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Everything posted by Imagist

  1. Well, as far as that is a trend, I would say a lot of it may be due to exposure. Older gamers have, by definition, been around longer, so they were able to digest past games when the past was still present. Younger gamers not only have less exposure to old games, but even if they have played them, they've likely had less time to enjoy them and understand their merits. I mean, when you've had twice as long of a life to enjoy the same library of games as a high schooler, your experience alone means you're more likely to appreciate more things. Also, many teenagers are boneheaded and hormonal. (I shudder to think of what I was like when I first joined OCR.) That's not to say they wouldn't enjoy our "classics" in, say, 5-10 years. Give them time to grow up, broaden their horizons and expand their minds, and then if they're still as closed as your jaded olde-schoolers, you can scoff and shake your head at them.
  2. Seriously, though, guys, this is a pretty ridiculous generalization to make. As a few have pointed out already, there is just as much potential for a classic game to turn out horrible, bland, and focused on all the wrong things (E.T. anyone?) at a modern game, and just as much potential for a modern game to be absolutely incredible as any other. I can honestly say I see no gap in the history of gaming other than the progression of technology. Developers in the (S)NES era were extremely concerned about and pretty proud of how many pixels they could push out with state-of-the-art hardware simply because it was state-of-the-art. Just because we've gone through hella advancements since then doesn't mean things are suddenly different. There have been and always will be developers who lose sight of fun and create a media experience, and there will be others who make something that, while it may not look great, is ridiculously entertaining to play. Along the same lines, you have just as many young gamers that fail to appreciate and look down upon old games as old gamers who have become jaded and turn their noses up at anything that smacks of novelty. Both could probably stand to get over themselves, but either way neither is intrinsically worse than the other.
  3. why don't you all argue on an internet forum about it
  4. god DAMN here that BROTHA HOLLA
  5. who else was kind of pissed they asked you to sit through that red faction and brink shit I mean those were pretty terrible
  6. Watch... trailers? Seriously?
  7. Not to mention, like, the Metroid Prime games. That is seriously the best non-PC control system I've ever experienced.
  8. What the... wasn't there a third one? I swear Zeality had PM'd something in. I think I'm going crazy, and that's saying something since that already happened a while ago.
  9. My observations so far are mostly the same as OCRE's. I actually really like the touch screen controls for this; the only time I don't really use them is when moving (D-pad is more precise) and in battles (hard to select "attack" for all characters really quickly). The ridiculous invented backstory is kind of annoying, as most of these names are claimed to be "ancient" and have come out of nowhere, and a lot of them are too similar to each other and get mixed up really easily. I don't see how anyone could play the game without reading the hyperlinked encyclopedia entries. The emotional response system is ridiculously limited. They should at least switch out the options for every choice and include some of the more varied responses you see other characters make. I keep selecting the sad face when really I'm envisioning an anime sweatdrop, and the results are undesirable. Also, the dialogue is pretty bad. Redundant as hell. But, thinking back, that's the way Golden Sun has always been. Kind of charming, really. And overall, the game is really enjoyable, even if it's not the best thing since... well, its prequels.
  10. Guys I want this to happen now.
  11. Oh, what the hell. There's no reason to let this die when I have written something recently, polished or not. Steam Engine I pilot a curious engine of pudgy fitted coats upon a flimsy calcite frame. The armored exterior submits to every errant untamed ghost of pressure placed against its shell. There is a gleam of black on black I almost do not see. A feathered scout perched upon the night cocks its head from the other side. Perhaps the double-pane is a focusing lens or its sights are granted mine are not; I do not know-- but while my fuels are fumes and hours of operation long, it sees that from my unseen exhaust weak steam burst forth does not.
  12. They signed a 10-year publishing contract with them. Also, the deal is for them to publish a new IP through Blizzard, an IP to which they will retain exclusive rights, so whatever Blizzard itself is developing looks to be wholely unrelated. Although, according to all official sources, Reach was to be Bungie's last addition to the Halo series... and no one said who'll be picking it up next.
  13. That makes me so happy. That's probably the biggest obstacle I have yet to overcome that's preventing me from replaying these games over and over again.
  14. Well, it's not much, but there you go. Selling at 25% off for $37.49. Also on sale (that Bahamut didn't mention): Metro 2033 and Aliens vs. Predator. Some fun stuff today I guess, but nothing that really wows me enough to buy. I really wish I had picked up Torchlight in time...
  15. I'm looking to get rid of my old Pokemon cards. I've been meaning to do this for a while, but never really mobilized properly enough to do so. The collection amounts to about 2 3-inch binders stuffed full of 9-sleeve card pages, many sleeves with multiple cards, rares, commons and uncommons, including Trainers and Energy cards, ranging from the original Base set up through Neo. I'll be taking general pictures of the collection and posting them soon, here's a Google Docs spreadsheet list of all the rares, whether they're holofoil and/or first edition, and any other special notes: link If you want to see pictures of any particular cards, just let me know and I'll take care of them when I photograph the whole set later on. I also have a few dozen other assorted Japanese cards, including the 9-card set shown here (link) in its original binder. According to the latest price guide I could find (which is admittedly out-of-date), those rares alone are worth over $800. I'm thinking of asking $400 OBO for the whole collection. Additionally, if you'd like to purchase any cards individually, I'm sure we can work something out. Please PM any further questions or offers. EDIT: Pictures now online (link). In total there are well over 2,000 cards here.
  16. There should be one more day of deals left. You never know what'll pop up for Cyber Monday.
  17. Oh God I so hope they do that. That's something I really mean to pick up as soon as I can get it for under $15.
  18. And then there'll be a different sale. New deals every day through... Monday, I believe? Hm. Not sure if the last sale ends at 10 AM PST Monday or starts then.
  19. Hey. So I've been back a while but kind of busy. It takes time to get a life back in order after two years overseas, I guess. Anyway, I don't know if I'll have time to squeeze something in this go around, but it's nice to see things still alive as ever (I fully realize the implications of this in conjunction with the recent level of activity ). Thanks for handling things so well, HalcyonSpirit, and keep it up, guys.
  20. So... is it fun? Worth five bucks? Highlight of the past two years?
  21. Damn. I was going to pick up Torchlight this morning before the deals switched over, but I didn't wake up until it was already gone. Maybe staying awake till I drop every night because I have nothing better to do with my life right now than game isn't such a good idea... So tell me about Left 4 Dead 2. Having never played the first one, I have little to no idea what to expect. Also, do I need to play the first one, well, first?
  22. Okay, so just how awesome is Torchlight? Because I've heard "pretty awesome," but I'm just wondering. See, I'm going back to school soon and probably not going to be able to afford all that much time to play games, and I'm still catching up on everything else I've missed being overseas without a computer for the last two years, so while $5 is a great deal, is it really essential playing? Especially since, when my dungeon crawler craving kicks in, I usually just play Diablo II intensively for a few weeks until I'm satisfied? ITT: Imagery looks for excuses to take advantage of holiday deals but fails to roll on his Convince Self check.
  23. Anyone have an opinion on EVE Online? I've had one friend who plays it and raves about it, but not sure what the general consensus is on the game. Also, is the deal on Steam a standalone product? Not just an expansion pack? I'm thinking yes, but I really don't know. For $5 with a free month, though, I'd guess it's worth a try...
  24. Oh. Wow. Thanks? (Sorry guys, I don't really have time to say any more at the moment.)
  25. I voted. Have you? Why in the name of cotton fabric not?
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