I've had to completely shut down for several months during all this. Oh, and update my web site. Thanks for everyone's patience.
  25. I worry I won't be allowed the time off to hang with everyone all day, because I didn't get the chance last year and consequently missed out on the trip to Guitar Center and the chance to collaborate on what became "Lover Reef." However, no date looks good to me at the moment: there's complete uncertainty in my life now. I may be tentative for another coupla weeks, so don't let me slow the decision. By the way, Tower has gone out of business, for the usual reasons. Folks say "good riddance," but it was one of the few decent brick-and-mortar stores left for people like me who dread having to mail-order everything.
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