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Posts posted by kamoh

  1. I've been talking on the IRC channel about tournament format and some rules and other things which I'm not going to apologize for because I'm knowledgable on these sorts of things. I'd just like to see a show of support or disdain for the following:

    1) NON-POOL SCHEDULE (recommended)

    First 2 weeks: All players are assigned four opponents to play. Some scoring system is assigned.

    Last 2 weeks: The top 35% (rounded-up) of first-round finishers are assigned to a championship bracket (seeded with byes). Everyone else goes to a consolation bracket (seeded with byes).

    Estimated maximum number of matches: 6-7


    First 2 weeks: Each player is drawn into some number of pools (probably 4).

    Second 2 weeks: Each pool's top two finishers play in an eight-team bracket.

    *NOTE* I don't like this one - it's not particularly complete or even.

    Estimated maximum number of matches: 6-8


    First 10 days: Each player is drawn into some number of pools (4, 5, or 6)

    Second 10 days: Each pools top two finishers play in one of two pools.

    Final 8 days: Each second-round pool's top two finishers play semi-finals and finals.

    Estimated maximum number of matches: 8-10

    So these would be significantly more matches than a simple single elimination bracket. I particularly like the non-pool option (1) because everyone plays the same number of first round games and the bracket is skewed in favor of higher finishers. And there are fewer matches.

    I don't think most people can fit in 8 to 10 games in a month without just brooding at their computers. Even 2 a week might be a little tough for some people (shouldn't be though). But I'd really like to throw my weight behind idea (1).

  2. ed;213892']I don't know' date=' and frankly, I don't care. All I know is I had this in the planning, and was just working the kinks out so, not only would it work for me, but I could answer any questions that came up, so I had some experience.

    Now, not only did I have it stolen from me, but I can say I'm a little offended that there are people on the first forum that knew I had it planned, that went ahead and joined this anyway.[/quote']

    Sorry, Pi. You need to seize the opportunity when you get the chance.

    Mew: Not cool, though. A red flag came up in my head when this thread was made because of the above reason (among others whenever a contest is created on OCR because I've been in charge of more of this kind of stuff than anyone else). It's your call now, but there's always a certain level of PR involved with running a competition.

  3. It's against OCR rules to post a link to the rom - at least I believe it is.

    The mods can say some TOS bullshit and ban you if you do, although I don't think they would, I would just safely say DON'T POST IT, and we'll trade same copies and make sure that everyone has the same copy when they actually play against eachother.

    This means we have like ten players, right? Mewtation, expect an IM from me very very soon about tournament format :)

    I'll try and get Bahamut to join.

  4. Loss, Win vs. Grayfox9996 - he got me with a sly little move in Game 1 after I got disconnected, but I had him with sheer material advantage in Game 2.

    LongeBane's report on Bahamut has been removed - apparently they tried playing last week.

    Snerrak has left the active roster, which, in tandem with the above, has little effect.


  5. *bump* wtf i couldnt even find this thread. ooo, i thought i reported nemo for game 2,or maybe not. hmm nvm. gl for week 2.

    I dropped your report, since there was ample opportunity to play Nemo, I only gave jessica a point as restitution for not playing one game like you did. I'm very stingy with reports - you're not going to get many report points AT ALL.

  6. Week 10 schedules are now posted.

    Week 9 business:

    KeeganTheFox won the week with 16 points, also the maximum score. This is like the fifth time Keegan has won a week since the league format, and the second time he's gone 100%.

    Nemitor_Atimen was charged one point to ~Jessica~ for failure to play a reported match while playing his other opponent. Three points could have been charged but were dropped because Nemo was online enough to answer to a match request, and because the second game between Nemo and Salaxzar went unplayed. A final report point through salaxzar was not charged because of the one game that was actually played.

    Bahamut was charged one point to John DerriLLL and LongeBane each for failure to play reported matches. Four points could have been charged but were dropped because Bahamut appeared online and responsive, and JD and Clef could have simply played eachother.

    Rainman DX returned in time to play Week 9 games and did so under my supervision. He remains on the active schedule.

    Arek The Absolute was bypassed by dPaladin 2-0 Fionn, and was dropped from the active schedule.

    Margoute was dropped from the active schedule.

    jeff_loves_chess_too_much and ResEvil07 were added to the active schedule.


  7. I think that we'll have the tri-series idea come into play in a couple weeks (probably replacing week 12 or 13).

    I'd love to see team-play in action, mainly to see if it would actually work as the normal way of doing things in the OCRCL - a while back I had the idea to split the league up into 4-6 teams of 4-6 players each, and while the idea really didn't fly with a lot of people, I thought it would be a very interesting way of developing the league and might encourage more participation. I'm a team-sports kinda guy first and think that, with team play, everyone gets a legitimate chance at winning a tournament.

    And not by pity or butt-kissing (thanks for the hoilday tournament title, everyone :D)

  8. Reporting ended at midnight - I've only gotten one report in since then (longebane on Bahamut) and I think Longebane tried to report him earlier.

    Reporting phases will always end Saturday 11:59 pm Pacific Time, 24 hours before the end of the playing week.

  9. Hey you guys...

    I've made several changes, notably taking margo and rainman off of the active schedule. Loning said he wanted off as well.

    Unfortunately, when I made the schedule, I made two circles - one of 14 players, and one of 6. This is the circle of 6 that is now only 3.

    Snerrak, Setz, and Falchion have a round-robin with eachother now, and these three guys actually appear on AIM so there's a chance.

    Week 9 ends tomorrow, everyone.

    ALSO - with the end of unmod (the little-known but totally true origin of the OCRCL) the forum is swamped. Trust me, we'll get more exposure, but the thread needs to get bumped often - if you don't see it on page 1 please bump it...I assume that unmodders are going to exploit the time zones and go nuts tonight.....and all get banned in the morning.

  10. If you do add me to the bracket my AIM is surfer_otaku.

    I don't want to add you if you don't actually go on AIM. We've had enough problems in the past with ghost players who disappear after signing up.

    Anyways, you've been added, and you can play halfmatches immediately. You will be added to the active schedule on Monday morning.


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