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Everything posted by kamoh

  1. REPORT ME! Sorry everyone, just a few things: 1) I'll be online tonight OR Sunday night to play my match with JD. 2) I'll be online tonight updating results. 3) Yahoo! is dead to me now. Let's move.
  2. Finally I have enough cash to buy it today - although I don't have a whole lot of time for this game...well I'll probably end up making time. Girlfriend, Chess, Midterms, Term Papers, etc...
  3. Dama, you're not following the rules, or you are and it's just deceptive: Two scheduled regular matches per week. Just ONE halfmatch per week. No more than one.
  4. Hoo boy...this is gonna look messy... STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS.
  5. Next month or next WEEK?
  6. I spy a
  7. Hey guys, I've been using a bad transparency tool for a while now. Can anyone point me in the direction of making good transparencies? (do .png's have transparency? For some reason my computer won't save .png's in MS Paint)
  8. The addition of player colors is here. Each player may choose two banner colors to represent them. Some of you already have...some I've just guessed up to this point. IM me to fix/change/request your colors.
  9. Okay, no no no, bad, bad Kamoh! Please understand that you just ennumerated 4 awards for the same stat - wins. Which means on any given week, one person wins the first three (*coughchokeJDcoughgag) and then on special weeks, one person wins all four. This is dumb. Award #1: Most wins for the week (with an added bonus if that player went 100% that week, and played all scheduled games). Award #2: Most improved player has the highest differential of wins this week minus wins last week, divided by total games played. Award #3: Dark Horse winner is the lowest ranked player that week to have at least 1 win against a player in the top 5 (3?) (2?) of that week. Award #4: The anti-award is given to the person with the lowest differential (presumably large negative number) using the same stat as Award #2, or Biggest Fall Award. There. Now that I went to all that trouble, Kamoh won't use 'em. Oh, uh, the All-Star idea seems pretty shiny to me, though. Basically what I want to do here is have the three players with the most awards be in that playoff week I was talking about. Each award is the same value - for now. Top Score: -Best Score in One Week -Best Score in Four Weeks 100%: -6 wins/1 week -12 wins/2 weeks -18 wins/3 weeks -24 wins/4 weeks Most Improved: -White Knight: Greatest Positional Gain in one week. -Black Knight: Highest (points earned)*(their score - your score). Other Ideas: -King's Toilet: Outstanding exploitation of the rules. -Swiss Trap: 6 draws/1 week. comments? we still have time.
  10. I think the team battle's a really cool idea. Yeah...also there might be a "playoff weekend" where the top 3 awardwinners get one designated playoff week and only play against eachother. Then there'd be even more fun awards and stuff.
  11. So there's a few things I want to ask from you guys - one is a brainstorm, one is a project, and one is a cool idea that'd be fun to do: 1) Weekly and Monthly Awards I will be retroactively posting awards for each week, sometime before Week 4 ends. The ones I have for 1-week AND 4-week intervals: Best Total Score Best Wins minus Losses Most Wins 100% score for a week/month Any other ideas are always welcome. 2) Badges for Awards Badges for the above awards would be nice to see. 3) OCRCL All-Star Week Two captains would draft players, and we'd have one week where two teams would battle it out. The team with the highest score wins (every player would play two matches and the captains would assign players to certain matchups blindly). We could also have this be an award.
  12. Yeah...you all know I'm a draw-fiend...I just don't know why that is.
  13. $3 How? lol. $38.
  14. HOW SO?!?
  15. Bump you guys Sorry I haven't been totally pro-active about my games, but you guys should be pressing along with yours. I'm just afraid we won't get a lot of games played this week. Halfmatch 1-1-0 vs. Snerrak
  16. hahahaa it's the Peg. damathacus is in winnipeg. Here's hoping you get only two months of under -40 weather.
  17. Indeed.
  18. I'm retooling my excel spreadsheet a little bit, but once I've got everything finished it should look pretty nice.
  19. I vote nay. Let's not have a grammatically incorrect banner just because that's how you've been saying it for awhile. I know lots of people that have been writing for awhile without the use of commas, but that's not a tradition I want to support. I'm with Dama on this. The official abbreviation is definitely "OCRCL", which stands for "OverClocked ReMix Chess League." Not OverClocked Chess League. EDIT: Aaugghhhh! I have to play JD and Keegan! Happy Halloween to me! The official anything is nothing blah blah blah. you guys are right about this one, but I like having the two-word writing of it still. I figure eventually I will end up just agreeing with you and that will be that, so don't listen to me at all... I'd love to have that logo transparencied to 25% gray as the transparency color if that's possible (hard cause the logo is a lot of gray)
  20. Wow...that's fantastic - I was kinda hoping for a purpley-thing but this is just great. I do have a couple requests though, but shouldn't be too hard... 1) Longer, banner sized? 600-800 pixels wide would be best, and just continue the end of the logo with the squares. Nothing has to be added (unless you want to stick player avatars on there hint hint nudge nudge I can do that though). 2) The OCRCL should be a little bolder and less washed out. 3) The words should be "OVERCLOCKED CHESSLEAGUE" since that's the way I've been saying it for a while. ---This is enough for me to put it in my sig
  21. happy halloweek! This week's scheduling was done fairly convoluted. I originally had the top 5 playing eachother isolated from the rest, but that didn't work out so well. Basically it's similar to the last time with some exceptions due to rematches... I will have to schedule myself against JD next week for sure.
  22. Okay, so I see what the issue was here. Last week, ks_sox_fan and I had a second game that didn't get played. I proposed to him that we count it as a draw, and he agreed, so the draw we got was, in actuality, an unplayed match designed to decieve the league director (of course, that's me too, so really decieving all of you guys). This crap is okay, I just want an agreeable result posted. You guys have until 11:59 pm PST (woo standard time now) to figure this out. Otherwise...1-1 is the result (better than 0-0 after all - unless someone says they are dismayed).
  23. Wait a minute, I didn't even play you Figure it out plz. PMs are welcomes If you have issue tell me.
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