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Everything posted by kamoh

  1. Tee hee.
  2. What, on a 19 move game??? Get your Techster marimba-playing ass online so JD and Keegan can fight over you.
  3. Now that's a bummer. I was definitely hoping to see a new rivalry develop between you and Keegan, but I guess we'll just have to see how it turns out. (edit: not to say it hasn't already - 2-0-2 against eachother?) I think that Setz and I are now evenly matched and can't take points from eachother anymore
  4. Here's making a rule for ya: not playing I'll keep you as either a "bye" or an "open" until you mention that you would like matches or like to be removed from the schedule. You must clearly tell me you want to be taken off the schedule to be removed. You will never be removed from the standings if you play, but I can make you anonymous.
  5. good point there, clef, and something that should be noted. everyone! Make sure that your opponent knows that you are playing FOR OCRCL credit. We've had a lot of these "friendlies" in the past and often times you might get a result out of another player just to be wallopped with the claim "oh, I didn't know this was for the tourney." The easiest way you can do this is to say "for OCRCL?" or "for the tournament?" or "Week 1 Game 1 glhf" or something like that so that your opponent knows that you intend for this one to count. NOTE: Records have been consolidated into a 4-column form, to reflect: Wins - Draws/Gains - Losses/Pushes - Busts Gains, Pushes, and Busts are what I'm terming the riskmatch Win, Draw, and Loss, respectively.
  6. You'll noticed that I changed something I usually change: The scoring. The effect of every match is the same, though. All I did was integrate the first tiebreaker (games played) into the score. STANDARD MATCHES +51 points/win +26 points/draw +01 pointss/loss RISKMATCHES +26 points/gain +01 points/push -24 points/bust REPORTS +25 points/default -25 points/forfiet I know it's kinda weirdly done, but it works out right. I'm still trying to find a way to incorporate the second tiebreaker in there as well (most wins), but it's harder to make it simple. If you're bored, look into it for me, and see if there's a way that I can assure that my tiebreaker system can work in the easiest most direct way possible (or something).
  7. In other words, if you only play a risk match on a given week and lose it? Or is this some sort of penalty for sucking? Just curious. In other words, only play a riskmatch if you've got at least one point in regular matches that week. I might change this, but I doubt it - I want to make sure that every week shows a non-negative score on it. You're already getting penalized for two weeks away.. More below... I think so too NOTE: I ONLY give out points for games that I schedule, and I will give out 1 point for each. I don't give out points for ANY games that are unplayed. For riskmatches, I don't give out points - you trade them. For reports, I don't give out points - you trade them. oh and one more thing This won't happen in the regular weeks, but I'm going to rotate those matches so that whoever Fire and Nemo are playing are instead playing eachother.
  8. Apologies for the double post. Nemitor_Atimen will be given a BYE. Fire will be given a BYE as well - I assume he's actually busy enough that I'll keep him out of the schedule. After bye weeks, the next week is "OPEN," which is for players who are "in" the tournament, but not scheduled for that week. If you've been suspended, that "OPEN" will say "SUSPENDED" instead.
  9. byes If you forsee yourself needing to take a week off, you may alert me that you will be taking a bye week. The rules on this: 1) You may only use one bye week every four weeks. 2) Each week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, so please alert me by the Sunday before your bye week that you would like to have the bye week. 3) A BYE WEEK will delay your previous results one more week, allowing you to collect more medals if possible. 4) You must alert me that you have returned for ANY off week, including a bye week. Otherwise, I will continue to leave you out of the schedule (which is better than losing reports). suspensions 1)If, for ANY reason, you recieve less than zero points for a week, YOU WILL BE SUSPENDED for the next week. This can be done by losing reports and losing riskmatches. 2)Your negative score for that week will be adjusted to 0 points. 3) You must alert me that you have returned for ANY off week, including a suspension. Otherwise, I will continue to leave you out of the schedule. reporting 1) If your opponent is unresponsive or unwilling to play a scheduled match, you may put them "On Report" by PM'ing or IM'ing me. 2) All reports are a ½-point-swing per game - if you win a report, you take ½ point from your opponent. 3) Reports must be made BEFORE the Saturday of the week in which that match was scheduled. Otherwise, they are invalid. 4) Reports are subjective - if the reported player is visible to me and I am talking to them, I will waive the report entirely. 5) Counter-reporting is allowed, and will very often nullify both reports. 6) If you lose a report and finish the week with a negative score, you will be suspended the next week (see above).
  10. Have you thought about having only a finite number of points, based on the number of players entered? I.e., a new player joins, and starts with a default of 50 points. That way, the only way to gain or lose points is to exchange with other players, and the amount one player loses should be equal to the amount that the other player gains. So if a player doesn't play for a couple of weeks, his points are unaffected. Sounds like an ELO rating. I've considered it in the past, after reviewing the IRB system and others. I even have a spreadsheet sitting around based on June's results to reflect this consideration. However, I decided that trying to develop such a ranking system was just too difficult a challenge for myself personally. I would want to control the levels from the ground up, and to do a game-by-game analysis of your rankings could end up disastrously complex and even incorrect. Furthermore, it'd put the focus of the tournament on me instead of on the game. While that consideration hasn't totally been followed, I catch myself making things too flashy and too league-centric. This new episode is no different, but I'm hoping that this will be the be-all, end-all, and players will get used to the little additional quirks that have been and are being implimented at this time. Plus I like to impress you guys.
  11. informations These matchups do not matter. This is a trial week and we have the other tournament to finish up. However, I would like you guys to play some matches that you see scheduled. Also, you may play one "riskmatch" (see page 1 of the thread) as will be permitted in normal play. I will allow for bye weeks, but the whole dynamic hasn't quite been sorted out yet. This will be crucial to keep good players from losing a lot of points needlessly simply because they are gone for a while. There will also be a refined reporting system, done on a week-by-week basis because I intend to reward players at the end of each week (highest score, most improved, etc). There will be a four-week rotation constant. If you have the most points over the last four weeks (calculated every week), you will get something...a star probably. You will be looking to get as many of those stars as possible, likely in a 12-week span.
  12. EDIT: THREE portions of the standings table.
  13. This is neither ____ nor ____ by the ____ of the OCRCL.
  14. Bump. I've been working on my excel spreadsheet to try and develop a very visually-appealing setup. I'm having a little difficulty but it's looking very nice - trust me...I think you guys will be even more impressed than before.
  15. Oh sorry...I edited it and forgot it. WEEK Zero = Preseason It won't count but it'll be a nice test for me to show you what I want this to develop into. Also, I think I can do that little request for you. Although the posts you describe are mostly at the front of the thread, so it shouldn't be that huge of a problem (and the whole AIM thing), from now on I'll strive to get that right.
  16. January 13th, 2007 While I wouldn't consider the current setup for the league to be a 'failure,' there are issues that are undebatable that allow the most active good players to simply dominate. I see the 10 weeks of the 'league project' as a great step in the right direction, but older ideas probably would better suit this league. Since OCR members for the most part simply come and go with little commitment, it's difficult to get behind a long-term championship, which is unfortunately the thing I'd like to see the most. Around August I floated the idea of team play, in order to bring in some more players and allow lower-ranked players to still compete. This was replaced by the two- or three-division tournament plan, which lasted all of six weeks, to finally be replaced by the league project. The thought of having chess teams has been in my mind for a while, and all of you have been fairly responsive to the tri-series idea that I'm promoting, which I intend to be the "test run" for team play. Ultimately, this morning, I decided that the best idea might be just to let loose and create a team, encouraging others to start their own. I won't start team play unless I am able to get commitments from four teams, and I would likely employ a six-week schedule with a one-week championship, with this schedule rotating constantly. Rules would have to be made on player transfers, drafting, etc., and addressing these is the main concern. Scheduling and strategies for captains are basically already decided, as all players will be assigned to a team, and each team will have to play every player at least once and no more than twice in a schedule (with no more than one "healthy scratch"). All these rules on scoring, scheduling, that's easy, already been decided. The issue is getting the people. We currently have 24 people on the OCRCL schedule. 6 of those are not on the active schedule. Another 4 are currently no-shows. With not even 16 committed players, how can we get the necessary players for a compelling and competitive league? There will always need to be at least 3 players playing for a team in a week, hopefully I can increase that number to 4 if this idea takes off. Expansion is a hopeful pipe dream, and I'd love to see a semi-permanent six-team league with two-week playoffs, rotating every calendar season. Anyways, I've got a lot of ideas on this one. If you'd like to be a captain, please IM ME.
  17. OVERCLOCKED REMIX CHESS LEAGUE Servers: Yahoo! Chess Advanced Lounge 7 - PlayChess - FICS Community: irc.enterthegame.com, #ocrcl - 'OCRCL' chat room on AIM JOIN THE OCRCL! Post your intent to join in the thread, and list your active AIM screen name. The OCRCL is currently going through a number of changes. We are going to play a team league for the next two months. There will be four teams, and over six weeks each team will play every other team twice. In week 7, the top two point-scoring teams will face of in a final match. MATCH RULES: 10 minute initial/10 second incriment (10 minutes per move ON, Protected Rooms). Play as the color your team is assigned for the week. Undo turn is not allowed. Teammates may not sit at the table. Base scoring: 3 points/win, 2 points/draw, 1 point/loss. DRAFT Many players have already been drafted into teams. YOU MAY JOIN AT ANYTIME, so advertise yourself and join the OCRCL!
  18. With a very critical eye, because I love the track and composition: Samples (comparatively to goat) suck - everything sounds very synthetic, which means it's better than about 96% of the things that get entered to OCR. The percussion set sounds like it was overused and overemphasized, as well. I agree with all of you, plus the fact that this sounds completely not live and really would benefit from adding some things - a concert audience background, more dynamic contrast, etc. Aside from that, I don't believe that I've heard very many remixes of this particular track and it's something fresh for me as a Castlevaniator from way back (not really).
  19. The ending is an english horn + oboe..man they must be bad samples Heheh...well double-reeded instruments are meant to emulate strings in a concert band. I always thought that an english horn sounded weird.
  20. Add an echo effect to the brass hit/brass line. If there was a more tapering, sforzando accent on every brass hit (plus an echo/reverb effect) things would sound a lot better on each individual phrase. It's just a little loud the way that it is now in just that single instrumentation. The section between each Norfair phrase a the end should lose a dynamic level and be backgrounded more effectively, like the brass hits. Ending: Don't cut off so abruptly ("you don't end a note with your tongue!!!" says my band director), don't let that violin in the foreground so much, and find a different violin sample if you can because it sounds very synthetic. I hope this and my previous comments helped - this is a very good track with a great niche quality
  21. Bring out the snare (on the treble - sounds like a war tap and it needs to come out). Muffle and echo the xylophone - the sample isn't the best IMO. In fact, bring out all the drum percussion a little bit and just be aware of the mallet percussion's dynamic levels and importance (should be fairly low). Develops into Norfair incredibly late - this is odd for most OCR musics because they tend to get to their points immediately. There's a lot of repetition of the big hits part throughout the first 4 minutes and much of it could be omitted in the name of developing the composition in a timely manner...remember you have a 6MB space limit, so unless you have a lot to say here musically (which I don't think that you do), you should keep the length down. When you incorporate the source material, it is too heavily ripped note-for-note from the originals, IMO. This can be passed because that's how the song is, but I've always thought that the most interesting interpretations tended to change notes or rhythms very subtly to justify a remix. Good stuff, next to no production issues. Bring out the strings counter-melody in the Sephiroth portion near the end and make sure that we can hear what original composition you've got involved here.
  22. Production level = A+...sounds totally live. Listening through, I can't find any production or composition errors whatsoever. I am worried, however, that it might not be an original enough composition (but I doubt that highly). When the low bass notes (i.e. James Bond bassline) come in, you may consider different note choice (the 2nd and 4th of each phrase do not sound in place and are forced to resolve at 3rd and 5th). The dissonance of the countermelody starting at 3:50 or so is fantastic. --- Honestly, I have no constructive criticism that I think should keep you from submitting this. While it might not get OCR'ed because of what it is (a piano mix), it's a fantastic example of the genre. Great work. Submit.
  23. No I didn't - hard to judge I know sorry... *listens* Far more musical... Right now I've got no problems with the musical arrangement - and I like the vocals now (from a musical standpoint). But I'm having a hard time finding the source...I don't remember Besaid being quite this way (same thematic level though)... Maybe I'm just confused.
  24. Well 1st trumpet CAN be fudged - either let the player stay low or change the arrangement a bit. But yeah, this is a really good composition that would benefit greatly from live treatment.
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