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Posts posted by kamoh


    holiday tournament 2007

    DECEMBER 1st - 31st, 2007

    Hey there kids! Santa brings you an early Christmas present in the OCRCL's final stint for 2007. It's been a few months since we did a tournament, but it's very traditional to get something going during this time of year so that we can all have a little bit of chess-like fun.

    TO JOIN: Make a post IN THIS THREAD, containing your AIM screen name, before Monday, December 24th, 2007 (EST).

    TO PLAY: The major rules and standings (with everyone's AIM sn's) will be updated regularly and posted at the end of the thread. Contact an opponent on AIM to set up a match on Yahoo! Chess.

    You should play everyone twice - as white and black - in the first phase. Use 10/15 time controls, and report your result in the thread.

    Scoring is like FIDE, except you get an extra 1/4 point for simply playing a game.

    The deadline for the league phase is Friday, December 31st, 2007 (EST).

    PLAYOFFS: Currently going to be Top 4, but could be changed depending on level of participation. A system is also TBA.

    Okay I think that's it. Go!

  2. I think the only correlation is in the more fair distribution of profit, nothing else.

    But as subjective an issue as writing quality is, it's still a genuine job. To say that they deserve less in a unionized setting just because their jobs are of subjective quality doesn't sound very logical to me.

    Oddly enough, I need to go write. I have 17-22 pages due on Tuesday.

  3. Which is why I don't care about them. People with money going for more money. If they get it, great. If not, fine. The only reason this is even a blip on my radar is that I watch Heroes. But you know what? If Heroes stops showing I'll find some other way to occupy that one hour each week.

    If I'm a writer and I have the option to strike to get more money for my creative work, I'm going to do it. I'm not going to keep lining the pockets of the richer producers and networks without a fight. It's not the same strata as a CEO vs. a Factory Worker, but the class conflict still exists.

  4. I've actually been following the strike pretty diligently in the New York Times and the San Jose Mercury (when there have been articles) because I am a graduating senior in Radio/TV/Film and I am currently taking a screenwriting class (100% of the class is writing an hour of a film screenplay). My two favorite shows, How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang Theory, are being threatened here, and it's bugging me because they're saying that this could be twice as long as the last one (which was 5 months), and that would put it at the end of the agreements for the actors and directors - I don't think that the writers would agree to anything so close to a wider strike vote, so unless this gets solved by February sweeps, we won't have new TV at ALL in 2008 - except for reality shows with horrible direction. Of course, I may see some positives - I could move to L.A. right after the agreements and enjoy fat times :)

    One good thing: American Gladiators will return in 2008.

    One bad thing: I'm not directing it :(

    I don't hold sympathy for the writers, union factory workers, the "suffering" middle class(it's your own fault if you let yourself go into debt) or big movie studios. Go try living out of your car or a tent for a while. Then tell me of the woes of middle class life.

    The thing about screenwriting is that you get pretty pathetic pay if you write for TV (they are serials, and the creator usually gets a lot of the credit), but nowhere near the poverty line if you're working full time. The point is that the writers, as a union, are seeing the profits from online sales going to the producers. It's not really about who's suffering more (it's a higher money industry, after all), but rather who gets the money from the sales of shows and movies on DVD and iTunes and things like that.

  5. Cruise Control says he's bowed out...here's how I percieve the standings:

    Koi (4-2)

    dP (3-3)

    Solo (3-0)

    me (2-7)

    keegz (0-0)

    I set the deadline at Monday night (veterans day should help), but it's cool if we want to finish round robin - Keegan's probably hit a busy spot of time so I'm not worried.

    Solo and I played a shitload of matches of a game I love called "Super Rugby." It's a simplified (but still complex) and fun version of Rugby Union, I played as two of the worst teams and he played as three of the best (gives me a challenge and lets him learn well) and he actually beat me in one game (it was only 6-3 and so I came back to beat him by double-digit margins).

    Koi, we played, and I promise I'll explain the game to you one day.

  6. камрады, здравствулте!!



    В советской России, Тетрисиграют вас!


    lol, I'm surprised I got the reverse-R to work there...anyways, we've had a lot of tournaments in the past, including lots of Chess, some Tetris Attack, Street Fighter, etc etc. But this is the game that really got people INTO gaming, at least a lot of casual fans. I can't imagine anyone hating Tetris (I mean, aside from the severe psychological damage that invariably results), so I'd love to get a serious tournament going, and we'll start it now:


    ZSNES 1.42: http://www.zsnes.com/index.php?page=files

    Hamachi https://secure.logmein.com/products/hamachi/list.asp

    Super Tetris 3.smc: http://www.google.com/

    AOL Instant Messenger: http://www.aim.com/

    An OCR Forums Account.


    To join, post your AIM screen name in this thread by Monday, November 5th @ 11:59 pm (EST). If you play without submitting an AIM SN, your results will be ignored.



    Lasts until Monday, November 12th @ 11:59 pm (EST).

    Play THREE "best-3/5" matches vs. each opponent.

    The Top 4 players advance to the Bracket Phase (this number may be increased).


    The bracket will be posted on the day after the League phase ends, and will be first-to-win-three-matches.


    Log on to Hamachi, join the network "OCR Tetris" with password "ocr" (case sensitive on both). Use the IP they give you to start netplay with an opponent.

    In the Super Tetris 3 rom, open a 2-Player, Classic Tetris game, at Level 0.

    Play THREE "best-3/5" matches with your opponent (that means between 9 and 15 rounds). All three matches will count in the standings, so even if one person wins matches one and two, you must play match three.

    Post the results of all three matches in this thread, in a clear fashion.

    Good luck, Have Fun, and 134340!

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