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Everything posted by kamoh

  1. Lol sweet thanks for finishing and thx4playing. Mario Kart, signups will begin soonish if Mew wishes it
  2. Here is the final Week One table: Which results in the following standings: Here is the Week 2 Table:
  3. They played the first with 12/12 clocks, so the second game was a nice touch.Nice touching. I'm over the deep end now, who else do I play? Fire! TOnight! We match!
  4. BTW, for all of you, I will not be changing the deadline. Last day for Week 1 matches is today, and we will advance to week 2 tomorrow. This isn't a bag on everyone, I just see no point in prolonging the madness if people still aren't going to play - you're given 4 or 5 games per week to play (just like before), and the penalty for not completing all of them is pretty low. Your team will get an extra 7 points for a win, and an extra 3 points for a draw.
  5. I too lost to the Legend in a 13-move farce of a game where I fucked up a castle-threat after a ramping up of meaningless opening mistakes that resulted in his queen in a safe place on my side of the board.
  6. I'm out as well - here's the updated standings
  7. I before E! Except after C!
  8. lol no rong. EDIT: Clarification: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Bowl_I
  9. Evil twin, yes. Who?
  10. Women apparently aren't attracted to either D:
  11. Hemo and I had a heated argument over this. Basically he's tired of me flip flopping on my rules and systems - he's right about that. Anyways, Darkesword vs. Rainman, 2/3. Winner plays me, 2/3.
  12. The most recent table is the final table. Basically, this is the same as the system I had proposed (1 gets a bye, 2 and 3 play in the semifinal), but with a preliminary round, where 1 and 2 fight for the bye, and 3 and 4 fight to survive.
  13. Arek asked me to try and fix this divisional setup - I think that, at a certain point, we'll just have to have everyone who actually plays a game end up in the bracket. I really don't wanna mess with this too much because I'm kinda tired of doing that mid-tournament, and this is a good system - if people play and CAN play. I'm not throwing in the towel on participation until closer to the deadline (which is like Wednesday or something) but I will self-bye if I can't get it to work...as well as bye over anyone who doesn't play.
  14. NO, sorry, I fucked up and lost to Falchion on time.
  15. If you couldn't tell, I'm having troubles with them as well. I just really wanna go undefeated, is all. Again the new deadline is Friday, but I would really like to ensure the top 2, middle 2, and bottom 2 - if all those places are locked (which would probably take 26 or 28 out of the 30 games), I'll cut to the bracket (of course the deadline still looms).
  16. Aww cry cry... You may get some bonus points though, I've got a plan in mind for bonus points and you may have netted yourself 12 instead of just the 10.
  17. In all oddness, only I have clinched a playoff spot - and that could still be just 4th place. Another win and that changes to a top two finish - but I'm going for 14-0 anyways...
  18. Thank you for much playing Bahamut!
  19. Deadline will be pushed back another couple of days to FRIDAY, 11:59 pm EST.
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