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Posts posted by kamoh

  1. What you might want to consider is monthly memberships, along with a side business. People are also more likely to feel belonging in a place that seems homey and comfortable, so yeah, a couch or something might not be a terrible idea.

    It's completely possible that you could have Xbox, PS3, and Wii stuff going as well, because even though you want to open a real arcade, you've got to understand that console games are the new reality. It's tough, but that's all I'm saying - just want you to think a little.

  2. Viewing from the trailer, I think there may be more emphasis on hand-to-hand combat, and less on projectiles and specials. This would be a welcome change - although I'd still like to see the power bars in all their SFA3 glory (I thought that the special management was an important tool), much more emphasis on strategy as well as tactics would be okay in my book.

    There was so much to learn and do in Virtua Fighter 4, it'd be great to do that with a 2D fighter now...

  3. I'm back for those of you who remember me... regretably after some jail time for something that was entirely not my fault and a complete misunderstanding. In any case I'll have to think hard about whether or not I want to join the tournament this time... I think I did good last time but I've got work from 8:00am-3:00pm (excluding the weekends) and college from 5:30-10:30pm on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Anyways, if there's still room and I think I can spare some free time I may just join again.

    lol ur late jailbird

  4. And the next phase is now OPEN.


    All of us but rau know what's going on here, but I'll clarify.

    For the next two weeks, THIS is the tournament table, and these are all of your opponents. Just like the open phase, all the rules remain the same - with an added tiebreaker because there are so many fewer games.

    This set I expect all the games to actually be played, since there's so few and everyone is so proactive. Notice how it's designed that way.

    Questions come to me at any time goodnight everyone happy chessment.

  5. I've been basically working my ass off and hanging out with my girlfriend non-stop since about Wednesday morning, so I haven't had a whole lot of time to update things or get online, but I do have tomorrow off, so I'll be available for final games and questions and etc for most of the day. I do want to make one statement regarding this whole rau situation:

    1. I don't ban people.

    2. Don't make me ban you!

    3. Open phase deadline is tonight @ 11:59pm EDT.

    you are eye & ee.

  6. Still, the way him and his friend acted was out of line for any decent human being. Rainman can attest to that.

    Edit: In any case, I refuse to play someone like that a second time unless there's massive convincing that he is mature enough for the internet.

    InternetS. And lol at the tag-teaming friend action, I'll take it under consideration.

    Maybe a cheat? Probably not I was just going for 1 point each both games :P

  7. I have a lot of leeway at my own station, and I could certainly pitch the idea of a VG-remix show, but I haven't and will not do so because of the workload and effort involved. Larry did a tremendous job on VGF, and that's always been kinda the benchmark for any regular commentary on OCR. But he had a lot more independence than most people with that kind of power, and the station was limited-service.

    Since my own radio station is broadcast, FCC rules apply, all tracks would have to be prescreened by someone higher on the ladder than myself, and that's just too much hassle for a 4-hour show. Call-ins and chat rooms would be non-existant as well, so it just wouldn't be the same - plus due to Congress we've just cut off our internet broadcast entirely (we're trying to get it working for sports but just last night I had to tell fans that they couldn't listen to my wonderful play-by-play voice until we got that worked out).

    It's tough to do a VG music show and to do it well - know what you're getting into.

  8. Registration is now over - no new players are permitted to join. Tavernero_Rudd, if he can get his act together, is still an available opponent (but has refused to get AIM or update his profile with an AIM screen name), which brings the total to 19 players. Excluding him, you have, potentially, 34 games to play. For those of you who haven't gotten any points, that means that your

    final total COULD be 102 points, but just playing as much as you possibly can would get you into the current top 6 (with an 0-0-34 record, 34 points beats out the next closest 33).

    I've always been one to encourage people to play, but this is always on you. Salaxzar and I both have 22 games played, and it shows. He's totally dominating, and I'm securely in the top 6 with a losing record.

    You all have one week (until the stroke of October in New York City) to finish this phase, so good luck and may the best chesser not necessarily win unless he proves it.

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