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  • Location
    The Bubble
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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Composition & Production Skills
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Vocals: Male
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)
    Pot/Pan Drumming

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Here are some videos of them performing live: Uptight (last song of the night) Rock and Roll (Led Zeppelin cover) A new song they look forward to recording in New York if they get enough votes to move on! The second round ends tonight so if you like them and want to give them a shot, please VOTE HERE!
  2. I didn't intend to come across like I was overly bashing anything. It's just, this place isn't the most exciting to live/study in and I am just really happy to have something cool to share with you guys. As for more music and videos (other than what you will find by clicking the above link), you can check out: their fancy pants homepage their jam-packed Facebook page (complete with more free downloads!) If I can figure out a way to share Facebook videos without changing their privacy settings, I'll link you guys to what I took at their live show (which is where the magic really happens), but otherwise it'll have to wait until I have a chance to YouTube them or something.
  3. So I don't really post or participate here a lot any more. College and non-wired life have seen to that. BUT, I am currently involved in what I think is a pretty cool cause and I have a favor to ask of all you music-loving people. I live smack-dab in what is essentially a desert valley, which can be kind of lame in some ways, but amongst the flatness there are occasional mountains of gleaming hope. There is a local band called Fictionist, who I believe is one such mountain. They play music that has been described as anything from "space rock" to "folk/pop," but mostly I think they sound a lot like Wilco with less country, more rock and maybe a pinch of homage to Pink Floyd and other really old bands. Most importantly, they play a kickass live show with lots of energy. They know how to get a crowd going, feed off said excitement, and funnel it back where it came from for an overall awesome (and incredibly fun) experience. So why am I posting about them here? Well, they're currently one of eight bands in the running to (a) become the cover of Rolling Stone magazine, ( play at Bonnaroo music festival, and maybe © get a record deal? I'm not normally a fan of ploys to get unduly famous for arbitrary reasons, but I think this is pretty damn cool, since it means they have a shot to represent a place that's not typically well known for artistic output. And you can help! Here's how: THIS IS A LINK, PLEASE CLICK ON IT Go to that page and you can (1) stream two of their (IMO best) tracks, (2) give them a rating on a 5-star scale, (3) "like" them and share the news on Facebook, and (4) download four free tracks. I'm not one to dictate or force anyone to do anything, but I will note that they're currently in round two of four of the contest (at round four they get a slot in Bonnaroo) and in order to progress to round three (where they will record some more tracks in New York), they need as many 5-star ratings as possible by tomorrow's end. So if you like them, please vote! And if you really like them, spread the word! We, their fans, are glad to have any help.
  4. He didn't even !
  5. paging jackkeiser to this thread yeah guys let's have a redux of the worst thread in recent ocr history good idea
  6. I sold my cards on eBay so you can remove them.
  7. but b-b-but bleck she's clearly bottling up all those emotions that can't be healthy
  8. My roommate picked this up the other day. I tried the demo, but can't really be bothered to spend money on it myself.
  9. Yeah, when I saw the title and the first couple minutes, I thought that's what it would be about. Like, discovering details of your character and the story progressively as you went along. Then I realized very few games actually do this, they just kind of hit you all at once.
  10. sounds to me like someone thought "how do we supplant Pikachu?" and someone else went "make an obnoxiously cute new legendary and give him away!"
  11. Why am I still up? I'm not taking issue with you addressing religion as a topic. I'm taking issue with your implication that religion is somehow inherently right or wrong. And that implication, with no context or provocation, makes you out to be an asshole.
  12. Besides, the more appropriate title would by "jackkeiser vs. himself," because his posts here are basically the forum equivalent of Jim Carrey's courthouse bathroom scene in "Liar, Liar." oh god when did I become this kind of poster
  13. If you hadn't already discredited yourself by ignoring the completely valid arguments I presented earlier, you did just now. I'm agnostic and this statement makes you look like an imbecilic jackass to me. I'd cry "troll," but even the sleaziest of trolls usually don't dedicate as much time to generating text walls as you have.
  14. Here's where your logic falls through: new costumers. Sure, you may think we're getting "screwed over" because we're being "forced" to buy a new game every time they add some new Pokemon, but what about people that haven't been introduced to the series before? What about kids who are just getting old enough to play these games? You want to make them buy a game that's several years old and then purchase extra content packs just to be talking about the same monsters their older friends are at the moment? Add-on DLC is not the best option from the corporate viewpoint, because it assumes all customers are long-standing ones, basically shutting off all potential for a growing audience. This is actually where some companies, I think, do exceedingly well. Rock Band, anyone? You can buy pretty much any game in that series, and while you're locked into whatever feature set it has (because, as you, Jack, have illustrated with your Mass Effect example, changing the core mechanics of the game rules out add-on DLC), you can pretty much purchase and play any song from any other game in the series as you wish. Now that's and interesting system worth analyzing. I do think one argument you're making has merit, though. Games don't need to be distributed by physical copy alone. But they aren't. Look at Wii/DSiWare, X-Box Live Marketplace, PlayStation Network. Look at Steam. It's not that the industry is ignoring this method. It'll just take some more time before everyone opts in. EDIT: Just in case it wasn't clear, if entirely new games were to be included as DLC, most companies would have to charge you for that content. These things take creative and developmental manpower. Some interesting twists on this, though, are Guild Wars and EVE Online. One blends its separate content releases, all of which you pay for separately, into a single game world that changes depending on what you've purchased, while the other releases full-size content patches while simply charging a monthly pay-to-play fee. While Guild Wars would be an interesting role model for the Pokemon series (think Gold/Silver, where you could go back to Kanto, but with every region playable with just one cart), I don't think people would be too happy about a pay-to-play Pokemon.
  15. I thought it was generally accepted forumiquette that if you're not quoting somebody, you're replying to the person directly before you. Not to mention, you know, logic.
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