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Posts posted by kamoh

  1. i am still trying to perfect my fast pawn promotion strategy. It involves sacrificing the queen in hopes of getting another queen with the pawn already at the other side of the board.

    I would say a sacrifice by the other backrow pieces might be a better strategy. If you can find a way to get a queen for, say, a rook, knight, and bishop, I think that's a viable strategy. Queens are ultimately stronger than the 9 points that most people think they are worth, and two of them could probably replicate most of your back row.

  2. We should send e-mails to every journalist who has written something about this incident in reference to Mortal Kombat, and remind them that using one facet of society as a scapegoat for drunken stupidity is STILL bad journalism, and they should recognize the fact that these fucked up kids are only a year older than MK, probably not even familiar with the game, and that idiot journalists need to check their facts and blame alcohol instead of video games.

  3. i heard not losing does wonders for points

    besides like all major fighting games tournies are best of three in the opening pools

    That's in bracket play, though. This isn't a bracket, it's to encourage people to play games. We don't do brackets-only because a tournament would never get done that way, we have too many flakes and people who SAY they're in and then go MIA for the rest of the tournament.

  4. Hey Arek, I'd feel more comfortable if it was just three straight (not best out of three). I've told most people that I have qualms about a "best-of" system in the first round, especially when points are the determinant factor.

    Um...that's really all I guess.

    EDIT: To those observing, I'm advocating more of a baseball-style approach to series, where three battles are played, and all three count equally. Arek's rule above is that if you win 2-0, it's over, but I will not play a point system again (see SFA3 tourney) where a sweep gets you an extra point, without actually earning the point.

  5. For some reason, my pop-up blocker keeps preventing me from using aol. If anyone wants to contact me about a game, please use send a message to my IM account, or PM if that's easier.

    You shouldn't have to use AIM express. Download AIM 5.9 (the old one, but still not 6.0). It's what I use and it's much much better.

  6. Just message him while he's away.

    I'll get a new standings sheet up soon, folks, I just wanted to update you on what I am feeling about the league now...

    I'm glad to see some new faces really eager to play matches - it's nice to see and maybe it means we'll have a new batch of players involved, and we can get the OCRCL back to where it was about a year and a half ago, when we started up the monthly tournaments again.

    However, I am finding it harder and harder for myself to commit to even a single game, let alone a whole match. Therefore, I would like to propose the following items:

    5/10 clocks

    Three divisions (two games vs. everyone in division, one game vs. everyone outside). Randomly drawn in the old style I used for August 2006. This would make for at least 1/3 less games.

  7. I talked to Eppy for a little while today, and he was able to express some of his issues with Yahoo while we worked to try and figure out his issues. Basically, I'm moving home in a week, I assume that he is moving home in a week, and that means we'll certainly be more available than we are right now.

    However, Eppy brought up a good point while extolling the virtues of 1 minute games: why do we use 10/15?

    Originally, I had looked at that as kind of the ideal - 20 minutes for 40 moves seemed reasonable, and since it was the default I think I put it on a bit of a pedestal.

    But here's the problem - two game matches will run probably somewhere in the range of an hour and a half, and I would really like to cut that down. I'm not in favor of shortening it too much, but to try and limit the average game length to 30 minutes instead of 40-45 is probably not a bad idea.

    There are some options:

    5/15 clocks: 40 moves = 15 minutes

    15/0 clocks: an old standard (not recommended)

    20/0 clocks: would do the trick better than 15/0's in my opinion - down to five minutes = rush time.

    If you have other ideas, let me know - open forum for this discussion.

  8. As with all OCR FG tournaments, we will be using an emulator called Kawaks, a cps1/cps2 and neogeo emulator. It has its own netplay option that does not require lan, so we do not need to worry about using Hamatchi. There is, however, a new twist this time around. EasyP (ILLiterate) and I have been testing out a P2P mod for Kawak's netplay, and it has been working beautifully. It really reduces the lag and makes it so that moves actually come out on time without you having to compensate for the delay. You can download the mod and find the tutorial on how to use it here.

    I've been using this p2p app in one nhl94 league for less than a week, and I'll sum it up here:

    Hamachi was never used for Kawaks, we always went through Kaillera. Hamachi was for SNES9x only.

    This new P2P app is nice in that it gives you the direct connection that you see in SNES9x, but the problem is that there's no IP decoying - those of you behind a tough firewall will probably prefer the "pick a server" route.

    I'm not sure if Hamachi would work properly in conjunction with this thing, but it's worth a shot.

  9. Tournament is looking pretty good from here.

    Someone posted an idea for having a boxing-style challenge cup in my NHL94 league, and I'm considering possibilities both for there and for here...I'll propose something sometime, but we could still have tournaments, etc...I dunno, just an idea to bring back some power to the league.

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