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Everything posted by kamoh

  1. I'm sorry if I feel like I've got really high standards, but these ones aren't quite what I'm looking for yet. Something fairly clean, yanno, something with some class maybe. Who knows Anyways, I'm not pressuring anyone into doing this real well or anything - I just want to choose the right logo idea.
  2. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=92001 For a flavor of the old. One idea I had was to have a stylized or silhouetted lineup of a pawn, rook, knight, bishop, queen, and king; each one a little taller than the one before...also the king wouldn't have a cross on his head - he'd have a pretzel. This logo idea would not incorporate a chessboard (and I'd honestly like to stay away from that since it's kinda tacky - maybe just four panels. Edit: I like the first one (sorry Chris - meh is the word but now you know better what things look like). Edit2: Also, maybe, the OCR logo with the controller and the headphones or a variation of it?
  3. I'm looking to have a permanent OCRCL logo that has a fairly classy look about it. Something like the NFL or FIFA or something, something that I can use over and over again. Anyone with photoshopping skills willing to generate a logo - send me an IM or PM. I'd like a logo with some of the old OCR colors (shades of purple) but I'd go with anything, and a chess theme is probably necessary. Thanks to you guys in advance if you decide to undertake my...er...challenge.
  4. Hey guys, check the above, see if it's correct... If I made any mistakes please tell me.
  5. i need a bowl of chocolate syrup everyone.
  6. win as white, lose as black vs. Keegan in a halfmatch.
  7. Two changes real quick ONE - "thirdmatches," "bonusmatches," whatever...now are "halfmatches" and are half the credit, half the points, etc etc etc. Seems reasonable to me. TWO - Scoring streamlined. 4 pts/win, 2 pts/draw, 0 pts/loss. 2 pts/½win, 1 pts/½draw, 0 pts/½loss. Tiebreakers: Games played, Wins, Draws, Strength of Results, Strength of Schedule. EDIT: I'm not wanting to change exact dynamics, but I may end up affecting HOW things are scored. The scoring system is basically done IMO, just a matter of finding the right dynamic that I want to continue with. Edit2: Oh screw it.
  8. new matchup things Notice above that new matchups have appeared, as well as previous results being shaded and unplayed matches being dropped completely. Loning had a match vs. eppy that was never played - notice that it's returned for week 2. Anyways, any questions, just ask. My girlfriend is taking up a lot of my time so I won't be around nearly as much, but I have enough time to run the damn thing.
  9. How it's done: 1st plays 2nd and 3rd. 2nd plays 1st and 4th. 3rd plays 1st and 5th. 4th plays 2nd and 6th. 5th plays 3rd and 7th. etc etc. As long as rematches are avoided, I'm going to try and keep it this way.
  10. Hey guys, I'm going to be gone until Sunday afternoon/evening, so nothing will be updated from tonight until then. Please post all results in the thread Reports WILL be honored but I need a surrogate administrator - to PM reported players. Anyone interested?
  11. I play tenor sax in my college marching band - I really don't associate with band that much besides the fact that all of my best friends are from band, my new girlfriend is from band, and blah blah blah. I've played trombone and baritone horns, and I'm learning audio editing - maybe someday soon I'll actually start remixing.
  12. change I don't like the riskmatch. You shouldn't get penalized for playing. Riskmatch has the same scoring structure as any other match - and is now called an "extramatch."
  13. Blah. With the removal of riskmatches - replaced with an "optional" third match - here is what standings would look like: I'm seriously considering simplifying things like this - I'm really indecisive I'm sorry. EDIT: I decided on this before I lost two games to Rainman :'(
  14. I finally made the scores in a chess-worthy form with an excel-worthy formula. Huzzah!
  15. So, in other words, you can't play the same person twice in four weeks, in either a standard match or a risk-match. But you can play one of each against someone else, if it's not in the same week. That's what he said, in layman's terms. We appreciate the technical wording, though. Actually. You can't play anyone more than twice in any four weeks - one standardmatch, one riskmatch - and you can't play anyone more than once in the same week. In layman's terms.
  16. I beat Spam 2-0 in one quick game as white and a hotly contested battle as black. --- I've updated the standings with a new INTERESTING points system - this is not official at all, but it is interesting and will keep players from losing points they can't get back in riskmatches. 7 for wins, 4 for draws, 1 for losses, and -2 for risklosses. You cannot lose points if you lose six games in a week with this system. Any and all feedback is welcome and appreciated. --- Also, one policy change, which isn't relevant until next week. The four-week rule now entails the following: -You MAY NOT play two standardmatches against the same opponent in any four-week span. -You MAY NOT play two riskmatches against the same opponent in any four-week span. -You MAY NOT play more than one standardmatch OR one riskmatch against the same opponent in any one week. -You MAY NOT play more than one standardmatch AND one riskmatch against the same opponent in any four-week span. If this is hard to understand, ask me and I'll try to clarify.
  17. week 1 schedules Remember, there's no end to the tournament, so if you stink it up this time, there's always next week. But the objective is to do the best you can over a 4-week span, so keep that in mind.
  18. Floriduh get an AIM account.
  19. This is a sad thread.
  20. Report him
  21. Alright, so I played JD a risk match, and I won. We only played one game. Please to be explainink exactly what we doink now? He was under the impression that we only play one game, though it is clear from your table that we were supposed to play two. Also, since JD wanted to play me, does that make this game my risk match also? In review, Rainman DX vs. Johnderrilll, 1-0. Play two games, once as white, once as black. From now on every "match" is two games, once as white, once as black. It's still logged though, and if you don't finish up - your loss
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