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Everything posted by kamoh

  1. WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!?! :D :D
  2. Round 1 (15) damathacus (damathacus) 2 - 0 (18) Fionn (tehchoirboy) (16) Grayfox9996 (grayfox9996) VS. (17) Fire (cnidog) Round 2 (1) Rage of the JD (johnderrilll) VS. (16) (2) kamoh (metzgerism) VS. (15) damathacus (damathacus) (3) Keegan The Fox (glitchykeegan) VS. (14) Nemitor_Atimen (linuxwillwin) (4) Eppy (darkstar316741) VS. (13) Setz (setzermason) (5) Arek The Absolute (thesampsons18) VS. (12) uranus_4444 (atulkaranth) (6) Rainman DX (rainmandx2) VS. (11) Bahamut (ilovepsi) (7) ~Jessica~ (jessica290590) VS. (10) Falchion39 (eatinramennaruto) (Nineko (nineko84) VS. (9) Loning (xloning) Round 3 15 v 17 16 VS. (18) Fionn (tehchoirboy) Round 4 1 v 8 2 v 7 3 v 6 4 v 5 9 v 16 10 v 15 11 v 14 12 v 13 Round 5 5 v 11 6 v 12 7 v 9 8 v 10 Round 6 1 v 4 2 v 3 5 v 8 6 v 7 Round 7 3 v 5 4 v 6 Round 8 1 v 2 3 v 4 Round 9 2 v 3 Round 10 1 vs. 2 3-game match - #1 wins if match ends tied.
  3. The overwhelming complication that I'm dealing with right now is this: 1) The double-elimination bracket is quick to make but difficult to make look clean - a little aggravating. 2) The double-elimination schedule the way it is shown at The Holiday Tournament Thread is, was, will be, and always has been the cleanest way to do a DE tournament. My 19-year-old self was a fucking genius. 3) The OCRCL system as it currently stands is just so damn nice.
  4. Use http://games.yahoo.com , http://www.playchess.com , or http://www.freechess.org . RULES: 2-game matches. Tiebreakers used if match ends tied. Alternate colors, with the high seed as white in odd-numbered games. Regular games use 12/12 clocks. Tiebreakers use 6/6 clocks. Undo Turn may only be used to fix slips of the finger. Previous rules for disconnects and abandoned matches will be employed. Using computer assistance will result in permanent ejection from the OCRCL. To report an unavailable or reluctant player, send a PM to me (kamoh) and explain the situation clearly and carefully. A report lasting 2 days or more will result in a 2-0 victory for the reporting player. You may play provisional matches to decide possible future matchups. DOUBLE-ELIMINATION SCHEDULE Reading the schedule: All matches are listed as if the higher seed advances. If an upset occurs, the two players switch seedings. A player's next match is the next game listed in which their seed appears. Matches in green are "winner's bracket" matches. Winners continue with green matches, losers drop to playing red matches. Matches in red are "loser's bracket" matches. Winners continue with red matches, losers are eliminated and given placement. The Tournament Champion is the player who has completed the most rounds of the bracket. Tiebreaker is current seeding. Round 1 1 v 32 2 v 31 3 v 30 4 v 29 5 v 28 6 v 27 7 v 26 8 v 25 9 v 24 10 v 23 11 v 22 12 v 21 13 v 20 14 v 19 15 v 18 16 v 17 Round 2 1 v 16 2 v 15 3 v 14 4 v 13 5 v 12 6 v 11 7 v 10 8 v 9 17 v 32 18 v 31 19 v 30 20 v 29 21 v 28 22 v 27 23 v 26 24 v 25 Round 3 9 v 23 10 v 24 11 v 21 12 v 22 13 v 19 14 v 20 15 v 17 16 v 18 Round 4 1 v 8 2 v 7 3 v 6 4 v 5 9 v 16 10 v 15 11 v 14 12 v 13 Round 5 5 v 11 6 v 12 7 v 9 8 v 10 Round 6 1 v 4 2 v 3 5 v 8 6 v 7 Round 7 3 v 5 4 v 6 Round 8 1 v 2 3 v 4 Round 9 2 v 3 Round 10 1 vs. 2 3-game match - #1 wins if match ends tied.
  5. Rather expansive it be necessarily.Just for everyone, that bracket means quite a few games, but it's nothing different from the DE's we've done in the past - plus, I have no deadlines except for the final one. Reporting will be critical, unfortunately, but there exists a good combination between good play and active participation. Plus, there's gonna be a lot of byes in that first round... I'll create a basic schedule shortly - again, if you're used to the old double-eliminations we used to do, you'll understand this pretty quickly. The grand final (if we ever get to it) will be a 3-game match, with the undefeated player needing only 1.5 points to win, the X-1 player needing 2.0 points.
  6. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=2739572#2739572 Join that everyone who hasn't (we have 19 already).
  7. Everyone - I'm bringing back colors. If you would like to change your colors, you may do so. pick one, two or three colors to represent yourself.
  8. I'm going to get pwned by my girlfriend's very Polish 76-year old Grandpa on Christmas Eve. Match report will be posted, trust me.
  9. TODAY is a wonderful day...I beat Margo...AS BLACK! Game 2 later. Amazingly, I'm leading a group - after games have been played - with 0 point losses - and JD's in the group.
  10. OVERCLOCKED REMIX CHESS LEAGUE Holiday Tournament 2006 Monday, December 18th to Sunday, December 31st SEEDINGS (seed) OCR ID (aim sn) (1) Rage of the JD (johnderrilll) (2) kamoh (metzgerism) (3) Keegan The Fox (glitchykeegan) (4) Eppy (darkstar316741) (5) Arek The Absolute (thesampsons18) (6) Rainman DX (rainmandx2) (7) ~Jessica~ (jessica290590) (Nineko (nineko84) (9) Loning (xloning) (10) Falchion39 (eatinramennaruto) (11) Bahamut (ilovepsi) (12) uranus_4444 (atulkaranth) (13) Setz (setzermason) (14) Nemitor_Atimen (linuxwillwin) (15) damathacus (damathacus) (16) Grayfox9996 (grayfox9996) (17) Fire (cnidog) (18) Fionn (tehchoirboy)
  11. It's true! I've got my senior paper/presentation due on Friday, and four choir concerts this week, so that's where all my time is going. After Friday, I should be golden until January at least. EDIT: However, none of you are on atm. It's cause she's in Sydney that everyone isn't online to her...difficulterness.
  12. That is truly an accomplishment...not just one but TWO draws. Good jeorb.
  13. god complex. at least it's not a 134340 complex like Uranus.
  14. The reign of terror lasted all of six days.Much like God.
  15. Foolishly I decided that the wild-card would be second-highest number of awards.Clef got 2 awards last week, vaulting himself to the final with very little doing - I'd like to say his cunning ability found a loophole in the system and he exploited it, and will win the tournament with significantly less points than even myself... ...but meh, it's just funny to me.
  16. Hey kids. EDIT: I forgot that draws, in a 3-2-1, two-game match system, still show up as odd values while everything else is even.
  17. I'll field this one, kamoh. As we've been over this before, by "next tourney", I'm sure you mean, NEXT WEEK. However, you can't play next week, since next week is the playoffs. You're welcome to startup with many of the others in January, however. You will hardly be at a disadvantage to the rest of us, as long as you play well from the outset. Actually: 1) You can join for next week - I'll just stick you in the lowest scheduled pool. 2) Next "tourney" or whatever starts January 1st, but we're not going back to the old system (with the recurring tourneys), so...if you're thinking that - no.
  18. These are not ACTUAL placements, but Keegan and Rainman are definitely in the top4.
  19. Everything in red is a change from the previous post on this issue. Week 8: Sunday, Dec 11 - Thursday, Dec 21 (11 days) This IS the PLAYOFFS week that I've been talking about - it's coming a little early because of the holiday so bear with me. Also bear with the fact that I'm definitely going to some crappy bowl game in New Mexico and will have to work fast at the end to tabulate results. There will be no half-matches in this round, and everyone will have three matches (except the lowest pools). The Championship Pool will be the following four players, in this order and seeding: 1 • Highest Award-Scorer. 2 • Highest Point-Scorer over all 7 weeks. (second highest if above). 3 • Highest Point-Scorer over final 4 weeks (second or third highest if above). 4 • Wild Card (a player who may be second place in one of these categories but isn't one of the top three). The Second Pool will be another 4 players deemed appropriate for a 'second-division' championship. The Third Pool and all other successive pools will be 3-4 players. Your final ranking for Fall 2006 will be based on your performance in this week. --- Okay, so some analysis on this one: Keegan has iced another award (weeks 4-7) and therefore the top spot in the playoffs. The rest of the berths are a bit of a grab bag... You'll notice very distinctly that there are four players with a humongous cushion between themselves and me (fifth place) - this doesn't mean jack shit, we go through the motions, and the motions say the following: Currently, Bahamut has the second berth (highest remaining week 1-7 score). To keep this spot he needs to remain in front of JD, a three-point margin. Currently, Rainman has the third berth (highest remaining week 4-7 score). Rainman needs to get at least one draw versus JD or a 2-0 sweep of a halfmatch, plus keep Bahamut at bay if he becomes an issue. Currently, John Derrilll has the wild card berth (most remaining awards). BUT... Clef can steal JD's current spot with a 1/2win over Keegan (two awards, denies JD any chance at another award). Snerrak can win that berth with a 20/6 week. Setz can win that berth with a 20/6 week. There are other scenarios, pick and choose, but it's going to be interesting to see what people end up doing for the rest of the week.
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