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Everything posted by kamoh

  1. I'm actually leaning towards 10/15 since it is generally a little slower than 20/0, but more because I don't want people fumbling around with time controls - yahoo's got it set that way for a reason, and I intend to find out! (btw I said that in September)
  2. Quick questions on your preference: CLOCKS a) 10/15 clocks 20/0 clocks c) 30/0 clocks Format will likely be "double-pool" provided we can get around 16 players to join. Ideal is really 20 players. EDIT: Or more, see the 30-player maelstrom that was August 2006 - although about 6 of the noobs went MIA immediately.
  3. The enthusiasm! Unlike we've seen from Bahamut in many moons!
  4. New tournament thread: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=8125 I'm abandoning the league/teamplay ideas for the time being. Shame to let a thread like this go, but still. Teamplay deadline for week 3 will still be Monday 11:59pm (like 20 hours from now), but we'll be on hiatus.
  5. OverClocked Remix Chess League Tournament XXIII Old-School Tourney - March 2007 To join the tournament 1) Post a reply in this thread stating that you would like to be added. 2) List your AIM screen name (we use AIM for matchmaking constantly). 3) Deadline for sign-ups are Sunday, March 25th @ 11:59 pm EDT. Match Format Use Yahoo! Games Advanced Lounge 7. 10/15 clocks, Protected Rooms. Each match will be two games; once as white, once as black. Wins = 3 points, Draws = 2 points, Losses = 1 point. Undo Turn: Undo turn is allowed, provided it is done so quickly. An undo turn given merits one recieved. Disconnects: If a player disconnects, they are entitled to a restart at the point of the disconnect or, if both parties agree, a full replay. You forfeit if: you disconnect after a disconnect restart, you refuse to restart a disconnect game, or you refuse to reciprocate a previous undo turn. Use of computer assistance is prohibited and will result in the banhammer. Tournament Format Round-robin tournament, with the deadline for games and matches being on Sunday, April 1st.
  6. I'm clingy AND whipped AND she's sitting here next to me, but I still find time for chessleague. Speaking of which I don't find time to improve - Bahamut had plenty of chances to pizzown me, so I just resigned and we laughed about it.
  7. Maybe conferences - we'll see what the tournament format will be (that last one just wasn't that good).
  8. I'm not, but thanks for the update
  9. Yeah 3 out of 5 is good - we'd probably just get a lot of piling on if it was any more. Tiebreaks will probably be a simple system, it's just choosing where to place everything. I figured out a system that replicates the tiebreak from the first tournament, but in a much simpler package - we'll call them points ("race points" this time around), and they'll be either the third or fourth tiebreaker. You earn points with the following match scores: 3-0 win = 5 points 3-1 win = 4 points 3-2 win = 3 points 2-3 loss = 2 points 1-3 loss = 1 point 0-3 loss = 0 points Again, WINS and LOSSES are more important than these points. 1) Most Wins. 2) Most Games Played. (losses) 3) Head to head results. 4) Race Points.
  10. Two Questions: 1) Do you WANT to do Special tracks? I'd rather not because they require you to unlock them. 2) Best 3-out-of-5, 4-out-of-7, or 5-out-of-9?
  11. I need the rom. I also need to get rid of the virus on my computer that's fucking up AIM and Firefox. But I'm in (this should work on my kawaks)
  12. Lol "better shape" yeah right - not yet. It might not get fixed for a while.
  13. I've got airbag contusions but that's about it. They itch and hurt. My breathing feels compromised but that may be a misconception or my recent sickness or the fact that I need to get fit. Anyways...everyone the SNES tourney should be fun and the more the merrier, we've already got 10 players (including Keegan ), so it should be funs.
  14. I got in a car crash this morning and my car is now in need of both repair and fixing. I also got minor (note: pointless) injury but I'll be fine. This probably won't have a lot of bearing on my online time, but I just wanted people to know.
  15. Atmuh's in too...my count is at 9 players.
  16. I'm actually no longer sure what I want to do with the amazchess vs. soveriegnlegend game, so it is currently not posted. Until the two players can come to an agreeable decision on their game, I will leave it that way and I will advise the two players on this.
  17. I'm sure that you can record the matches, but I've no clue how. Matches should start tomorrow, but it depends on what Mew wants.
  18. Chocolate peanut butter hazelnut banana blueberry pancakes with suspension and banhammery.
  19. There's actually a rule not posted regarding disconnects, which I'm treating the Soveriegn_Legend vs. amazgr8 match as... If you get disconnected from the room (or forced to leave), you are entitled to one restart from the point of the disconnect. If you cannot certainly ascertain the position of the match, you may elect to replay the game. If a second disconnect occurs on your side, you forfeit the game. If the player NOT disconnected refuses to restart, THEY forfeit the game. So it looks like the Legend/Amaz game is going to be replayed...
  20. I don't feel like posting the fixed week 2 table just yet.
  21. Speaking of which, I know mew hasn't updated, but the match format is going to be this: Use 2P Match Race. Best 3/5 wins. Agree to a track to start off the series. Loser picks every subsequent track, but do not repeat any tracks. Do not change racers. NOTE: 3/5 may change to 5/9.
  22. I think that Keegan will be joining us, so we've actually got Arek, Antipode, and Keegan added to that list.
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