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Bongo Bill

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Everything posted by Bongo Bill

  1. I'll mirror this when it's finished; send me a PM.
  2. I'm up to 52GB for January, but that's not all CS. Is that the best you can do, Internet?
  3. Did I mention that I want to mirror this? 'Cause I do.
  4. Where do you work, anyway? And aren't you supposed to be dead? Gamecrazy, and enough of that. I work there, but don't do any real hard labor *aka I don't lift and put away consoles like the "huge bawks" and such* I never heard of a Gamecrazy that gets regular visits from Nintendo reps, but then again, California is completely batshit crazy.
  5. Where do you work, anyway? And aren't you supposed to be dead?
  6. Once a song is complete or nears completion, the poster takes down all the files and doesn't link to the finished version. Big-shot project people can get a PM containing the file's location. Mirrors get links to the files as soon as the project is ready for release. Simple.
  7. That's a great idea ! But chances are that the project itself will be distributed via the BitTorrent system. However, we will also have a standalone site, with links to the files, comments from the author and such. I plan do it like this then : Author - Song - Download1 Download2 Where Author is a popuplink with info on the author, Song is a popuplink with info on the song itself, and DL1 is my mirror, and DL2 is your mirror. So if you want to help this project out, there are 3 things you can do : You can seed the project in BitTorrent, you can host all the files seperately, and you can host a zipfile of all the songs. PM me with a link to the zip archive about a day before release and I'll host the individual files and the zip and have the links for all of them sent back to you as soon as I can. Send me the torrent as soon as it's up on the tracker and I'll start downloading from there, too.
  8. Don't supposed you have a Cold Fusion enabled server? We're looking for one to host the project site. ColdFusion? Let me check... Nope, doesn't look like it. I wouldn't know what to do with it anyway.
  9. I'll mirror this when it's finished.
  10. I'll mirror it when it is finished.
  11. I would like to mirror this project when it is complete.
  12. I would like to be a mirror for this project when it is completed. I have 500GB per month, and no particular limit on space.
  13. This remix, and the two other by this artist, are in fact being used as part of the optional remixed soundtrack packages for The Ur-Quan Masters. They are part of a soundtrack rather than standalone songs, and should be considered in that light.
  14. I can't believe we didn't get Slashdotted.
  15. I can ost the RAR file anyway, if Claadou approves. Unfortunately, when I tried to download with the torrent, it replaced all of my mp3 versions with blank files before I could tell my Bittorrent client to ignore the mp3 version. So it looks like I'm using the torrent. Edit: yes, I know I could just unpack the mirror pack again, but I feel that by seeding the mp3 files on the torrent as well, I'll be doing more for the community.
  16. Well, I didn't check there, because, see, that would be the smart thing to do.
  17. I'd like to confirm that I will in fact be able to mirror this when complete. I have 500GB per month, and server space is not an issue.
  18. Where is the torrent? I'd like to seed this, but I can't find it on the site.
  19. Technically... But Murphy's Law struck and things like that can always happen. No need to whine about that. It will be out when it's out. I wasn't whining! That's not fair! How dare you accuse me of whining! I can't believe you'd think I'm dissatisfied with anything you've done! I hate you! You're not my real mom! Go away! (<3 Compy)
  20. Technically, it would have been possible to do a limited December release, since many of us mirrors have bandwidth apportioned on a monthly basis and anything that's not used at the end of the month gets rolled over, meaning that there wouldn't have been a lot of need to worry about distributing server stress equally. However, that wouldn't have been fair or particularly smart... just possible. I support the decision to delay it.
  21. It looks like all the files together are 107MB.
  22. My host just upgraded my account for some reason, with the result that I now have 500GB per month. You may now use my site as a higher-priority mirror than you may have been planning to. I'm not doing anything else with that bandwidth until the downloads slow down.
  23. Gasp! It's an Atheist-Kids-Get-Presents Day miracle!
  24. Threaten to cancel it, at least. Wait a minute, didn't you die or something?
  25. I've got my bandwidth all set up, got plenty of webspace and took down everything else (I didn't use it for anything but hosting files anyway) so I can dedicate all 100GB/month to hosting this. I AM READY
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