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Everything posted by kamoh

  1. /beats Larry with an awexome cross 98.
  2. Um. Hey Larry, why don't you just do one uber-show that's like a whole day long instead of four extra ones? That way there will only be one file for me to download.
  3. Don't you want my bah donk ah donk donk Wouldn't you like my bah dump ah dump BUMP
  4. /thinks about arranging Fowl Jive for pep band trombone section.
  5. I just need #25. ;/ Larry Oji = Atlantic Hamburger God
  6. Thanks, but I'm on 56k I have a #25 file that's 5/6ths done off of Larry's webspace.
  7. Woo! Larry, can you tell us what your plan is for the downloadable shows? I still haven't spent the time to get 29.99 done (doing that while I sleep tonight), so 30 is next. Meh. I'm always behind. I also still need 25 if you have it.
  8. I didn't mispell it, did I?
  9. Have any of you noticed that the biggest pop stars right now all debuted in 1998 or 1999?
  10. Yes, it's 9. That's 7 pm PST. I'm SOOO glad that I have to go to a college football game at that time /sarcasm abound. Larry, let's see if, in your first broadcast, you can beat the referees that the NCAA sends to Stanford on Saturday...I'd say the average is FOUR HOUR GAMES. Please, all of you, boycott NCAA football. And the NFL too, make them get rid of that stupid 5 yards backfield no touching rule.
  11. This one is a tier 4 in VGMix, WAAAAY too low for the proficiency it has. Sure, the samples are less than stellar, and the rock section is haphazardly performed. That said, this is an awesome mix of THE OVERWORLD THEME fom FF8. It's really good, go check it out, and criticize VGMix for placing him so low. This is a tier 2 mix, IMO. I was the only one to vote S|r Nuts 2nd place in this comp. However, it was a tough decision. Hopefully Nuts is gonna send this in, cause it's got everything it needs to be a good OCR. Driving, constant tempo in a dancehouse theme makes this piece. Oddly enough, that's also the reason why I didn't vote for it for first place. Regardless, S|r Nuts has more technique than most, if not all amateur mixers out there, with his now trademark "fade-out-fade-in" magic! This is like...SCORE. What a team! Really liking the instrumentation to start, and the fact there are really two movements to the piece adds serious depth. The first part is epic orchestral, beautifully done. The second basically copies the style of Metal Gear Solid music to enter, then jumps into techno/trance style. I really like it, VGMix really likes it, Larry of the Oji really likes it, so expect this to be OCR soon. BTW Larry, I noticed the Danny Elfman in there on my first few listens as well. /thumbs up. In my mind, there's very little that can match Stemage's Metroid Metal remix of Brinstar, but this one comes DAMN close. Nice intro of Maridia from Metroid 3, confuzzled me a bit but then I understood...just a setup. There's not much here I wouldn't expect from a cover band concert, and it sounds like that's what they were doing. Only with better samples could this be "tehawexomeness" in my book, because the composition and musical prowess is second to none in the community. --- I'll be leaving tomorrow...taking an escapade to Edmonton. Should be fun, seeing as I'm meeting a beautiful woman at the airport and won't be out of her company until I leave to come back home on Tuesday. Night. Late. In the meantime, mull over my rating system at the PRC22 board, and write your flames! PM them to me! I want to check my OCR account while I'm there and see that I've been getting attention! Larry. You rock. Can't wait till the show returns (god it's so far away! it sucks!) Peace.
  12. had to reply quick. Going fun! WOO!
  13. Can't wait to get home and have a listen. Maybe when my bosses leave I'll have a listen anyways...
  14. I take partial credit for this remix's OCR post. Not really, Blak_Omen gets all the credit for it. He did a GREAT job on a truly legendary PRC (mostly dictated by mediocrity, where yours shined through). And I just have to say, THANK GOODNESS. Thank you Blak_Omen. (wondering who's next. Trenthian's Sami mix? hehe)
  15. Larry Oji can ALMOST rearrange the letters in his name to say "I am godly." ...ALMOST... Mad propz.
  16. I want a link to the Anti-Tarantino song. I loved that. From VGF#28
  17. You know, the idea is good, the composition is VERY good I think, and so is the recording quality, but the performance falters tremendously...unfortunately I know first hand how hard it is to get an orchestra to be in tune (at least at the high school level). Other people are saying that the out-of-tuneness has something to do with helping the piece...I'm inclined to disagree, but still the merits outweigh the downsides. A little long for a metroid non-medley remix...I still give it my vote for an OCR...but just barely. Again, excellent compsition and solid recording.
  18. Hopefully not too deeply...that would be gross.
  19. Larry, I'm gonna have to get that #25 sometime over the summer...or fall...or whenever, I won't erase it this time. Can't wait to get #27 done, that was classy...classy in a "WTF?" sort of way... Cheers!
  20. Thank you Larry! Check the chat logs for #26...you'll find me saying somewhere to put #25 back up. Once. Thanks again, here is your reward!
  21. I missed it. I was cleaning my room. Larry: I have #21, #24, 31% of #25, and #26. I really really want the rest of #25. I downloaded to 92% the week you hosted it and then you removed it. A week later I canceled the download. A day later you put it back up. Looking forward to #27 and #28!
  22. Thanks Lar, you're the best. BTW is there or isn't there show #28 tonight? -Kamoh
  23. Larry... Can you please put up #21 again? and then put up #27 when I'm done? There's no use having empty space on your webspace! *sad*
  24. I turned off my media player at 12:30 or so... He said he stopped recording an hour before, and the rest was just old stuff (old prank calls, more remixes, no Larry-speak). Think it was either on par with or longer than last week.
  25. I just finished on 56k... it only took a day, really, but it was like a day straight dedicated to it minus about 30 MB of pr0n.
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