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Everything posted by kamoh

  1. lol none of the rusty buckets are online and paying attention.
  2. play 10char
  3. Play both of them! If you beat them, select a new game for us cause I personally wanna get on with the playing.
  4. Alright, I'm officially expanding the playoff field to 4, with the following schedule: Match A: 1st vs. 2nd Match B: 3rd vs. 4th Match C: Loser A vs. Winner B Match D: Winner A vs. Winner C These will be 2/3 matches instead of the 3/5 as previously mentioned - faster tournament.
  5. It was difficult to find a happy medium - especially with the new format. I found the ability to 45-degreeify a table and ran with it, although I wish that there was an easier way. Tonight, thankfully, I have no homework, and should be up for a while (but I'll be fixing my monitor or replacing it because I don't know what the hell it's doing wrong but it's on the fritz). We'll play some games, have some laughs, drink a vodka or three and chess it on up till the early hours of the morning. I just didn't want to make a needlessly humongous table for these games, so you see the above. And I'm on a computer at school whose enter key does not work (don't worry it's the same way for the entire row - this things are shit-ass old and not conducive for actual use). G'night.
  6. Play everyone on your opponent's team ONCE as your color (shown surrounding your team). Just once. 10/10 clocks. Reporting is in effect but I'm not sure exactly how it will work. You have until Monday the 19th @ 11:59pm Pacific Time to complete these games.
  7. Wow, what a worthless post. "Way way back" is not a quantitative statement. You were 8? How old are you now? Not like it matters - I'm not going to help you, and from your description it's probably been removed anyways.
  8. I have another paper due tomorrow wooooo. For those uninitiated, this will be the format for at least a little while: Weekly Schedule Weeks will begin on Tuesday for the time being. Weeks end on Monday. Team Play / Colors Each team will play each other team twice - once as white and once as black - over six weeks. If your team is white for the week, you will play as white for the whole week. Full-Fixture Schedule You can and should play every one of your opponent's team's players - ONCE. No 2-game matches, no switching colors. Just play everyone on the other team once within the week. Team Win Bonus Not sure quite what this is going to be...but I've got an idea.
  9. 1 win vs. Arek. I may expand the playoff field to 4, and incorporate an Australian-style finals system (see www.a-league.com.au)
  10. I don't understand any of this. What the fuck is the final score?
  11. Bumped. Tonight I will contact the team captains (while I do a stupid paper - someone remind me to get that done), and we'll start scheduling for week one, which will likely begin Monday or Tuesday.
  12. Play whatever games you can that might be possible to play. Linkspast would be next for you I believe, but if vega12 is on, play him to simulate the possible final.
  13. oh shit I forgot about that somehow.I'd still like to see 9x9 board though
  14. DOOOO ITTTTT.Baseball season on the radio begins today
  15. Can we get this thing finished and get on to the next tournament? I think that mew and I will consult on the format and things when I get a chance to talk to him later, but I'd be willing to say that this was not a disaster per se, but should have been done differently.
  16. Well my issue is that, say you have a 2 king, and all 1 pawns. A 4 or a 3 strikes, threatens the king on the first move, and neither can you block him or he moves out of the way, game over. This scenario is one reason why I'd actually like to see the game played on a 9x9 board, 8 pawns, 1 king, and both kings are centered. While this doesn't develop play quickly, it certainly kills many "go first" advantages. Darkesword will say "nah, doesn't need to be changed" (also said this to a checkmate-style rule), but it's just a thought - someone with C++ skillz could work it
  17. Arek will likely be awarded 3rd seed.
  18. Standings have been updated to reflect a 2-0 win over Darkesword.
  19. Oh...in the interests of speedy play, don't worry about the alternating rule - we've had so much trouble with this in the past and currently that it doesn't really matter, plus there's no significant advantage to going first.
  20. Woooow...fantastic job with the two victories vs. DS - although I still consider him to be the best player until he loses a playoff. Hopefully JD has been studying a little bit - I'd really like to add high-caliber players to the list and Rainman is certainly a low-mistake player like the most of us.
  21. I got it to work ONCE on my own (not in netplay). There are similar issues all around. Is there another emulator that we could use that's actually adequate?
  22. Two great but incredibly tough wins vs. Rainman DX. 1) 6-5, 80 moves. 2) 5k-4 win, 76 moves. My finishing move in game 2:
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